
Willow Moonfall

Willow Moonfall was betrayed by her coven and was imprisoned for two-hundred-and-nine years, and now she is back to get revenge on her coven and stop her Father and maybe have some fun along the way.

MelodyRain · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Awaken Moonfall

Boone's Cave Lexington, Nc

June 9th 2022

The pickaxes echo through the cave's stone passageway as a man shouts out directions to the workers. Finally, after what seemed like months of researching and weeks of digging, They finally found what they had been looking for, a coffin made of black stone. The man orders the workers to open the coffin, and when they did they was met with an unbelievable sight, Inside the coffin is a young beautiful woman naked, her beauty seems to draw the men's attention, as if there is nothing else in the world matter to them, the only thing that matter is this woman happiness. The boss looks at the woman's long black silky hair, her smooth alabaster skin, to her perfect breasts. He notice that on her wrists she wore the black bracelet, however, they're actually shackles that keep her powers in check.

"Is she dead?" one of the workers asked

The boss walks over to her and softly brushes his fingers on the side of her face, and a sick and disgusting smile spread across his face.

"No, she sleeping...She's perfect." The boss said, however before he could cite the spell to put her under his control, her eyes opened to reveal beautiful green eyes, and she could feel the evil radiate off of him, in fact, it was so terrible it felt like she was suffocating. Feeling his touch on her skin made her skin crawl, and she quickly grab his wrist as she pull his hand away, her grip increased as the man wince in pain.

"Don't touch me." The woman said in a threatening way as her eyes change from green to gold and begin to glow, an indication that the man was being threatened. He could also hear a soft hint of a French accent in her voice. However, what he didn't expect was intense pain coming from where she grab him as he begin to scream and he drops to his knees in front of her. When she finally let go the skin was rotting away in the shape of her hand as his muscles were exposed.

"Dormir." The woman said as the man and his workers fell asleep. She looked at the coffin as she place her hand on it.

"Never again...Emietter." She said as the coffin turn to dust. and just like she enter the world five hundred and fourteen years ago, she walk out of the cave naked, and the irony was lost to her as she giggle to herself. However, she did want something, the something she wanted all these years while she was sleeping, and that was revenge; She wants to destroy the coven that betray her and her Father.

The woman step out of the cave, and walk with confidence, except she didn't realize how much the world had changed or how long she slept; however she'll soon learn. The woman holds her hand out in front of her and a purple rip appears in front of her, she reaches in and pulled out a white and black 1800s dress, and ankle-high leather high-heeled boots, and she got dressed after she got dressed the shadow under her turn darker as she begins to sink into it until she disappears.

Avenger's Tower

Manhattan, New york

"That's strange." Tony said as he was looking at the hologram map as a red dot appear on it in an instant, and the dot was flashing in North Carolina before it vanish.

"What are you talking about Tony?" Strange asked him, and Tony tapped into the satellite and it brought up a Video on the screen, it was showing the entrance to Boone's Cave in Lexington, NC; and not long the woman step out.

"Oh wow, she's a brave one." Tony commented, However, Strange looked as if he saw a ghost, and they also saw how she broke into a personal dimension, that Strange assume was her, and they watch as she got dressed and disappear.

"Well, this is an inconvenience." Strange said as he made one of his ancient books appear, He already know what is going to be asked, so he thought that he get prepared beforehand.

"What are you talking about?" Tony asked, and Strange opened the big black book and laid it on the table and revealing a beautiful painting of the Woman on one page and the other page explaining who she is.

"That is Willow Moonfall." Strange said to Tony, and of course, Tony scoffed at her name; and of course, Strange was annoyed.

"Willow Moonfall? what is she a witch from the seventies? I mean c'mon that has to be the most hippie name there is." Tony said to him.

"Well you're half right, she is a witch or at least half witch. She's not from the nineteen-seventies, No I'm afraid those witches can't even reach the powers she has. If I had to guess her age, going by the legends of course as no one knew when she was born, the earliest record of her was during the Witch trials, and at that time she was rumored to be around one-hundred-and-eighty-four years old, so I would have to say by assuming, of course, that's she is around five-hundred, maybe six-hundred years old. However going back to her powers, I would have to say she's a high-level threat, possibly an Omega threat; although this is an assumption, and I'm going by what was detailed in legends." Strange replied.

"Ok...but is she dangerous and if so can we handle her?" Tony asked.

"Well to be fair, which one of us wouldn't be considered dangerous? However, I would say she is not completely evil, in fact in the legends she used her powers to protect the weak, and as for "Handling her" I'm afraid we can't, I don't think even Wanda could. However, I have to see her powers in person to say for sure. She's a threat but her Father is worse, and if she's awakened, the prophecy about her Father will come true." Strange answered him.

"That would be bad, I assume...What does the Prophecy say?" Tony asked him.

" The impure daughter will rise, bringing the first sign of the God of the demons awakening, new land appearing out of nowhere, protected by mist, jagged rocks, and ferocious creatures.

On the day, the impure daughter will declare the new land a kingdom, and declare herself Queen of that Kingdom, a great evil will attempt to control, court, marry and impregnate the impure daughter, corrupting her with evil, and thus her shackles will no longer restrain her and she will reveal her true self and become the Queen of Hell, and wars will happen, and nations will fall as the great evil and the Demon Queen will rule over the world.

"The day the sky lit up in dark purple, Hell had fully absorbed earth, and all life will be corrupted and turn into demons.

"On the night of the Moonfall, The Demon Queen and Adis become one, All life is extinguished." Strange told Tony and Tony just stood there a bit shocked, but the wheels were turning in his head.

"Is it possible if she joins us, or one of the other teams that she can be a force for good, and would that keep the prophecy on pause for a bit until we can figure out how to stop it?" Tony asked.

"It is possible, as I said going by legends she is not completely evil. If we can get to her before this great evil, or before any of these events happen, I am pretty sure she will agree to help us, and slow down the prophecy." Strange said to him.

"I have to admit, She looks good for her age." Tony said with a smirk.

"That is thanks to her other half, She is half demon god, so she does have Immortality and eternal youth, and of course, she does have Supernatural beauty, at least that is what is said in the legends, as that is how she and her coven wasn't caught during the Salem witch trials, it said she uses her beauty, charms and her seducing the witch hunters to overlook them, but again you can't take legends seriously, as some legends become as we could say embellish." Strange told him.

"Well, anywho, I going to keep watch if any more huge amount of power is being used, and if so we would know where she will show up next, when everybody get back we can fill them in." Tony said and he went back to working on the computer as Strange read more about Willow Moonfall, However it wouldn't take them long to find Willow Moonfall.