[Your, training program is being processed]
[Select the difficulty at which you want to begin]
0. [I'm a Pussy]
1. [My name is Jason]
2. [Human]
3. [Pro]
4. [GOD]
"Why is there a option with my name? and what the fuck is hacker."
[The User: Jason seems to be confused in selecting option would you like if the system selects it for you.]
[User selected: I'm a pussy]
"Wait, what the fuck!"
[Beginning the training.]
[Processing... ... ...]
[Training (lvl: I'm a Pussy)
Mode: customised
20 Push-ups (time limit: 3min)
Meditation (time limit: 15min)
All The Best for your training!!!]
"What are the 'time limits'?"
[For Push-ups you need to do 20 push-ups Non-stop within 3min, if you shall fail in any aspects the timer and limit would be reset.]
[For Meditation you are required to clear you mind completely of any thoughts and only focus on your breathing. hint: (try to feel your inner self)]
"Okay, I guess I'm a pussy, let's just start, before this goes anymore crazier than this."
He shakes his hands and jumps a little and does some stretching and says to himself.
"You can do it Jason!! you can do it!!"
He starts to bend down in the push-up position and starts, along with that he was also thinking in his mind that
"Okay here we go... 1.... ... I can't do this wrong, 2... ... 3... ... I can do it... 4... 5... I'm gona... 6... 7... prove... 8... that... 9... 10... bitch wrong.... 11... 12...--"
[Error {user failed} countdown reset Push-ups left 20 (time limit 3min)]
"You've got to be joking me!"
Again speaks to himself,
"Let's not give up this easily I'm going to prove him wrong"
Stands up starts jumping, does a little amount of spot jogging, shakes his hands and resumes it again,
"Let's go one more time, 1... 2.. 3.. 4.. 5... 6.. 7... Hah I can do it 8.. 9... 10.. 11... 12... 13...14.. 15.. fuck I'm not giving up now... 18... 19.--
[Error {user failed} countdown reset Push-ups left 20 (time limit 3min)]
"Fuck you!"
Breathes heavily and stands up stretches his arms a little and tell himself.
"How much long am I going to keep this up, fuck this I'm going to do 20 push-ups within 2min, let's go."
[That's the determination!]
And after around fifteen resets and failed attempts he finally finished doing Twenty push-ups, he was totally dried out of energy and was resting on his back, spread his arms and legs in a manner that he didn't have any energy left.
[Wow, you are so tired after only doing 20 push-ups, I guess I chose the Right level for you, Lol]
"F... ... fuck you, And I didn't just do 20 push-ups I did almost One Hundred and Thirty Plus!"
[yeah, yeah, now is the best time to start meditating, so come on sit straight and fold your legs inwards and keep your back straight]
"Yes, yes... ... like this"
[Yeah, like that and this is the most important step in this Keep your mind clean, I mean no thinking of those animated girls with unimaginable sizes]
"Yeah, yeah..."
[Hint (Try to focus more on your breathing, your Blood flow or even your Environment, but you should have peace in mind)]
"That is quite a long hint, guess we should start now"
Eleven min later~
[I didn't told you to sleep... ... Wake the hell up...]
[No response from user was recorded, using Forced method]
A strong amount of electricity was passed from the body of Jason,
"Wh...Who... WHOA, what the fuck was that!!!"
[Nothing, just a perfect amount of electricity, to wake you up]
"Yeah I know that, i literally felt it right now, I'm asking why you did that!"
[Because you slept!]
"Because I slept, who the fuck wakes up anyone like that!!"
[Your Parents used to do it.]
"Yeah, you know although it wasn't a good memory to remember but I still miss them a lot... sometimes... i think"
[Yeah, and you can meet them, but the longer you take to meet them, don't expect them to be the same as before, now let's start with the Meditation and for god's sake just stop dreaming about girls and stop drooling while you do that, it's disgusting as fuck]
"Then stop watching my dreams, fuck at home parents at least didn't only knew how to knock!"
[Can't be Helped, User is Too Weak to use that {Authority} lol.]
After Three hours...
[Calculating Rewards...]
[Distributing Rewards...]
[Strength: 5 +2 = 7
Intelligence: 9 +3 = 12
Status: Warmed up(view); Focused(view).]
"Wow, I just gained so many stats, but I'm not feeling all that powerful?"
[Its because you did it through Real hard work, points can be obtained and added to increase stats separately with (Unassigned points) but sometimes they can be very harmful, like can kill you level of harmful]
"Oh... Kay, that mean I need to use the wisely, and why the hell did they even put it here, unless... shit don't think about it, Don't... think... okay... big Boobs are not better than small, small big big small... size doesn't matter!!!"
[Bruh! What the fuck are you even Imagining, Stop... Stop... it right Now, You fucking pervert!!!]
[Execute million Volts Electricity...]
*Zitz* Slitzz* Jizzz*zlit....
"FU... agh, agh, agh... whe... ... where Am i... .. w.. h.... o... "
Splats on the ground
#Shh... Sh.... Mic Check... Hello, Hello#
#Hello people, I'm the new General, I've been assigned... to... fuck this I don't need any papers#
"You see people, your planet named as 'EARTH' had been [Rebooted] which you might already have known from your assigned systems blah.. blah.. blah.. and all those bullshits, here is the thing you don't know!!!"