
Will You be Mine

Ju_ng · Sports, voyage et activités
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2 Chs

Don't look back

Throughout the whole training trial, Park Eun-Jung couldn't seem to focus at all with all the eyes watching her every move.

"What your relationship between you and Choi Jin-young?" Someone burst the bubble.

"There's nothing between us. We are just old classmates," Park Eun-Jung said trying to end the conversation there.

He turns to Choi Jin-young who over on the other side punching the boxing bag getting himself hype up,"Nah, I'm not buying that."

Park Eun-Jung gave Hae Jae-Hwa a look gesturing her to do something about them.

"I suggest we ask Choi Jin-young, himself if we want to hear the whole story," Hae Jae-Hwa said putting down the dumbbells.

Park Eun-Jung was flabbergasted, "You as well??"

"Gurl, I'm curious too. Choi Jin-young who shows no emotion to any girl that walks up to him but he RAN when he saw you."

"YAH Hae Jae-Hwa!" Park Eun-Jung tries to call her back.

But Hae Jae-Hwa slip through her grip and ran with the group, "I'll be quick!"



By the time Park Eun-Jung and Hae Jae-Hwa were about to leave Coach Kim wave at them.

"Thank you for your time and care today," Park Eun-Jung said while dismissing herself.

"I'll see you next time."

"Yes. See you next time." She said knowing well she's never gonna step foot into here ever again.

Hae Jae-Hwa sees right through her, "Coach, she's lying! She's nev-"

Park Eun-Jung slaps Hae Jae-Hwa's back and politely bows to him before leaving.

"Giving up working out?" Hae Jae-Hwa stretches her whole body.

"I'll just find something else to do."

Park Eun-Jung caught Hae Jae-Hwa giving her a side look,"Do you not believe me?"

"I have nothing to say," she said while staring at her phone and sneak a glance at Park Eun-Jung again.

"Why-?" then Park Eun-Jung realize and hold her arm, "Yah, your choosing your man over your best friend."

"He's gonna pick me up. You can join."

"No thanks," and glare at Hae Jae-Hwa, "Hate being the third wheel."