

What would happen if another Tsugikuni somehow happened to be born? A clan lost in time. Will he follow the path of his ancestor and slay those who lurk in the shadows or reject his humanity to become something else?

0BlackRabbit0 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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41 Chs


Shin, Makomo, and six eyes were standing outside of the house Shin and Makomo had been staying in for the past 2 years.  Makomo and Shin looked at each other, Makomo's face was asking what was going on while Shin just shrugged.

The demon clapped its hands to get the two teens' attention. "Shin, I think you know what time it is." The demon said.

Of course he did. Shin's been training for this moment since he was seven years old and he could properly say it's been a long journey. "I know, I'm ready." Shin replied with a determined look.

The demon then turned to Makomo. "Your part in this was unexpected. If you hadn't jumped between me and Shin in an attempt to protect him back then and he asked me to convert you. I would have denied it. I would have simply killed you. I'm glad that he found someone he could trust and won't end up a loner all his life."

"It takes one to know one.." Shin simply said.

The demon simply hit Shin in the back of his head. "Shut up."  Makamo giggled seeing the two's antics.

Shin grumbled a bit before turning towards Makomo. "You must have already figured it out when he showed up in front of us after final selection, or sometime around the years. We're becoming demons Makomo." 

Makomo's eyes slightly widened hearing this. He was right when assuming she had already figured it out, she'd have to been stupid if she didn't. But it was still shocking to hear.

Still she didn't let this stop her from following Shin, if she had to give up her humanity to follow him she'd do it over and over again. She had said to herself, she belongs to whether she likes it or not. "I'll give it up as long as I am able to stand by you."

Shin slightly smiled hearing what she said, he had already expected that answer from her. 'I guess saving her wasn't such a waste after all.'

"Let's begin." The demon unsheathed his sword. Like always, It released a bone chilling ring to announce its presence, the demon swiftly cut his wrist. Not long after blood began to pour.

"Makomo you go first." Shin said, giving her a small push towards his relative. Makomo nodded her head before walking towards him.

The demon outstretched his arm towards her. Makomo went under the wound and parted her lips. She didn't have to wait long for blood to drop into her mouth, by the time his wound closed almost half her mouth had been filled. She swallowed without hesitation.

Nothing happened. "Did I do i- AHHHHHH!" Makamo fell to the ground and veins started to appear on her head, she began writhing and her limbs started to twist and bend in inhumane ways.

The screaming only got louder, but after a moment her screams quieted down until they stopped completely. She fainted.

Shin walked to her and picked her up, the process looked painful. He shook his head and let out a sigh, he was still determined to go through with it.

He quickly took her inside and came back. The demon hovered his wrist over Shin's mouth and swiftly cut it. Blood immediately began to pour in until the wound closed, but by then his mouth was already full.

'Finally..' He swallowed.

Like before with Makomo nothing happened for the first few seconds and only took effect a minute later. His body began bending in ways a human body shouldn't be capable of and not long after everything went black.

Inside a wood home Shin could be seen laying down on a futon. Next to him a girl and a man with 3 rows of eyes sat there with a sword on his lap.

Shin's eyes opened. He was greeted by the sight of an unfamiliar ceiling above him. His vision felt extremely different from before and something else was also getting his attention...he was seeing color for the first time of his life!

'Why am I so hungry? I feel like I could eat anything..'

"Master, you're awake!" He heard a voice coming from his side. 

'Something to eat?' He didn't take another second to pin the person down, he was starving. It felt as if he's been starved his entire life.

Without a second thought he bit into their shoulder. The sound of flesh being bit into and being torn off resounded throughout the room along with a whimper.

The meat wasn't the best since they were both demons yet he still went in for more, when he was about to take another bite memories began flooding his mind and his insatiable hunger subsided.

Shin moved off of the person and looked down at them, it was a girl.

She had black to blue and pink hair that came down to her shoulders and spiked outwards at the ends, her iresis and sclera  were as black as coal. Her pupils were white and currently was the only thing that could be seen in eyes, her skin was extremely pale and slowly began to turn black at her hands and feet, she also had a horn protruding out of her head.

She wore a red yukata with a pink and white flower dot pattern, over it she had a dark purple sleeveless haori and a pale brown piece of fabric tied around her waist. Resting on the side of her head a white fox mask with blue flowers on it could be seen.

"Is that you by chance Makomo?" Shin asked.

Makomo nodded her head and sat up once Shin moved away, her wound began to close extremely fast to the point that it could be seen with the naked eye. 

For some reason she looked lower into his eyes leaving Shin slightly confused, it felt as if he had eyes high, middle, and low?

Shin didn't have any chance to figure it out as Makomo had suddenly jumped on him and held him tight making him more confused, he awkwardly returned the hug and patted her back which she only giggled to.

