
Wisp and The Beasts Around Him

Wisp had a horrible life to put it lightly. His life was pure hell and it never seemed to get better. But when he has a tragic passing, the goddess of Chaos offers him a second chance at life. In this new life, he just wants a quiet life, void of problems. He doesn't want problems and doesn't want to be a hero. He just wants to kick back and relax. He just wants a family. One that he could never find in his old world. And he manages to get one by his skill of beast taming. But even in this new world, trouble always seems to follow him. He just can't catch a break.

StarYoshi · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Spin The Wheel

Suddenly, Wisp woke up in a void of infinite darkness. He was floating there like seaweed on the ocean. His body felt and looked much younger like he was back in his 20s again. Suddenly, a bright circular light began to form and glow and expand in front of him. Out from the light came a woman.

She had short green hair, yellow eyes, four pointy ears, a golden crown, and purple lipstick. Her clothing consisted of her scales that formed a corset around her curvy figure. She had a thick scaly tail coming from her back. She also had several fireballs rotating around her and fish swimming around her as well. There were cloud under her feet and rocks above her head.


"Greetings, human! You look so different in person..."

The lady appeared next to him, seemingly like teleportation.

"My name is Vivianannah, the goddess of entertainment and chaos. And I've selected you to receive a new life, better than your... previous one. Bleh."

She teleported again, this time to his other side. She wrapped her arm around his shoulder and patted his chest.

"But it's not the end. I can give you a new life in a new world. But, you have to be willing to accept this offering. Think about it."

Wisp definitely wasn't hallucinating. He died and the woman feels real. He can actually feel her breathe and her flesh or... scales pressing against him and her fish have breathing patterns.

In the implications, this was not just a new life, but a new world, Wisp would have no idea of what to do. Would he start as a child or go as his current form is? What if his life in this world was just as bad as his life in the past one? It was super risky, but he didn't want his life to end as it did. He wanted a happy ending.

"Ok, I'll do it."


Wisp fell down onto what felt like the ground. Despite this, when he looked down, he was an endless void. The lady teleported in front of him and spawned a wheel. The wheel in question had dozens of words on it.

"Alright, let's see what you get, lucky boy."

The wheel spun three times. The first time, it stopped on beast tamer. The second time, it stopped on the cleric. And the third time, it stopped on rouge.

"Interesting combination. I don't think I've ever seen one where it's all combat skills. Usually, a lifestyle or a birth circumstance gets put in there. Eh, whatever."

The woman opens a portal beneath me.

"Learn fast, or you'll die."


Suddenly, Wisp dropped into the sky. He was thousands of feet above the ground and he was careening towards the ground at a rapid speed. He began to flail his arms around and tears formed in his eyes due to the air rushing into his face. Before he hit the ground, he stopped in mid-air. He was gently plotted on the ground. Vivianannah was laughing hysterically as the portal closed.

Wisp began to look around him. He was dropped in the middle of a small forest. He remembered seeing the ground from the sky. It seemed like he landed on a great plateau. Then, a screen opened in front of him. It was transparent and pink like his eyes.

[Welcome, Wisp Kilovolt.]

He cautiously reached out for the screen. When he touched it, it brought up a massive screen.

[Player: Wisp. Party: (None). Classes: beast tamer lv 1, cleric lv 1, rouge lv 1. Skills, basic taming seal (beast tamer), heal (cleric), fatal strike (rouge). Inventory]

It was like a video game. He opened his inventory and saw a beginner dagger in it. When he pressed it with my finger, the hilt of a dagger appeared out of the screen. The screen also seemed to be solid in nature. When he touched it, it was like solid stone.

But Wisp was able to pull the dagger out of the screen by the handle. It actually looked nice, with a black blade and grey edge.

[Leveling up for each class must be done individually. Your rouge skills will increase your strength, speed, stealth, and senses. Increases by killing or crafting weapons.]

[Your cleric skill will increase your buffs, healing spells, and regeneration. Increases through drinking special elixirs and eating special herbs.]

[Your beast tamer skill will allow you to contract monsters. They will become your servants and you can summon and desummon them at any time. The amount of creatures you can summon depends on your level. Lv 1 gives you one while, say, level 14 will give you 14. Increases by growing closer to your beast and taming different species.]

It wasn't too complex, but Wisp was still confused. But he wasn't too worried about that. He was more concerned with where he was gonna eat and sleep. He wasn't too unfamiliar with fighting. He was in jail for 40 years, after all.

Suddenly, several wolves with 3 horns and glowing red eyes surrounded him. His body began shaking, but he quickly got a hold of himself.

"I've suffered way too much to die in a place like this. Come at me!"

One of the wolves jumped at him. He used the dagger to block the wolf's bite and he kicked it away.

Two more of the wolves charged at him. He dived away at the last second and the two wolves crashed into each other.

The fourth wolf jumped at him and managed to slash his cheek. The new pain was so intense, that Wisp almost dropped his knife.

[Horizen Wolves have the ability to poison targets with their claws and teeth. Recommendations, use heal.]

"How?!" Wisp yelled as he dodged another wolf.

However, another one came and bit his legs, making him lose a lot of blood. Two more came to try to bite down on him too.

[Feel where the pain is and imagine it healing itself. The more severe the wound is, the more MP it will cost.]

Wisp healed himself and stabbed one of the wolves in the eye, making black blood over his hand and arm. He jumped up before the other two wolves could bite him, but one managed to cut his Achilles heel with his claw, making Wisp fall down again.

The three wolves jumped up and tried to bite down on him. Wisp healed again and dodged by rolling forward. He looked over at his screen to the side and saw he already used a 3rd of his total MP. Pretty soon, he wouldn't be able to heal. Even someone like him, who didn't understand fantasy rules, knew this.

[Recommendation. Try using a fatal strike when wolves are in range.]

The wolves charged for him. He barely dodges the first two. When the third one tried to bite his head off, he activated a fatal strike. His hand lunged forward and he tore through the wolf's abdomen like butter with the techniques. However, it really exhausted him afterward, so he had to use heal again, making his MP go below half.

The other two wolves growled at him. But Wisp just stood there and smiled. He enjoyed being the one to hold power in a dangerous situation for once.

"Come get some."