
Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

A college student reincarnates in the world of HP with the power to cast Lore of Magics from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe(Total War: Warhammer 3). It is going to be a weak to strong story. In time, I am thinking of expanding on all of the magical world rather than only focusing on Magical England. Disclaimer: I do not own any of this other than my OCs; anything else belongs to its respective author. A/N: English is not my first language, so if there is a grammar issue, please tell me in the comments, and I will fix it. I will try to release three chapters a week. If you want to read 35 chapters ahead or donate, you can visit p-a-tre-on/kurowashi

KuroWashi1903 · Livres et littérature
Pas assez d’évaluations
75 Chs


A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

If you see grammar errors, please let me know so I can fix them. I'm always open to constructive criticism. 

I would like it if you guys left some reviews.

Thank you for your good words and support.



Snape, though still maintaining his composed exterior, couldn't deny the gravity of Elmi's capabilities. This encounter marked a turning point in their interactions. Snape had thought he had a serpent's egg in his hand, but it turned out to be a dragon.

After this revelation, Elmi proceeded to explain his abilities in intricate detail, leaving Snape increasingly astonished. The more Elmi delved into the depths of his talents, the more fascinated Snape became.

"Your mastery of magic is truly remarkable," Snape admitted, a rare note of admiration creeping into his voice. "I must say, I've rarely encountered such proficiency at your age."

Elmi inclined his head in acknowledgment, a modest smile gracing his features. "I've always had a knack for magic," he replied nonchalantly, though there was a glint of pride in his eyes.

As Elmi shared about his ability to see ancient magic, Snape couldn't help but draw parallels to legendary figures like Merlin, realizing that Elmi stood among those rare individuals with extraordinary gifts.

"Why do you want to hide your talent?" Snape questioned, his tone tinged with curiosity. He saw the potential for greater recognition and advancement with Dumbledore's assistance.

Elmi paused for a moment, considering Snape's words carefully. "It's not about hiding," he replied earnestly. "It's about choosing the right time and place to reveal oneself. I prefer to keep a low profile for now, focusing on honing my skills and understanding the extent of my abilities."

Snape nodded, understanding Elmi's perspective. "I see," he murmured, his expression thoughtful. "But do not underestimate the value of allies, especially those who can offer guidance and support on your journey."

Snape's suggestion held merit, but Elmi harbored reservations. Dumbledore's attention often came with consequences, and Elmi preferred to remain off his radar until he mastered occlumency. As a scion of a noble house, he possessed the privilege of accessing a wealth of knowledge within his home, provided he gained his mother's permission to explore the extensive collection of books at his disposal. That is why he didn't need to do secretive things to learn occlumency.

Given his mother's skill in magic, she used legilimency to teach Elmi occlumency. However, her motherly approach softened the intensity compared to Snape's strict methods with Harry.

Elmi's willpower, akin to that of a grown man, helped him excel. But his young mind's development made it hard to keep a strong mental shield all the time. Despite the obstacles, Elmi persisted in his training, driven by a determination to master the art of occlumency. His efforts paid off gradually as he gained greater control over his mind.

Elmi stated, "At the moment, I'm not inclined to reveal my abilities to others. Maybe next year, I'll consider seeking guidance from the Headmaster." Aware that his mental defenses weren't yet strong enough to withstand an attack from an adult wizard, Elmi opted to keep his remarkable talents concealed.

He held no illusions about Dumbledore being a flawless figure; while not a villain, the Headmaster was not entirely pure either. To Elmi, Dumbledore was someone who had encountered considerable adversity, striving to embody goodness. However, these trials had left him somewhat jaded and cautious, mainly when dealing with exceptionally talented students.

Elmi's choice stemmed from a desire to sidestep any unnecessary complications that could arise from drawing Dumbledore's attention. He cherished his current autonomy and harbored reservations about the prospect of Dumbledore probing into his thoughts.


Snape and Elmi continued their rigorous sparring sessions for a week, each session pushing Elmi to further hone his skills. In the midst of their training, Elmi learned from Snape that Dumbledore was set to return that week, a piece of information that piqued his curiosity. As he and Snape caught their breath, Elmi made a decision to confide in Snape about his concerns regarding Quirrell, at least to some extent.