"You've been sleeping for five days straight and the first thing you do is attempt to eat a girl, a demon girl at that, here I thought I'd need to grab another body.." A familiar voice entered Shin's ears, since he got his memories back he knew who it was. He looked towards the right of him.

A tall man with pale skin and long spiky black to red hair that was kept in a ponytail was sitting next to where Makomo once was. He had three sets of eyes on his face with red sclera and yellow irises. His middle set of eyes featured the kanji of Upper Rank 1 and red markings resembling flames on his face and neck. 

He wore a purple and black patterned nagagi kimono and black hakama pants tied with a white cloth. He had a weird looking sword sitting on his lap. 

"You must be my teacher slash relative right?" Shin asked.

The man nodded his head. "My name is Kobushibo." 

"Now you tell me that, what do you mean I've been out for five days?" Shin looked at Makomo, she still refused to let go of him, making him sigh internally.

"It's exactly what it sounded like, after you two started your demon transformation you both passed out. Your servant woke up a day after and you took five, she stayed by you the entire time." Kobushibo answered.

'She's getting more dependent on me, that's good. Still something doesn't add up.' Shin looked towards his relative with a questioning gaze.

"What is it?" He asked.

"How can she remember me? When I woke up I couldn't even recognize her voice." He didn't understand much of how this was supposed to work.

Makomo lifted her head and decided to answer. "He brought me something to eat back once he found out I was awake. While I was eating he went to explain how you were my master. I didn't believe him at first and was about to attack him but he suddenly drawed his sword on me and swung the blade at my neck. I thought I was about to die. But instead my memories came flooding back like yours did."

"Mn, so you lose your memories once you become a demon. To get them back you have to remind them of who they once were and bring them to a near death experience to force them to remember? Still, why didn't that happen to me?" Shin started to mumble to himself trying to figure out the best outcome but after a few moments he decided to give up for now since he wouldn't be completely accurate.

Shin moved Makomo off of him. His eyes were feeling extremely uncomfortable and he wanted to know why. He stood up and walked to the nearest mirror.

It didn't take long to find out the reason why his eyes were so uncomfortable. He had three rows of eyes like his relative sitting in the corner. His silver irises had a red hue to them and his pupils were crimson red, his sclera was black like Makomo's. He also noticed how he had really pale skin like the others and assumed it was a demon thing, there were also the flame marks that were similar to Kobushibo's.

He wore a white haori over an white nagagi with black hakama.

'I guess he wasn't lying..' 

"Alright, let me explain how this will work." Kobushibo said.

Shin and Makomo looked back at him confused. "What do you mean?" Makomo asked.

"You two are demons now, if you wish to get stronger then you must get the lord's attention and prove your worth to become one of the twelve kizuki." He said looking at the two.

"Twelve Kizuki?" Shin decided to ask this time, he moved towards Makomo and sat next to her.

"The Twelve Kizuki is a group of the 12 strongest beings amongst Demon kind, second in strength and authority only to the Demon King himself, Each member of the Twelve Kizuki has received a larger portion of 'his' blood than other Demons, greatly increasing their strength."

"Who is he?" Makomo slightly raised her hand asking the question.

Kobushibo hit her on the head with his sword's scabbard. "It's better that you don't know, you'll learn when the time comes." 

Makomo put her hand down and nodded.

"Now, The Twelve Kizuki are divided into two groups, the six Upper Ranks are numbered one through six, and the six Lower Ranks are also numbered one through six. The number signifies their ranking among the Kizuki, determined by each member's level of strength, Upper Rank 1 being the strongest and Lower Rank 6 being the weakest." Kobushibo pointed towards his middle set of eyes.

"I'm Upper Rank or Moon one, I am the strongest of the Kizuki. You have a long way to go if you plan to catch up to me one day or someday surpass me." He said.

"The Lower Ranks have their numbers and ranks engraved only into one eye. Whereas the Upper Ranks have their numbers in one eye and the kanji for "Upper Rank'' in the other."

"The Upper Ranks each possess a level of power that far surpasses that of the Lower Ranks. Though for you two I suggest you never let your guard down around a Lower Moon, they may sound weak but they all could kill you at the moment." Kobushibo said while getting up from his spot and heading towards the door.

"if you wish to become a kizuki or you are dissatisfied with your current rank as one and wish to fight for someone else's position then propose a blood battle. I will not tolerate you two disturbing the hierarchy, understood?" He took one last look at the two before nodding in satisfaction seeing them understand. 

"Goodnight." After saying that he vanished.

If you're reading this I just wanted to let you know I decided I won't be uploading chapters on the weekend, I'll most likely still be writing over it though.

I might make a glossary at some point of the characters. What they look like, name, power, etc. Also I'm sorry for the late release I was looking over the chapter a couple of times to make sure everything was alright before publishing.

Give meh yo powah stones and don't forget to leave a review bub. (Also six eye supremacy!)

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