
Chapter 1-Dad

Family, friends thats all I wanted for a long, long time. Looking over the Hokages head a thought entered my head. Why shouldn't I die. I have no one here anyway, sure Ayami and Teuchi san were nice to me, but I realized that was only because the Hokage asked them to be. Sighing at the thought I walked over to the edge of it, and when I finally decided not to as I didn't want to feel the pain death brought I felt myself slip. Screaming in fear looking around I quieted myself as I knew no one was coming.

I just wish someone out their would have loved me for me. Thinking that I hit the ground losing all consciousness. The immediate pain was replaced with the pleasure of nothingness. Seemingly years pased by in my mind until finally I felt something warm waking me up.

"Child, wake up now. You have been chosen by the summoning system to have your prayer answered."

Finally coming to I looked around at the white walls that surrounded me I knew I was dead. Smiling in relief at the thoughts of lonliness drifting away in here I got up ready to face my new hopefully better life in the afterlife. I had always heard it was good to kids.

"Child, I have chosen you as my new host."

Hearing the voice out of nowhere I wondered if God was calling me.

"Hello child."

Hearing the voice again I couldn't stop smiling in joy. "God is that you?"

"No, child I am but a gift given by the gods to the world that choses its host."

Hearing the answer I deflated a bit, actually quite a bit. Did God also think I was a demon. "does even God not want to see me?" Starting to tear up as I felt a final straw in my heart collapse I just layed still giving up on everything. "What's the point of trying anymore?"

The system realizing the severity of the situation took action. "Child please listen to me. I am a gift of God for you. I'm here to help you get a family."

Silence ruled the place for but a moment. Getting up I couldn't help but want to confirm it. I wanted to not be hated by someone. Truthfully it was my only hope so with a shout I asked "Really mister."

The system hearing the question obviously answered back "Really." Wiping the tears away from my face I looked for where the voice came from trying to find the person who didnt seem to hate me.

"Child, i'm inside your body."

Hearing the answer I nodded in wonder. " Is it small in their?"

The system hearing the question seemed to shine in glee at a host finally paying attention to how it felt even if it was only a child asking. "I'm fine in here host, actually it's surprisingly comfortable."

Nodding in joy like the little kid I was, even if I wouldnt agree with that classification I asked the system something I considered important, and truthfully it was. "Can we be family?"

Hearing the question a small piece of sadness passed through it. It remembered the one time before it took on a son, and it remembered it's child's face when he took on a mission from his previous format as a war system. He remembered seeing the dissapointed expression on his son's face as he died unable to further "help" his father with "his" goals.

Looking at his new host he decided then and there that he would protect this new 7 year old host of his. "Then I'll be your father and raise you from now on son."

Smiling as tears slid down my face at being truthfully accepted by someone I stayed on the ground crying tears of happiness.