
Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

A college student reincarnates in the world of HP with the power to cast Lore of Magics from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe(Total War: Warhammer 3). It is going to be a weak to strong story. In time, I am thinking of expanding on all of the magical world rather than only focusing on Magical England. Disclaimer: I do not own any of this other than my OCs; anything else belongs to its respective author. A/N: English is not my first language, so if there is a grammar issue, please tell me in the comments, and I will fix it. I will try to release three chapters a week. If you want to read 35 chapters ahead or donate, you can visit p-a-tre-on/kurowashi

KuroWashi1903 · Livres et littérature
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75 Chs


A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

If you see grammar errors, please let me know so I can fix them and I'm always open to constructive criticism. 

I would like it if you guys left some reviews.

Thank you for your good words and support.




Elminster had been living in this world for five years since his reincarnation. Despite his time here, he still hadn't discovered the nature of his boon, the mysterious gift he had received upon his arrival. Today marked his fifth birthday in this new life, and the Fawley family had gathered to celebrate this special occasion.

His mother, Elizabeth, had purchased a beautiful cake from Sugarplum's Sweets Shop in Diagon Alley. The Fawley family had all come together for the celebration, including his one-year-old cousin, Grim, who was showing a keen interest in the birthday cake. Elizabeth, ever the attentive mother, ensured that the cake was placed out of Grim's reach to avoid any sticky mishaps.

Corvious, Elmi's father, couldn't resist a playful tease on his son's special day. "So, birthday boy, what are you going to wish for?" he asked with a mischievous glint in his eye.

His mother, Elizabeth, quickly intervened with a gentle slap on Corvious's arm, her voice filled with a touch of superstition. "Don't say it, Elmi, or it won't come true."

Elmi responded with a soft and thoughtful smile. "I don't have anything to wish for; Father already bought the potion set I wanted," he said, his voice tinged with gratitude and contentment. He held a deep appreciation for the thoughtful gift from his father.

Yet, beneath the surface, there was a longing that he hadn't voiced. Elmi's greatest desire was to unravel the mystery of his boon, a puzzle that had eluded him for five years in this new life.

His mother, Elizabeth, expressed her love and affection with a warm hug, followed by a tender kiss on his forehead. "Happy birthday, sweetheart," she whispered.

Elizabeth was a striking woman, and Elmi couldn't help but be in awe of her beauty. He often wondered how a goofball, a fan of magical creatures like his father, had won the heart of someone as enchanting as his mother.

Elizabeth was a woman of ethereal beauty, her long, wavy hair so dark it seemed to rival the night itself, cascading down to her waist like a silken waterfall. Her skin possessed a fair and flawless quality, reminiscent of freshly fallen snow, providing a perfect canvas for her enchanting emerald-green eyes. These eyes held a depth and allure that could only be compared to the most captivating emerald forests, drawing one in with their timeless charm.

Corvious, Elmi's father, possessed a rugged handsomeness of his own, though it paled in comparison to his wife's ethereal beauty. He stood tall with a head full of sunny blond hair that seemed to radiate warmth. His tanned skin bore the traces of countless outdoor adventures, and his lean, athletic frame suggested a man who was no stranger to physical challenges. Corvious had an air of perpetual enthusiasm, a gleam in his eyes that mirrored the passion he held for magical creatures, a quality that had drawn Elizabeth's heart to him in the first place.

Elmi inherited a striking combination of his parents' features. He possessed his mother's fair and flawless skin, as well as her captivating emerald-green eyes. At the same time, he carried the sunny blond hair of his father, creating a unique blend of both his parents' physical traits.

In the Fawley family, there was a clear division of roles: Corvious, Elmi's father, was the hopeless dreamer, while Elizabeth, his mother, played the responsible and practical part. Both of his parents were avid travelers, and they often took Elmi with them on their adventures. However, the nature of their journeys differed. Corvious, with his boundless enthusiasm for magical creatures, found himself exploring places like deserts and jungles as part of his work. Meanwhile, Elizabeth's career as a diplomat with the Department of International Magical Co-operation led to her traveling extensively. In those first five years, Elmi had the privilege of accompanying his mother on many of these diplomatic trips, gaining a unique perspective on the magical world and its global connections. Elminster's mother was really busy in the first three years since the magical England was trying to recover from Voldy's damage.

As Elmi reflected on the precious moments he had shared with his family, he took a deep breath and blew out the candles adorning his birthday cake. The room was filled with joyful singing and the sound of hands clapping in celebration. It was a heartwarming moment, surrounded by the love and laughter of his family, marking the end of another year in this world.

Elmi's uncle raised his glass and mused, "Now our Elmi is five years old, haaa." He took a sip of his ale and continued in a reminiscent tone, "Time really flies. It was like yesterday he was born."

His father chimed in, adding with a touch of humor, "Technically, he's going to be five close to midnight. He decided to come when we were fast asleep that day. I can still feel the kick I received because I didn't get up fast enough." He rubbed his back, a lingering reminder of that hurried night.

