
Will I conquer the world or decide to save it

Zombie_wolf · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Meeting new people

Right after sil picked her class the system spoke once again.

(Player has picked a unknown class, it is up to you to find your new limits and unlock all its secrets. Congratulations player you have unlocked new skill (Awakened domain), this skill is a aura that you can turn in or off as you please requires mana to use. This aura amplify's your blood lust by 10x. People that are to weak to handle this level of blood lust will be brought to their knees in fear of your presence. Congratulations player you have unlocked new passive skill (mana sense) living or not anything that has mana flowing through it you will be able to see it. Gods speed player)

Sil didn't have time to think about what the system said before the white room turned into a black one and before she could figure out we're she was she heard a familiar voice.

"Good morning master how go you feel." He asked filling the darkness with his deep voice.

"Scar? Where the hell am I? and I feel fine sorry about the hole collapsing thing." She asked as she flouted about.

"I'm glad your feeling better master and your in my void space, would you like out?"

"Yes please we have a lot to discuss." Sil now out of the dark room and in a open area next to a river and a waterfall not to far away the same one we're she met the ogre just down the river from him.

"scar how long have I been asleep?" She asked with a worried expression.

"It's only been 5 hours, still the same day why do you ask master Is there something wrong?" He asked curiosity as he stood next to her.

"No, no nothing like that I have a dual tomorrow up the river I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss it. Alright tell me everything that happened while I was asleep." She asked in a calm tone but scar was not ready to say what happened for fear he did the wrong thing.

"Alright master I will tell you every detail of what happened after you collapsed." He said this with a shaky voice which made Sil raise a eyebrow but not interrupt.

"When you collapsed you sent out a powerful mana wave that sent bore's rampaging in our direction, I put you in my void space to keep you save and then 10 bore came out the forest I dispatched them quickly."

"As I was leaving another group of 10 bore came after me, same as the last I killed them all. but after dispatching that group and trying to head into the woods to find a place for you to rest at that's when I got pulled deep into my own shadow."

"That's where I met a forsaken human named Jack the Ripper, he sounded strong and he had full control over the shadows. All I told him was my name and that you were the one who caused the mana wave. I also might have let the fact that you were a woman slip." He said the last sentence with his head down in shame.

"Well done scar you did a good job protecting me and you got food for a few weeks good job indeed." she said this with a genuine smile that made scar confused but didn't say anything on the matter.

"Alright scar I will tell you what happened to me when I collapsed, I didn't lose consciousness I went to a white room to talk with the system and what I learned Is very interesting. What I want to tell you is I'm a awakened one and I have a class known as specialist this will make our Journey a lot more fun." She assured with a smile.

"Congratulations master I could feel your mana being a higher potency, but awakened one I never heard about them so I have no knowledge about your race also a class? What's that?" He asked completely lost on the subject.

"A class is something you master over your life time and you can only have 2, but with my specialist class I can master them all with time." She said with pride for having such a good class.

"I expect nothing less from my master so what's next master." He asked ready for the next adventure.

Suddenly a human exited from Sil's shadow just standing behind her with a devilish smile. Sil with her new mana sense skill she could feel him behind her but she didn't move she just had a bigger and more devilish smile on her face scaring Scar.

"You must be the Jack the Ripper. tell me what you want then I'll like to ask some questions." She said while activating her new skill awaken Domain.

"Ahahhahahahaa I like that, that's good you might actually be able to injure me with that much power. what do you say would you like to dual O strong one?" He said in a mocking tone.

"The name is Sil and what do I get from this dual? sounds like a waste of time." She asked with a uninterested tone.

"I have a lot to offer but what's the point in offering anything when I know I won't get nothing if I win?" he asked in turn with a smile while chuckling.

"So fuck off then your waisting my time." She said with a smile baiting him into a trap.

"O come on you have something to give me your body and soul." he said while dying of laughter.

"Then that's the deal the winner gets to have the loser as a slave what do you say Jack the Ripper?" She asked still smiling because everything was going according to plan.

"Then it's a deal" He confirmed while still laughing.

"Scar back up and don't interrupt my battle or you will be punished. As for you Jack where fighting right here and now so I hope your ready." She ordered confidently.

"Always ready to kill and take what's mine." He confidently barked back.

