
Wind from the past

Fay sells her baby and goes into prostitution just so she could save enough money and leave the country. Backstabbed by her best friend, she starts life afresh believing she was paying for all her past mistakes but little did she know that her past was coming to haunt her. In the midst of her troubles, she meets and falls in love with Chris a prince in disguise and in search for true love. In the twist of events, Fay and Chris take off on journey to find love and redemption.

Ejaes_Victory · Sports, voyage et activités
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7 Chs

Chapter Three

The Amanze palace stood proudly, a masterpiece in its own right, captivating all who laid eyes upon it. Its architectural design was unparalleled, a testament to the vision of its creator. The engineers who constructed the palace were nothing short of geniuses, tirelessly bringing to life the king's dreams. The palace grounds, sprawling across fifteen hectares, were meticulously adorned with a vibrant tapestry of flowers, creating a natural garden that seemed to transcend time and place. There was an air of grandeur, an otherworldly aura that exuded from every corner of the palace, as if transporting visitors to a foreign land upon entry.

King Walken, revered for his benevolence and generosity, held the hearts of the people of Nuru. With him at the helm, the kingdom prospered, standing apart from neighboring cities and kingdoms. The fear of what might come to pass if one of his two sons ascended the throne loomed over the kingdom. Christopher, much like his father, possessed the virtues of kindness and compassion. Fate had ordained him to be the heir, being the elder of the two sons. However, the people's concern lay in his refusal to choose a bride from Nuru. Tradition dictated that kings married women from their own land, as it was believed to bring forth prosperity. The thought of a foreign queen sent shivers of apprehension through the hearts of the people, and they fervently prayed that Christopher's search for a bride in distant lands would remain fruitless, allowing him to eventually marry a Nuru maiden.

In the council chamber, the council of elders greeted King Walken with a respectful bow as he entered. The atmosphere was laden with anticipation as the council spoke of their concerns regarding the future of Nuru Kingdom. Chief Eno, his voice filled with deference, explained how the crowned prince needed a wife according to their customs and traditions. The council emphasized the need for him to choose a bride from Nuru, citing the abundance of beautiful and cultured young ladies within the kingdom. They couldn't comprehend the difficulty in finding a suitable match among their own.

Graciously, King Walken acknowledged the council's concerns and expressed his gratitude for their unwavering dedication to the future of the kingdom. He revealed Christopher's unconventional decision, recounting how the prince believed his destined queen was not from Nuru and had ventured far and wide in search of her. Christopher had dated several Nuru ladies, only to discover their ulterior motives — their pursuit of the throne and the Amanze fortune. Determined to find a partner who would love him for who he truly was, he had embarked on a journey, granting himself a year to find his rightful queen. If he failed in his quest, he would honor the council's choice of wife. The council bowed in unison, acknowledging the king's decision as an unalterable decree.

As the sun set on Asuma, casting a warm glow over the land, Fay and Gina sat down for dinner after a long and tiresome day at work. The aroma of noodles and akara filled the air, a testament to Gina's love for unconventional food combinations.

"Are you really going out with that supervisor guy?" Gina asked, her curiosity piqued.

Fay chuckled, shaking her head. "I'm not going out with him. I'm just showing him around Asuma, introducing him to our beautiful landmarks and places."

"It's practically the same thing. You're spending the whole day with him, after all," Gina retorted.

Fay rolled her eyes playfully. "I don't have time for that. I'm just acting as his tour guide tomorrow, nothing more."

Fay's thoughts shifted to a different matter. "Oh, and don't forget to meet the man at the embassy tomorrow for our international passports. I've already sent him the money, and he said you should come and collect them."

Gina's eyes softened with gratitude. "Thank you, Gina. You've been an amazing friend. I don't know how to repay you."

Fay waved off her gratitude. "It's okay, Fay. You took me in when I had nowhere to go. You paid my hospital bills and fed me when I had nothing. Your contribution to all of this is at least 40%. There's no need to thank me. All I know is that we'll be leaving this country soon, starting a better life and living with honor."

