
Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

A college student reincarnates in the world of HP with the power to cast Lore of Magics from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe(Total War: Warhammer 3). It is going to be a weak to strong story. In time, I am thinking of expanding on all of the magical world rather than only focusing on Magical England. Disclaimer: I do not own any of this other than my OCs; anything else belongs to its respective author. A/N: English is not my first language, so if there is a grammar issue, please tell me in the comments, and I will fix it. I will try to release three chapters a week. If you want to read 35 chapters ahead or donate, you can visit p-a-tre-on/kurowashi

KuroWashi1903 · Livres et littérature
Pas assez d’évaluations
75 Chs


A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

If you see grammar errors, please let me know so I can fix them. I'm always open to constructive criticism. 

I would like it if you guys left some reviews.

Thank you for your good words and support.



a/n: I couldn't release two chapters this week, so I will release two more next week.

When Professor McGonagall took the sorting hat out of Harry's head, he had a sad smile on his face and said,

"Professor, doesn't the hat take our opinion into consideration?"

"It does. Why?"

"I wanted to be with my friend, but it said I fitted to be a Gryffindor."

After saying that, Harry walked toward his table, and Professor turned towards the teacher's table and shook his head disapprovingly.

The Great Hall at Hogwarts echoed with whispers and anticipation as Professor Dumbledore, the venerable headmaster, rose from his seat. His long silver beard and half-moon glasses framed a face both kind and formidable. The hall fell silent as Dumbledore began his welcome speech.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!" he greeted, his voice carrying a gentle yet authoritative tone. "I trust you've all had a delightful summer."

The students, from wide-eyed first years to seasoned seventh years, listened attentively.

"As we embark on a new term, there are a few start-of-term notices to share. First years, take heed: the Forbidden Forest is strictly off-limits to all students. Older students, let this serve as a reminder."

Dumbledore's blue eyes twinkled knowingly, a hint of mischief in their depths.

"Our caretaker, Mr. Filch, also wanted me to remind you that we advise against the use of magic in the corridors between classes. Prefects will be patrolling to ensure the rules are followed."

He paused, allowing the gravity of his words to settle.

"Now, before we become too enchanted by this magnificent feast, let us sing the school song. Join in, and let the magic unfold!"

Dumbledore's whimsical spirit shone through as he led the students in the singing of the Hogwarts school song. The melodies, a cacophony of individual interpretations, filled the Great Hall. The air buzzed with the energy of a new school year, promising adventures, challenges, and the timeless magic that was uniquely Hogwarts.


The grand feast concluded, and the Slytherin students made their way through the dimly lit dungeons toward their common room. The torchlight cast dancing shadows on the stone walls, creating an eerie yet intriguing atmosphere. Elmi marveled at the serpentine motifs etched into the floor, resembling two snakes intertwining in an endless dance. 

 The air was charged with anticipation as the students gathered before the seemingly bare stretch of wall. The drawings on the floor seemed to come alive, forming the sinuous figures of a snake. The body of a snake emerged from the floor, its movements fluid and mesmerizing. As it gracefully raised through the wall, the hidden entrance unveiled itself—a door of rich emerald green adorned with subtle silver accents. The sight was both enchanting and symbolic, a testament to the house's affinity with serpents and cunning.

The Slytherin prefect, a poised older student with silver-green robes, guided the first years through the enchanted door. Elmi couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and excitement as he crossed the threshold, officially stepping into the heart of Slytherin territory. The common room awaited.

The Slytherin common room welcomed Elmi and the other students with an ambiance that resonated with elegance and cunning. Illuminated by a series of green lamps, the room exuded a mysterious allure. Dark leather sofas and plush chairs were strategically arranged, creating intimate spaces for students to gather and plot their ambitions. 

One distinctive feature that set Slytherin apart was the fact that the common room extended beneath the Great Lake. This unique positioning cast a subtle green tint over the surrounding stone bricks. The intricate designs wove a visual tale of the house's rich history and its connection to the enigmatic world of magic. A large mantelpiece adorned with serpent carvings dominated one side of the room, contributing to the grand rather than cozy atmosphere of Slytherin's sanctuary.

As Elmi settled into one of the leather chairs, he couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging. The common room, with its blend of sophistication and enchantment, promised not just a place to rest but a haven where like-minded individuals could forge alliances and pursue greatness. In Elmi's opinion, that was the real Slytherin way, not this bigoted, hate-filled road they were on right now.


Malfoy, with his slicked-back blond hair and an air of entitlement, sauntered over to Elmi with a group of cronies in tow. The Slytherin common room had become a stage for power play, and Malfoy was eager to establish himself as the superior among the first years. All the older students pulled back and started to watch what was going to happen. 

"Elmi," Malfoy drawled, a smug grin playing on his face, but Elmi cut him off,

"Not Elmi, Elminster, or Fawley to you. I don't mingle with daddies boys who cannot do anything without their father's influence."

All the students around them started to snicker at him, and Malfoy turned red from anger, but he acted like he didn't hear him since he didn't have a comeback for him. Malfoy said,

"Fancy seeing you here in such an esteemed house. I thought you would be a Hupplepuff or, worse, a Gryffindor."

Elmi, however, maintained a calm demeanor, unfazed by Malfoy's attempt at condescension. "Malfoy," he replied evenly, "I believe I've already made my stance clear. What can I do for you?"

Students continued to snigger at him, but he ignored all that and continued,

"You should be careful how you talk to your betters."

"My betters, are you talking about yourself?" Elmi cracked up for a second and coughed and collected himself, then continued,

"Or are you talking about your father?"

Malfoy was frustrated and said,

"It is the same!"

Elmi cut him off and said,

"No, it is not. If you are talking about yourself, then no, I don't have to be careful since you can't even lick the under of my foot. If it is your father, of course, he is my better since he is a grown man while I am an 11-year-old boy. It would be weird if he wasn't."

All the older students started to laugh at Malfoy. This frustrated him and his cronies. He pulled his wand, and his cronies charged at Elmi, but Elmi was faster, and he cast,

"Noxus Guardium." 

Shadows enveloped Elmi, and since they were so close, it also pushed all his attackers away. When they fell, Malfoy dropped his wand, and Elmi cast again,

"Accio wand."

Malfoy's wand flew to Elmi's hand; Elmi smirked and threw his wand away. The other guys tried to pull their wands, but Elmi was faster again and cast,

"Malediccio Bladae!"

His wand glowed with eerie white light, and he touched their arms with his wand. They winced with pain and dropped their wands, too. After that, he crouched next to Malfoy and started to poke him with his wand in different spots. Every time he touched him, he would wince in pain. This continued for several more times, and Elmi said,

"If you come at me one more time, I will make you regret that you are born."

Elmi got up and started walking towards the dorm; everyone was whispering about what just happened, and just as Malfoy was getting up, Elmi turned around and said,

"You are going to sleep in here tonight. You know what will happen if you come into the dorm rooms."

Malfoy was at a loss for words, and after a few seconds, he said in a tearful voice,

"Father will hear about this."

Elmi smirked and said,

"I couldn't care less. I have spoken; it is up to you."

Elmi had no delusions about where he was; he knew perfectly the scum of the magical world was growing in this house, and to change them, he first had to rise above them; he needed to induce awe and fear among them so they would follow him rather than someone else.