
William Johnson and The Land Where God Dies.

In the kingdom of Arcadia, magic was taboo. Not only the act of doing magic or learning it but simply having great mana will get you discriminated against. So to them, punishment. Mages, or those deemed to have the potential, were to become slaves. Of those, the youngest person to be imprisoned was a young girl. William was her name. A girl with never seen amount of mana, that she was secured when she was barely two. One day, she found a dead body of a god. Who was the god or why it was there, was not of her concern. The corpse somehow linked with William, making her able to move it. And when a breaking started that resulted in her escape, the god's corpse will be her sole protection against those who seek harm to her.

Stobeni · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

A New Daily Life ③

Even after two days passed, WIlliam was still feeling down. From time to time, John saw her dazed staring at walls or the sky. As it went on, it became dangerous as William couldn't hold her focus even when shooting.

"Will, look, I know I said I wouldn't force you to say it. But it's getting dangerous. You shouldn't hold a gun when your head's not in it."

"I'm sorry."

William just shrugged John's warning off. She was walking while deep in her thoughts. That day was William's turn to cook, John offered her help but was denied.


Right after John said that William absentmindedly started to chop the vegetables, resulting in her cutting her finger.

"ALRIGHT! Give me that, you sit there young lady. I'll cook, but in exchange, you'll tell me what's on your mind."

John took the knife and the carrot she was cutting from William. He then resumed William's cooking and made it himself. After eating their meal, John asked William again.

"So, what's in that head of yours, kid?"

"Do I really need to tell you?"


William was trying to get away but was quickly shot down by John.

"Am I being that weird?"

"I've never seen you like this before. You've become a decent shot, it would be a shame if you lose your focus."

"I guess I did, huh..."

"Will, you can talk to me..." John placed his hand on her back.

It was clear that whatever John wanted William to tell him was a big topic for William. Her eyes were darting around. Her developed mental strength was nowhere to be found. It reminded John of what William was like a year before.

"I've learned a lot from you. Shooting, hunting, and cooking. All that, to the point that I can survive alone."

"Yes, and you did great in all of them."

"Thank you..." William took a deep breath, readying herself. "A year ago, you remember you said you're going to train me until I'm able to survive on my own? I've been thinking about it since my solo hunt. And now that those people searching for me are here, I'm wondering maybe it's time for me to leave."

"Oh, William." John's face saddened.

"I know! I know there's no way you'll kick me out just because of that. But... I, don't want anything to happen to you!" William burst into tears.

"I ain't that weak, girl. They can bring even more of those bastards, and I'll still be fine." John quickly hugged William.

"I know... but... It's been a year and they still come... What if they never stop? What if! What if they keep coming here... It will be hard to keep fending them off."

"I'd say let them come! William, girl, I'm not going to throw away my daughter for something that trivial." John looked at William's eyes.


"Yeah... I never had a kid, but if I did, I'd raise them the way I did you. So, you might as well be my daughter. What do you say?"

"I..." what John said shocked William out of her cry. "I never have a father... Does it mean I can call you that?"

"Call me whatever you like!"

"Thank you!" William burst into tears.

William hugged John back while crying. To John, it might not be a big thing. But unbeknown to him, he had granted William's one true wish.

Since the day she met Vincent and heard him talking about his family, William had craved that. She knew that her family was out there somewhere, so she wished to be reunited with them.

At that time, her wish was still fulfilled in a way by the 'family' she obtained inside the prison. But that family was taken from her. Her wish was almost fulfilled once again when she met her mother and sister, but her father of all people took that away from her.

From that point, she crossed the border alone, fending off all the loneliness she felt.

But then she met John. It would be a lie to say that William never thought of John as a father figure before, but she couldn't truly do so. John said that he would teach William until she was capable, which means it wouldn't be forever. After going through it, William didn't want to lose another 'family'. That was the core of her problem.

John had blown that problem away by telling her to be his daughter. In reality, it wouldn't change anything. Their lives would be exactly the same whether William was John's daughter or not. John would still treasure William as much.

But to Willam, that word was everything she could hope for. From that day onward, she had gained family once more.