The two friends embraced warmly, finding solace in each other's presence. As they retired for the night, Fay couldn't help but feel a sense of restlessness. Her mind buzzed with thoughts of her impending new life overseas, her long-held dreams seemingly on the precipice of becoming reality. Yet, amidst her excitement, she couldn't help but feel a pang of longing for the daughter she had given away. She wished for her safety and a future reunion, confidently believing that one day, they would be reunited. Her conviction remained unwavering.

Meanwhile, Christopher found himself missing his beloved daughter, Clarissa. It was the first time in four years that he would be away from her, and the thought tugged at his heartstrings. He vividly remembered the day he found her, a crying baby girl abandoned by a gutter. His compassionate nature compelled him to rescue her, and he had since become her doting father. Clarissa was the reason he sought not just a queen to sit by his side on the throne, but a mother who would love and cherish her. He called her, cherishing the sound of her voice, and expressed his love and longing.

"I love you, baby," he whispered, his voice filled with affection.

After ending the call, he sank into the sofa of his modest apartment, rented in town for the sake of his mission. Tomorrow, he would embark on a tour with Fayoke, an opportunity to explore Asuma and get to know the city better. The early morning hours beckoned, and he knew sleep would elude him. Thoughts of his daughter and the future weighed heavily on his mind, intertwining with dreams of a life yet to be lived.

The morning sun had barely risen when Chris arrived at Fay's doorstep, his vintage Benz car creaking and groaning as it came to a stop. It was a relic from a bygone era, unbelievably true for a gentleman of his age to be driving in a time when luxurious cars were all over the places owned by younger men. She couldn't believe her eyes. This couldn't be his car. She had never seen him drive it to the office before.

"Why is he so early?" Gina whispered, her voice barely audible.

"I don't know," Fay replied, equally perplexed.

"Are you really going out with that old car?" Gina couldn't help but ask, her amusement evident.

Fayoke shrugged, a smile playing on her lips. "I guess he wanted to make a statement. Who am I to judge?"

As Chris stepped out of the car, dressed in a pair of faded jeans and a polo shirt, the two women exchanged a look of disbelief. His shoes, the same ones he wore to the office every day, looked out of place with his outfit.

"Is this guy alright?" Gina asked, her voice laced with amusement.

"What do you mean?" Fay asked, trying to stifle a laugh.

"Can't you see how he's dressed? In this modern world, this is chaotic!" Gina exclaimed, unable to contain her mirth.

Chris approached them, a smile on his face. "Good morning ladies," he greeted them.

"Good morning sir," Fay replied, trying to hide her amusement.

"Good morning sir," Gina greeted hesitantly, her eyes darting towards his car.

"Am I too early? I thought it'll be a long day so I decided to come early," he explained.

"It's okay, let me get dressed and I'll join you," Fay said, offering him a seat.

As she hurried inside to change, Chris was left alone with Gina. "How're you Gina? We've not really been friends. Hope I didn't disturb anything?" he asked, trying to make small talk.

"It's nothing. I'm cool. We're cool," Gina replied, her voice dripping with disdain. She couldn't stand being around him. He was too old-fashioned for her liking, and she hated that fact.

After a couple of minutes, Fay emerged, radiating beauty despite her casual outfit, Chris was left momentarily speechless. It was the first time he had seen her dressed outside their work attire, a simple change that brought forth an air of elegance. Fay and Chris sat together, preparing for their day of exploration, while Gina observed from a distance, aware of the impending betrayal she was about to execute.

Gina had been manipulating Fay, concealing her true intentions while pretending to assist in their preparations to leave the country. Unbeknownst to Fay, Gina was diverting the funds meant for their travel documents to aid her own escape with her boyfriend, Wale. They had planned to meet at the embassy, proceed to a hotel, and ultimately flee the following day. To Gina, it seemed as if fate had aligned with her selfish desires, presenting the perfect opportunity to execute her plan. She left a heartfelt note of apology for Fay, expressing her remorse and explaining her actions. Locking the door behind her, she left the key where Fay would find it upon her return, her heart heavy with sorrow.

"Goodbye, Fay. I wish you the best," Gina whispered, her voice filled with regret as she embarked on her new path, ignorant of the consequences her betrayal would bring.