
Will You be Mine

Ju_ng · Sports, voyage et activités
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2 Chs

23 feeling like 86

"Eun-Jung-ssi," The doctor, Dr.Lee, scrolls through her report, "You're 23 right now."

Park Eun-Jung answers with a nod.

He turns to her, removing his glasses, "but your body is like 86."

Park Eun-Jung didn't know how to respond to that although it isn't the first time she heard that during her yearly check up. This time around she actually felt her 86 year old body.

"Your muscles are too tense and your back is too stiff."

She puts on a guilty smile,"When I get up from bed in the morning…just sitting up I could feel a sharp pain on my lower back."

"Anywhere else?"

"No… but sometimes my legs feel weak just taking a few steps."

Dr.Lee sighed, "Kid,..."

Park Eun-Jung understands what he wants to say, "I'll start taking Dr.Lee's advice and do exercise."

Dr.Lee raises his brow after hearing that she is now going to start taking his advice after all these years… only now is she gonna listen, "... Okay," still digesting what she said, "I'm not telling you to immediately do extreme work-out right after you step out of here. Just do some walking, light jogs and do stretches here and there."


"I'm also going to give you pills for your lack of vitamin D" after asking which pharmacy she wants to pick it up, he ends the meeting with, "I better see results next year."

"Of course."....Is what she said.


"Ugh, I don't feel like moving," after coming back home she dove straight back onto her bed after showering, scrolling through the media.

Park Eun-Jung, who was busy laying around, glanced up at the door, "Kenzo, is that you? Scratching the door again."

Kenzo meowed.

"The door is open. My kenzo, stop scratching it and give mama a hug."

While scrolling she saw Hae Jae-Hwa, her best friend's post, and a grin appeared on her face, "Let's give Hae Jae-Hwa a call shall we?"


Hae Jae-Hwa picked up the call, "What is it?"

"Hae Jae-Hwa, do you have boxing class today?"

"What's the sudden interest?"

"You know… I was thinking how nice it would be if we both enjoy a similar sport."

"The only sport I know you like is sleep if not eating."

"Yahh-- can't you see I'm trying to change. I envy your body... I went to see my report today and found out that the owner of this body is actually 86 years old," Park Eun-Jung whined, "My doctor wants this granny to move.

"Pfft….No way…," Hae Jae-Hwa couldn't hold back her laugh.

With a stern look Park Eun-Jung complained, "I'm being serious. Didn't you say your place gives a 5 days free trial before beginning?"

"I get it," Hae Jae-Hwa replied, still laughing, "Just don't embarrass me when we get there. I'll come pick you up."

That evening

"I already inform Coach Kim that you are here to try out first. But let me ask him if you can train with me."

Park Eun-Jung nods feeling a bit nervous.

When they were about to walk in, Park Eun-Jung noticed a familiar face in the distance and tug on Hae Jae-Hwa's hoodie, "Maybe I shouldn't… go after all."

"What?? We are already here."

Park Eun-Jung tries to resist Hae Jae-Hwa's pulling despite all that she stumbled inside with her head down.

Hae Jae-Hwa nudge her, "Say hello."

Park Eun- Jung slowly lift her head up and waved, "Hello...".


Choi Jin-young look up in the distance to see who the new member is. The moment Park Eun-Jung lift her head up her eyes met his.

His friends looks at him confused, "You still have three more push up to do-" But he was already on the run. Out the door.

A gust of wind flew past the two standing by the door.

Park Eun-Jung had a poker face while Hae Jae-Hwa was trying to process what just pass them.

Coach Kim who was getting materials next the door caught Choi Jin-young by the neck, "Why are you running? I mistook you for a thief."

The two of them were having a mini argument over at the corner. Park Eun-Jung heard her name in the argument and turn back to Hae Jae-Hwa who had her arms cross, "You, my friend have some tea to sip."