
Wisp and The Beasts Around Him

Wisp had a horrible life to put it lightly. His life was pure hell and it never seemed to get better. But when he has a tragic passing, the goddess of Chaos offers him a second chance at life. In this new life, he just wants a quiet life, void of problems. He doesn't want problems and doesn't want to be a hero. He just wants to kick back and relax. He just wants a family. One that he could never find in his old world. And he manages to get one by his skill of beast taming. But even in this new world, trouble always seems to follow him. He just can't catch a break.

StarYoshi · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

A Young Age

When Wisp Torrent was very young, he heard people banging at the door. His parents stuffed him and his two brothers inside of a closet. The three started crying, wanting to know what was going on.

"Shhh, shhhhh. It's ok sweeties." Their mom said while hugging them all. "We just need to do some business real quick. We'll be right back."

"Don't come out." Their father demanded.

The two left as the three young boys were forced to stay in the closet. Not even a minute later, the two heard now popping sounds.


Wisp heard these sounds somewhere before. He remembered when we walked in on his dad watching his favorite show, James Bond 007. The weapons in the movie made a similar noise. The kids stayed in that closet for several minutes, hours, and even days.

They would take routines sneaking across the room to go to the bathroom. But the children started. They drank the sink water when they were thirsty. They didn't want to defy their parents' orders. But three days after the banging noises, Wisp's younger brother, Pedro, got hungry.

He ran to the kitchen, despite Wisp trying to convince him to stay. A few moments later, Wisp and his older brother, Fabio, heard a loud scream. It was Pedro. We ran to check on Pedro and when we got there, we saw a horrifying sight.

It was their parents' dead, pale bodies. The two had blood puddles under them. Their father had two holes in his chest and mom had one hole in her head. Wisp nudged his parents in confusion.

"Mommy, daddy, what are you doing?... The beds over there. Come on. Come on... COME ON!"

Wisp knew what happened, but was refusing to accept the reality. But he had two. Fabio stood over their bodies, clenching his fist, while Pedro cried over their mother's body.

Several years have passed since then. They were sent to live with their uncle named York.

York didn't expose this side to his brother, but he was a pedophile. He would sexually abuse the boys, especially Fabio. It was hard to prove York was abusing them though, because he was a famous actor and was the co-leader of a child rescue agency.

The boys experience this life for several years and it affects them all. Fabio hated his uncle, more than anything. But he slowly grew to become him. He took what his uncle did to him and ended up assaulting his female classmate for several hours. The trauma ended up making her commit suicide, and Fabio was sentenced to 30 years in prison with no chance of parole.

However, through this situation, the court also found out about the crimes York committed and he was sentenced to life in prison.

Now, Wisp and Pedro were alone again. Wisp now turned 18, meaning, he was an adult. But Pedro was still only 14 and in school. So, instead of going to Community College, he ended up getting a part-time job to provide for Pedro.

It was hard. It would often be 100-hour work weeks, but Wisp didn't mind it. Pedro became his pride and joy. He was the last person he had left in the world. He would do anything to protect him.

Pedro was extremely kind-hearted. He would often heal animals back to health when they would meet him. There was one animal Pedro was extremely close to. It was a little fox. She would often come by to visit. Pedro would feed her food scraps and play with him every day. It brightened Wisp's day to see them always playing together.

One day, for Pedro's birthday, the two decided to adopt the fox. They named her Mizo. Then, they walked home together while dancing and singing on the sidewalk.

Life was going well... too well.

Suddenly, Mizo had jumped off of Pedro's shoulder and he ran after her. Wisp decided to follow closely behind him. They caught up to Mizo on a bridge. Pedro nuzzled her neck a bit and she sneezed in response. But then, some bikers came by. They were too busy looking at each other and before they knew it, it was too late.

The bikers noticed they were going to crash into Pedro and Wisp and tried to turn. The first biker ended up pushing Pedro off the bridge.

Pedro fell 30 feet down onto the street below and shattered both of his legs with Mizo still in his arms. Pedro let out a scream, which triggered the memory in Wisp's mind. The memory where Pedro screamed when he was at their parents' dead bodies. By the time Wisp came to, a tanker truck was heading towards Pedro. The truck didn't notice the boy.

Pedro knew he was dead. He felt hands wrap around his shoulders. It was like death itself was coming for him. He looked down at Mizo and smiled. He then used all his remaining strength to throw her out of the street. It was at this moment the tanker had noticed the boy below him. He tried to hit the brakes, but it was too late.


Wisp rushed down to the street and when he got there, he was his brother, or more accurately, what remained of him. All he saw was blood spattered everywhere, a truck covered in blood, and the back of the truck beginning to catch on fire.

Mizo cried out to her master bloody remains on the street as the tears trickled down her fur.