Elizabeth spoke in a matter-of-fact tone, her words laced with a touch of teasing, "You should have gotten up faster, dear. I was starting to give birth to your child, after all." Her statement drew a chuckle from the family, a humorous reminder of their shared experiences and the passage of time.


After a day of rest, Elminster found himself in his room, a nightly routine taking shape. His mother, Elizabeth, always tucked him in promptly at 7 pm. Yet, as always, he couldn't fall asleep right away. His young body demanded sleep, especially around these hours, and tiredness would overtake him easily. He couldn't stay up late, unable to keep his eyes open past 9 or 10 pm, no matter how much he might want to. His nightly habit consisted of staying up, attempting to practice spells, and seeing if he could trigger accidental magic on his bed before falling asleep.

This year marked the first instance of him causing accidental magic. Even though his inner self was that of a grown man, he remained susceptible to temper tantrums. It could be attributed to the complexities of his developing brain. These outbursts usually occurred when he couldn't have his way, which was a frequent challenge due to his maturity compared to his young body. On one such occasion, he had a disagreement with his mother. A sudden rage had overwhelmed him, prompting him to slam his foot into the ground. As if a firework had ignited beneath his foot, sparks erupted in every direction, shattering the marble beneath him. The explosion startled his mother. After realizing what had happened, she efficiently repaired the damaged floor with a Reparo spell.

After dedicating nearly a year to practicing without a wand solely depending on accidental magic, at best, he managed to conjure weak sparks from his hands that were more feeble display than that of a firecracker.

The feeling of magic was an entirely different experience. It was almost addicting. Elminster could sense the mana flowing all around the world and within his own body. It wasn't tied to something like a magical heart or a mana core; it was simply there, permeating his entire being. This sensation reminded him of the sorcerers from Dungeons & Dragons.

In this world, magic came from one's bloodline and their very essence, not from the rote memorization of incantations. The words themselves didn't inherently hold power. Even if he never learned anything, by instinct alone, he'd be able to cast some basic spells as he grew older. But to refine and harness the raw magic within and around him, formal wizarding education would be necessary.

It was a unique connection to magic, one he was determined to explore and master in the years to come. After practicing the creation of sparks for two hours, he grew weary. Fatigue settled in, making it increasingly challenging for him to keep his eyes open. Eventually, he succumbed to exhaustion and drifted into a peaceful slumber.

As the time neared midnight, Elminster was jolted from his slumber by an excruciating pain that seemed to emanate from within his very skull. It was as if an unending stream of knowledge and power was surging into his mind, overwhelming his senses. His emerald eyes, once radiant, now blazed with an even more intense and vibrant light.

In this harrowing moment, he struggled to endure the seemingly endless onslaught of information and energy, writhing in torment as he grappled to hold on to his sanity. The pain was relentless, and time seemed to lose its meaning as minutes stretched into what felt like an eternity.

But then, just as abruptly as it had begun, the agony subsided, and Elminster was left with a profound sense of relief. As he lay there, he knew with absolute certainty what his boon entailed, and his newfound understanding filled him with a sense of wonder.

Elminster stood at the window, entranced by the spectacle before him. The winds of magic danced and swirled, weaving intricate patterns through the very air. These currents were not something he had ever noticed in his previous years. It was as though a veil had been lifted from his senses, revealing the hidden underpinnings of the world around him.

Mana, the more familiar source of magical power, was like a calm and placid ocean, ever-present and readily harnessed by wizards through spells and incantations. It was the gentle ebb and flow of power that fueled their magic, a steady and obedient force.

But the winds of magic were something entirely different. They surged with wild and untamed energy, a ferocious, relentless tempest that coursed through the very fabric of reality. It was as if the world itself had come alive, each gust and whirl a testament to the raw, unbridled power that existed just beyond the sight of ordinary wizards.

In terms of sheer abundance, they were equals, yet their personalities were worlds apart. Mana embodied a gentle and obedient nature, while the winds of magic roared with the untamed spirit of a ferocious beast, ready to unleash its might upon the world.

Elminster soon came to realize that the newfound ability to perceive the winds of magic and the world's underlying energy was merely the tip of the iceberg. The true essence of his boon lay in the knowledge that accompanied it.

In the midst of his torment, a profound understanding of something called the "Lore of Stealth" had taken root within his consciousness. It was as if a library of arcane wisdom had been deposited directly into his mind, and he could sense that this knowledge was unlike anything he had ever encountered.

With a growing sense of unease, Elminster comprehended that this lore was tied to five unique spells. The source of his anxiety was the realization that these spells were associated with a race known as the Skaven, creatures from the grim and treacherous Warhammer universe. The Skaven were infamous for their sinister and chaotic nature, often linked to the darker aspects of the magical world.

Elminster couldn't help but fear the implications of this connection. He wondered whether the being that granted him this boon had a malevolent intent, potentially aligning him with the chaotic forces that threatened not only the Warhammer universe but perhaps his newfound world as well. Could that Being connected the chaos gods of Warhammer to this world? If true, this mend the end of this world. No one in this world would be able to stand against a prince of chaos, let alone a chaos god.