
Wind from the past

Fay sells her baby and goes into prostitution just so she could save enough money and leave the country. Backstabbed by her best friend, she starts life afresh believing she was paying for all her past mistakes but little did she know that her past was coming to haunt her. In the midst of her troubles, she meets and falls in love with Chris a prince in disguise and in search for true love. In the twist of events, Fay and Chris take off on journey to find love and redemption.

Ejaes_Victory · Sports, voyage et activités
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7 Chs

Chapter Four

Fayoke's heart shattered as she read the note left by Gina, her dear friend and confidante. The words on the page seemed to blur before her eyes as tears welled up, blurring her vision even further. She couldn't believe what she was reading, couldn't fathom that Gina, the person she trusted most in the world, could do something so cruel.

"This must be a dream," Fayoke whispered, her voice barely audible in the empty room. She rubbed her hands across her eyes, hoping to wake up from this nightmare. But the reality of the situation hit her like a ton of bricks, and she stumbled towards the wardrobe for support.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Fayoke read the letter again, her heart sinking with each word. Gina's words were like a knife to her soul, cutting deep into the very fabric of her fragile heart. Gina had always felt overshadowed by Fayoke's beauty and success, but she never thought it would lead to such a betrayal.

Gina's words echoed in her mind, taunting her with their harshness. She had brought Fayoke into the business of prostitution, hoping to share the success, but instead, she had become a mere shadow in Fayoke's presence. The jealousy had consumed her, driving her to make this heart-wrenching decision.

As if the pain of Gina's betrayal wasn't enough, Fayoke's world crumbled even further as she read the next part of the letter. Her daughter, her precious daughter, had been sold to a group of ritual killers. The realization hit her like a punch to the gut, stealing the air from her lungs. The tears flowed freely now, her sobs echoing through the empty room.

"All my money gone. My daughter gone. My life gone. What's the use?" Fayoke's voice trembled with despair as she questioned her existence. The weight of her losses seemed unbearable, and she saw no reason to continue living.

Tears streamed down Fay's face uncontrollably, her body trembling with an overwhelming mix of grief, anger, and despair. Four years of her life wasted, trapped in a hellish existence as a sex worker, all for nothing. She had trusted Gina, cared for her like a sister, and now that trust lay shattered.

As the weight of her pain bore down on her, Fay reached the darkest corner of her mind, contemplating ending her own life. The crippling sense of loss engulfed her, leaving behind a void that seemed impossible to fill. She knew she had nothing left - her money gone, her daughter taken from her, her dreams shattered. What was the use of living when everything she cherished had been ripped away?

Determined to escape the agony of her existence, Fay recalled the insecticide she had seen earlier. It seemed like the only way to release herself from the torment that had become her reality. With trembling hands, she reached for the bottle, her mind numb with despair.

Meanwhile, Chris, on his way home, suddenly remembered the takeaway packs Fay had left in his car. Despite his weariness, a strong impulse compelled him to return them.

Fay had completely stolen his heart with her charm and intelligence. Unlike her colleague and supposed friend Gina, Fay had been nothing but kind and friendly towards him. Spending time with her had been an absolute delight, and he couldn't help but feel drawn to her.

Her beauty was undeniable, but it was her intelligence that truly captivated him. She seemed to know a little bit about everything they had talked about, and he found himself wanting to learn more from her. He knew that he wanted to get to know her even better, to see where their relationship could lead them.

As he made his way back to Fayoke's place with the takeaway packs, he couldn't help but think about Gina. He couldn't understand why she seemed to hate him and almost felt like turning back but seeing Fay's beautiful face one more time was worth any drama that Gina might bring. He was determined to make a connection with Fay, and he knew that this was just the beginning.

Perhaps it was the universe nudging him towards a fateful encounter, towards saving someone who desperately needed it.

As Chris arrived at Fay's place, a sinking feeling enveloped him when he noticed the absence of any activity. Knocking on the door with increasing urgency, he prayed that someone would answer. The silence nearly drove him away, until an unexplainable force urged him to enter.

The sight that met Chris inside was a scene of heart-wrenching despair. Fay lay on the floor, the toxic insecticide by her side, her very essence slipping away. Without a moment's hesitation, he scooped her up into his arms, carrying her fragile form to his car. Panic fueled his every movement as he raced to the nearest hospital, praying that there was still time to save her.