A few days later, Wisp had buried Pedro himself. He didn't have anyone to help him. He could afford to get help. He didn't have anyone else in his life. Well, there was one person left.

Mizo walked up with a rose in her mouth and placed it on Pedro's tombstone. Wisp got down and petted her head.

"Thank you, little brother." Wisp struggled to hold his tears back. "F-For giving m-me a r-reason to live."

It's been 7 years since Pedro's death. Wisp was now a working-class citizen in the middle of Colorado. He woke up like nothing. His pale white skin was shrouded in darkness. His light blue hair was a mess. His taffy pink eyes refused to open. But he forced himself to get up. It was his day off. So, he headed to the kitchen to watch TV. When I walked out, I saw a familiar face. It was Mizo. She was much older. Mizo had been by my side for almost a decade now, keeping me company.

She was my rock and my cornerstone. I couldn't have thanked her enough for what she'd done by just being there for when I needed someone to talk to, even though I knew she couldn't understand me. She hopped on me and nuzzled against me, which could often cheer me up on even my darker of days.

I sat on the couch, placed her on my lap, and stroked her head as I turned on the TV. As my favorite program began, a woman came in front of the TV.

She has long burnt orange hair that was braided in the back and brown eyes. She wears a white and olive color top, a red skirt, and long dark brown boots. This was his wife, Harley.

She would often be a pest like this. It was like she only existed to annoy him. She would do many inconveniences like dumping her trash on his bed when he was tired, installing porn on his computer so she could have an excuse to get mad at him, and even hit him when she didn't get her way.

She would often get physically violent and verbally abusive. She had a very foul mouth and often tried to embarrass him in public. She forbids him from having any contact with women. She never had sexual intimacy with him, yet she would sleep around and cheat whenever and wherever she felt like it.

One day, just to get on his nerves, Harley fed oats to Mizo. The oats were poisonous to foxes and it began to slow her heartbeat. Once Wisp found out, he exploded, and the two got into a verbal fight.

But their fighting distracted Wisp from getting Mizo to a vet in time and she passed away because of it. This absolutely shattered him. He lost all emotions. All feelings of love for people from this.

This only made the abuse Harley gave him worse and more consistent. He wouldn't fight back. He would often have black eyes or wounds on him from fights with Harley, but when he told people, they just laughed at him. They thought he was making stuff up. After all, he was a buff, 6'3 man and Harley was a petite, 5'2 woman. How could she abuse someone like him?

Her forms of abuse got worse like kicking him in the nuts, hitting him with frying pans, and threatening to kill him. One day, Wisp finally decided after years of abuse and torture to call 911. They got there as soon as possible. But when they arrived, they were greeted by a woman with a black eye and scars on her body.

It was all just makeup. Harley had used makeup to make it look like Wisp abused her and she told the officers Wisp abused her. Despite Wisp having more scars and being the one who called, the officers didn't think twice and arrested him.

Wisp ended up getting taken to court and was sentenced to life in prison for the framed crime. Before Wisp was dragged off, Harley pulled him to the backrooms. She beat him bloody for almost an hour. She even took a saw and cut out one of his eyes. But even after this, Harley still made it look like Wisp did it to himself, and everyone believed her.

Wisp was taken to jail and it was hard. Not only was he still recovering from his injuries, but he also had a hard time adjusting to prison life.

Many years later, he ended up getting a visitor. It was Fabio.

"Hey, bro."

Wisp broke down crying after seeing his brother. The two had a long, eventful talk. Fabio wasn't the man he was 35 years ago. He was fully reformed and was going to college to be a lawyer. He wanted to get his brother out of jail.

Many more years had passed. Fabio had succeeded in his goal, but the court refused to believe they put an innocent man in jail. However, Fabio ended up negotiating with the court to reduce Fabio's time to 30 years in prison, like him.

At age 56, Wisp was allowed to see the light of day again. He wondered what happened to his ex, and apparently, she was sentenced to 2 years in prison for her crimes after Fabio managed to prove her guilty.

Wisp felt betrayed. Her time was minuscule compared to his. But he didn't want to cry over spilled milk. He just wanted to appreciate what little time he had left. Or at least, that is what he thought would happen. But if only to top of his horrible life, he had gotten cancer. Lung cancer. It was from prison from people smoking around him. And he was already in stage four.

As he lay on his death bed only a few days later, he looked to the sky and asked why did his life have to be so awful. But it only got worse. In his last few moments, he saw a vile creature. His ex-wife, Harley. She decided to taunt him one last time by bringing him the skull of Mizo and placing it beside his bed.

"There, now you assholes can die together, fucking pieces of shit."

Wisp was too weak to fight her. All he heard in his last moments was verbal harassment.