
Will you ever be Mine

What do you think about a one-sided love story? In my opinion, it is indeed the most beautiful thing because it is all yours. It's all about loving someone truly unconditionally without expecting anything in return. Have you ever had a one-sided love for anyone? I had Now I am married. 10 years have passed but all that still seems like it happened just a day ago When I first saw him in high school to all the times, I tried to steal glances with him. I always thought just one thing. Will you ever be mine?

SanWilliams · Sports, voyage et activités
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9 Chs

1. Glimpses of a New Change

It's about the time when I was in the last year of high school and a new transfer student, Aryan came into our class. I saw him, he was the sexiest guy in the classroom. Maybe the man with the best physique. Even though he was a newbie in our school he was already famous because of all he had with him. We shared similar hobbies but I never dared to tell him. He loves to write and always carries a red diary with him wherever he goes. He was indeed in our school for a year only but took part in all the curricular and co-curricular activities. And I was the complete opposite of him in this, I never took part in any activities, the school was pretty boring for me, I used to go to school for the sake of attendance only other than that I was an invisible girl I used to sit on the last benches so that teachers do not notice me with my only friend Rohit whom I know since childhood I protected him once from bullying and from then onwards we became the best mates, we know everything about each other's lives with no secrets contract within us, he has a girlfriend Alaya in the liberal Arts section and we are here in the Natural Science section sitting on the last bench staring at Aryan not him just me. Rohit is indeed the only person who knows about my love at first sight for Aryan. Aryan was kind of a philosophical guy and I was a nerd tomboy. Not an average human can understand his words, you need to be intellectual for that. Maybe he was both handsome and intellectual. I am a very talkative girl but I couldn't speak a single word if he was around me. It feels like my mouth is not in my control. He was my first love but his first love was books. He issues a lot of books at once from the library of many different genres. Every time I see him he is reading a book of a new genre. Once I saw him reading a romance novel and the other time he was reading a poetry book. This guy is too hard to understand. But I became so happy on that day when I saw him reading my column in the school newspaper. Maybe 'Meera' is completely invisible to all but everyone in school knows about 'Melody'. I have been writing short stories on various genres and themes for the last 5 years in our school's newspaper " The Students Daily ''. Thanks to my library teacher Mrs. Issac I got this opportunity and that too as a secret writer. I feel happiness when I see someone reading my stories and finds it good but the day I saw him smiling while reading it, my happiness was on another level. I wanted to scream and shout and tell everyone that I am Melody. But he has a girlfriend Shyna. She is the prettiest girl in our school. She proposed to him the day he entered the class and told everyone to stay away from him and to everyone's surprise, he neither said Yes nor said No. Maybe a perfect match, A match made in heaven. He was always in front of me sitting at the first desk with his girlfriend. Sometimes I found it very irritating as she was just roaming around him. But I can't do anything. I was just staring at him like an idiot from the last desk sitting alone scribbling in my notebook annoyed by Shyna's tantrums. He was the School topper, the teacher's favourite, and the rookie boy was his popularity.

It was the last year of my high school. I knew it was wrong to love someone who is committed, but my feelings were difficult for even me to accept. At last, I could just confront myself that I will never bother them but I can't stop loving him. He became the crush of all the girls in our school, and I was just one of them, Maybe a more crazy one. I always used to say to myself that everything would become normal again when school finished. Manier Times I thought of confessing my feelings to him but every time I tried I saw many like me getting rejected by him. He is a one-woman man. His small little things made me fall for him even more. His all-time perfectionist attitude killed me. He was the leader of our school's basketball team and Shyna was the cheerleader. I always used to hate sports but just for him, I booked pre-tickets for his match and that too from where I can see him the best. If I talk about his looks then I just remember beautiful black hair to his ears, brown eyes, a sharp nose, beautiful eyelashes, a nice jawline and lovely lips.

I still remember how I used to hide behind the wall while he was practising alone on the basketball court. I used to watch him practising for hours and hours but never got tired of him. I cannot become his girlfriend so my only wish was that at least he should know my name. I tried my best to tell him my name indirectly, sometimes distributing the notebooks and telling my name aloud so that he could listen but ended up making others laugh at my crazy actions. He was still ignorant.

With 6 months left of our school days to end, we all got farewell invitations. I was very sad because now I will be unable to see him. I thought maybe these are the last few months I would get a chance to see him. But what happened that day changed my whole life? That day was a turning point in my life which I will never forget.

please read and comment about your views on this story and tell us if you have experienced something like this. During teenage we are immature and it's natural to do crazy things as teenagers which either becomes a good memory or an embarrassing story to tell in parties

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