"Professor," Elmi started cautiously, his gaze fixed on Snape, "there's something I need to discuss with you regarding Professor Quirrell."

Snape raised an eyebrow, his piercing eyes locked onto the young Slytherin. "Quirrell? What about him?"

"I... I can see a dark aura around him," Elmi admitted. "It's unlike anything I've seen before. It's as if shadows cling to him, and whenever he's near, it feels... ominous."

Snape's expression tightened, his features etched with concern. "Explain, Fawley. What do you mean by a dark aura?"

"It's like a black mist, Professor," Elmi explained, choosing his words carefully. "I can notice it when he is close to me. It's not something physical, but I can see it. It's unsettling, and I thought you should know."

Snape's gaze bore into Elmi's, assessing the sincerity in his eyes. "Are you certain about what you're seeing, Fawley?"

Elmi nodded solemnly. "I wouldn't bring it up if I weren't. It's troubling; whenever I see that aura around him, it feels dangerous and disgusting simultaneously."

Snape's expression darkened, and he sighed. "I will keep an eye on Quirrell. Your ability to see magic and such things is useful. But remember, Fawley, tread carefully in matters like these. Dark wizards won't care that you are a child and can lead you to dangerous paths."

Snape had already suspected Quirrell to be working for a death eater or a dark wizard when he was snooping around the defensive mechanisms they were putting around the 3rd floor, and now Elmi was seeing dark magic around him. This made him more suspicious of him.


Hermione devoted every waking moment to the library, earnestly attempting to catch up with Elmi's knowledge. However, despite her tireless efforts, she couldn't seem to match his pace. Each time their houses shared the same classes, she couldn't shake the feeling of being outpaced by Elmi's academic prowess. The Gryffindor and Slytherin dynamic became a silent competition, driving Hermione to push her limits further.

In their joint lessons, Hermione made it a personal mission to earn more points than Elmi. However, despite her best efforts, a sense of inadequacy crept in whenever Elmi effortlessly raised his hand, consistently answering questions correctly. 

This feeling was most pronounced during practical courses, where Elmi's magical prowess seemed unparalleled compared to other 1st years. There were even moments she felt like the magic itself was helping him.

When she faced Elmi, she knew why other people found her obnoxious, and Elimi didn't even rub it on her face when he earned more points than her. What stung even more was Elmi's apparent indifference to his victories; he seemed almost nonchalant about his achievements, making Hermione's defeats even more difficult to swallow.

While engrossed in her reading, Harry and Ron approached Hermione. Ron, ever curious, inquired about her book.

"What are you reading, Hermione?" Ron asked.

Setting her book down, Hermione responded, "I was reading about the Philosopher's Stone and Nicolas Flamel. As Elmi said, the guy is a ghost. People know he is alive, but it is kept from common books. If Professor Binns hadn't given permission for me to take this book from the restricted sections, all we would know would be some footnotes. He must have really powerful friends for him to be kept from books."

Harry chimed in, "He gave the Philosopher's Stone to Dumbledore, right? If his friends are people like Dumbledore, it shouldn't be a problem for them."

Ron pondered, "Then Quirrell tried to steal Philosopher's Stone from the room with the three-headed dog, but for what? Is he trying to be rich or immortal?"

Hermione suggested, "Maybe both."

At that moment, Harry said, "Could Quirrell be a death eater and trying to help Voldemort?"

Hermione said, "Isn't he dead?"

Harry shook his head, "I don't believe so. After he attacked... my parents, his body was never found. We talked about this with Elmi, and he believes Voldemort never died but got so weak he doesn't dare to stand in front of his men. Think about it: they are all racist megalomaniacs; if he was weaker, someone among them might try to kill him and assume control."

At that moment, Elmi was right behind them and said, "He would only appear in front of bottom feeders that couldn't assume control or never even dream of working against him, and you guys shouldn't talk about those kinds of things out in the open."

Ron snapped back, "It is impolite and mannerless to eavesdrop in other people's conversations."

Elmi showed a bright smile and said, "Nobody was talking to you, Weasley."

Ron's face dropped when Elmi said that. Just as he was about to say something, Elmi raised his hand as if blocking him from talking, then continued, "And I didn't eavesdrop. You guys were basically shouting; I only came because I heard my name."