In the hospital, the doctors worked tirelessly to purge the poison from Fay's system. Chris paced nervously in the crowded lobby, his heart pounding with fear for a woman he barely knew. He couldn't understand the depth of his concern, but it was as if an invisible bond had forged between them in those fleeting moments they spent together.

The night was dark and ominous, with an air of uncertainty that hung heavy in the hospital room.

Finally, the doctor emerged, his face a canvas of relief. Fayoke had been saved. Chris felt an overwhelming surge of gratitude, the weight of the world lifted from his shoulders as we walked into the ward to see her. He found her asleep and as he sat by her side, his heart heavy with worry. He couldn't bear the thought of losing her, not after the beautiful moment they had together evening. He was almost certain that something must have triggered Fay to have attempted taking her own life and knew quite well that he had to stay with her, to protect her from herself.

Suddenly, his phone rang, shattering the silence. It was Alex, his brother. "I returned to Nuru already and I must tell you that the elders are already planning to get you a wife if you fail to accomplish your wife hunting adventure," Alex teased.

Chris was determined to succeed, to find the perfect woman who would be his queen. And Asuma was a dangerous place, filled with seductive demons who could distract him from his mission, he could already see a glimpse of hope with Fay and that was even the more reason why he didn't want anything bad to happen to her.

"That can't happen. I don't have time for them. And I'm not at home. I'm in the hospital right now," he replied.

Alex was surprised. "Why? What happened? Are you sick?"

"No, I brought someone here but she's better now," Chris explained.

Alex couldn't resist teasing him about his newfound love interest. "Wow! She! The crowned prince is more serious than I give him credit for. Hope she doesn't break your heart like the others?"

Chris didn't know what the future held, but he was willing to take the risk. "I don't know. How's Clarissa?"

"Asleep already. Tell her I love her and please take good care of her," Chris said.

Alex promised to take care of Clarissa as she was the most precious germ to the Amanze's and the primary reason behind Chris's search for a worthy partner. As Chris hung up the phone, he looked at Fay, who was sleeping peacefully. She looked so beautiful, so innocent, so queenly. He couldn't resist touching her forehead, to make sure she wasn't running a fever.

The night was long, but Chris was determined to stay by her side, to protect her from herself and from the dangers that lurked in the shadows. He knew that he had found something special, something worth fighting for. And he was willing to do whatever it takes to keep her safe.

Fay woke up in the middle of the night to find out that she was in the hospital and that someone had saved her. Struggling to remember what could have happened after she had consumed the poison and who could have probably saved her, she found smiling at her.

"You're awake," Chris said gazing upon Fay's fragile figure, her vulnerability laid bare. She struggled to find words, her voice choked by the pain she had endured. Yet, her tear-filled eyes spoke volumes, a silent plea for answers and understanding.

"Why did you save me?" she managed to whisper, her voice laced with both gratitude and confusion.

Chris took a deep breath, his eyes filled with empathy. "Because I couldn't bear to watch you fade away. I couldn't ignore the connection we shared, no matter how brief. There is so much more to life, Fayoke, and your existence is worth fighting for."

Fay's tears continued to flow, her spirit raw and her heartbroken. The wounds inflicted upon her ran deep, leaving scars that would forever mark her soul. It would take time, love, and compassion to heal the damage, but Chris was determined to be there for her every step of the way.

As the night settled in, Chris found solace in the knowledge that Fayoke had been given a second chance at life. He thought about his own purpose in the world, his mission to find a wife, and the weight of his royal responsibilities. But in that moment, all that mattered was the person lying before him, fragile yet resilient.

Settling into a chair in the hospital lobby, Chris allowed himself a moment of respite, reflecting on the unpredictable twists life had thrown his way. The journey to find a companion had taken an unexpected turn, veering into uncharted territory. But love and fate had a way of intertwining, defying logic and plans. In Fay's presence, he felt a glimmer of hope, a renewed purpose that transcended the boundaries of duty.

As the world slept, Chris remained by Fay's side, watching over her like a guardian angel. In the quiet of the hospital, he whispered to himself, "Goodnight, Fay. May the dawn bring you strength and may love guide us on this uncertain path." But little did they know, this chance encounter would be the beginning of a journey neither of them could have ever imagined. Together, they would navigate the depths of despair, finding solace and healing in each other's arms. And through their shared pain, they would discover that even in the darkest of times, love and redemption were possible.