
Chapter 0 - Prologue

I don't believe in fate.

If fate existed I doubt I would be forced to live in this forsaken village.

I wouldn't have been sold to these poor farmers.

My name is Arata Choetsusha. This is my 17th year on this god-forsaken planet, I was sold to farmers when I was only 7 years old.

Forced to work on the farms by the minister.

Short of height, with soulless gray eyes. Yet unpopular. I learned long ago that friendship is not worth the effort, for everyone will betray you if it means to better themselves. For 17 years I have never truly felt any other emotion than simple loneliness.

「Arata! Get down here, The Royal Guards are here to see you!」

An angered older woman yelled for me from the bottom of the stairs, her voice is raspy as ever. And behind her stood two men, one almost as short as i, while the other was as tall as a tree, both men were clad in silver armored garments, dawning swords of iron.

To be more specific, the older woman would be my adopted mother Aorta, she is the one who bought me from the shipping yard; the taller guard introduced himself as Balt of Diveldia, he was an Infantry General.

Each month these two dopes come from the capital in order to steal our money and women in the name of taxes. Because I was not born of this land my village is taxed for my very existence.

「Tell them, they can take their taxes and fuck right off!」

I responded to Aorta. As I walked down the corridor now standing at the top of the stairs.

「Arata, how dare you speak to me in such a manner, i am your mother! Come down these stairs now and hear what these two nice men have to say or i will drag you down here by my own two hands. 」

As old of a woman as my adopted mother was she was never one to make empty threats her intention were always as clear as a glass. Which means if she intended to drag me down the stairs by all means she would do so.

「Fine, What do you two want? More money? I believe we already paid our taxes for this month did we not.」

As i berated the guards they sat there with a look of extreme distaste, cold, soulless eyes. Like mine. Not long after Balt interrupted my questioning

「We aren't here for taxes young one, we're here to take you and a few other children to participate in the Trial of Guardians, you have been chosen to participate.」

The Trial of Guardians is a test of magic, though i haven't the slightest idea why they would choose someone from a village so far into the sticks for such an exam.

Its not as if i have any magical power whatsoever.

「You will be sent through multiple trials of aptitude where your magic power will be determined as well as your magical affinity. The rules of the trials will be explained upon arrival. Do you accept these terms? Yes or No?」

This might be my opportunity to finally make it out of this village.

I cannot mess this up


I replied meekly attempting to contain my happiness. Though i do still wonder why they would choose someone like me. This is probably a trick from the ministry to kill off those who aren't from this land. In order to decrease our population.

「You have 7 nights to prepare, we will return at dawn on the 7th day.」

「There isn't anything for me to prepare here, so i will be returning with you today. I don't care if you decline or not i will be returning this instant.」

「 That's fine by me, report to the carriage in 5 minutes.」

I have never run so quickly in my lifetime, In front of me stood a carriage of wood and iron. I didn't even wish my mother a goodbye. Though i wish i had apologized to her for my unkind words earlier. Other than that i haven't the slightest regret about this whole situation. Not long after did we begin our journey, i however did manage to fall asleep in this time.

A mistake i would soon grow to regret.


A blood-curdling scream came from the front of the carriage awakening me from my sleep.

It was the shorter knight.

In his hands, he held Balt's stomach. Following the trail of entrails, i soon found the end of the trail. What was once Balt is now a pile of innards spread as far as the eye can see.

「What happened to him.」

I asked the shorter knight personally wiping bits and pieces of what was once Balt off of my shoes.

「He fell off the front of the carriage and was run over, show a little compassion you damn kid!」

The knight was in tears though i hadn't felt much empathy for him, him and his group of people had terrorized my village for years under the name of taxes. Stealing our money and violating our women.

「He was a knight. A pawn of the ministry who raped and harmed women. Why would i ever feel compassion for someone who was destined to die?」

I said kicking the slush into the forest.

「What did you say! You rotten little shit, I'll kill you!」

These words were filled with hate and malice. Unbefitting of a knight of the ministry.

「I'm gonna kill you for that you worthless little brat!」

The short knight reached behind his back and brandished a dagger, he then charged me. I couldn't see him as he was way too quick and in the blink of an eye. I had been stabbed.


I spat blood as the dagger twisted into my stomach.

With so much hatred he had killed me.

Remembering mom was difficult as my head was growing lighter and lighter from the loss of blood.

<< Affirmed. Creation of a body lacking Hemoglobin. Achieved. >>

I hadn't ever felt such pain in my lower abdomen it was as if the flames of hell had burst inside me.

Though i don't remember my blood ever being this warm before.

As much as i hate this guy for killing me i couldn't help but thank him for freeing me of this stupid dream i had. It was like a breath of air finally.

<< Affirmed. Creation of a body resistant to Heat. Achieved. >>

What the hell is this voice i'm hearing. It's like a mistress in my head.

<< My name is Tiamat, Goddess of Chaos. I am your magic nexus. >>

I wish i could focus on what it was saying but this pain is too overbearing. I can feel my blood leaking out of my body.

<< Affirmed. Creation of a body resistant to Pain. Achieved, Resistance has evolved into Complete Pain Nullification. >>

This is it. My last words.

<< Affirmed. Death is imminent, you will be reincarnated into the newly created body. Your species will evolve. You will be an Awakened Human. Confirmed. >>

I hate you Aorta.

<< Beginning Reincarnation Process. >>