Sil was the first to move but not how you would expect, she slowly walked to Jack with a smile that looked more like a demon then anything else.

Jack not backing down from the challenge slowly started walking toward her. when close enough to throw hands Sil was just standing there waiting for her opponent to use magic or to even throw out a punch but he just stood there.

This made Sil smile and without thinking she threw out a quick jab with her right arm at Jack's face just for him to catch it, but that wasn't the attack he should of been focused on because in Sil's left had had a bone knife dug deep into jacks thigh making Jack wince in pain and throw out a full power swing at Sil's face for her to doge the attack by leaping backwards.

"You sneaky little bitch your going to pay for that." Jack hissed out in anger.

"All bark and no bite, keep yapping little dog, I'm about to tame you and make you my bitch." Sil confidently mocked and started laughing at Jack.

Jack has never been insulted to this degree before making him loss his temper and charge in at his full speed.

Sil fully expecting Jack to charge but not at such speed it was hard to doge the incoming punch dodging by only a couple of centimeters, leaving a scratch on her face but that did not slow her down she cut a giant slash in jacks chest making him jump away from her.

"You risk your own life to be able to wound me your a brave human I'll give you that. But are you even a human it's been hundreds of years since I seen a human as strong as you." Jack asked with a hint of fear in his voice.

Sil still had the same devilish grin on her face the hole time. "So your having second thoughts about our dual just because you don't think I'm human?" Sil asked in a amused tone.

"Of course not it doesn't even matter, if you were a full blooded demon I wouldn't call off our little dual it just means I need to get more serious." As he said this his mana started seeping out his body like a flood condensing around him making him bigger, stronger,faster and also growing two horns from his head.

"Now I'm ready to end our dual there's only been one person in this word who could withstand my power in this form." He said with a ominous voice.

Sil could see his mana growing by almost 10x in his new form but it didn't scar her a little bit only making her more curious about magic and forsaken ones.

"If you want to go all out I guess I can put a little effort into this little dual." She mocked focusing.

This made Jack take his opponent more seriously, if she wasn't trying before what's she going to do now? But Jacks thoughts were cut off by Sil gathering as much mana as she could making the ground shake under the amount of pressure she was making with her mana alone.

But unfortunately for Jack it didn't stop Sil's mana kept rising and rising making scar run away from the battle in fear he might get caught up in the attack.

At the peak of Sil's mana gathering Jack couldn't withstand the pressure falling to one knee stuck gazing at Sil he could see how dense the mana she produced making her body glow a ominous purple.

Jack looked at Sil as if she was his executioner ready to punish him for his crimes. not wanting to die he began pleading for his life "please my master Sil, I forfeit the match I lose please stop this torture." He begged almost with blood leaking from his eyes.

Unknown to sil, Jack was suffering from the fear she brought down on him with her immense mana on top of her skill awakened domain she was literally torturing him.

Sil let out a long evil laugh causing Jack to fear her even more. "You think you can just beg me and shit will happen, you have another thing coming JACK so how about you apologize while kissing my feet." She demanded as she laughed at him

Jack couldn't bring himself to kiss her feet,forcing sil to stomp his head making him eat dirt.

"Do you remember our deal Jack? You were the one who said loser is the slave of the winner." Sil asked while keeping the same amused expression.

"Yes of course master please I'll do anything please stop, releasing your mana it's Killing me!" Jack pleaded with his life hoping his new master would have mercy on him.

Sil stopped because she got a system message.

(Congratulations player you have now unlocked the slave category. this can only be achieved by Breaking down your opponent and making them submit to your every command. this can't be broken unless the master doesn't want the slave anymore killing them instantaneously)

Sil could feel the connection already, looking at Jack she wanted to test out how the slave category worked. On jacks end, it felt like a chain was wrapped around his heart with a small sword poked against his beating heart.

"Jack come here right now." She ordered in a intimidating voice.

Jack didn't even think about getting close to this demon but his body moved all by itself. Now face to face Jack started sweating bullets.

"You are mine now and you can't do shit to go against my word, so be a good dog and maybe I won't make your like miserable." She said in a voice so sinister that even demons would fear her.

Jack was frozen in place his life was over and now he was bounded by chains that he can't break or see his life was over.

"SCAR!!! The fight is over" Sil shouted calling scar back to camp.

Scar slowly walked out from the forest with his head down.

"Sorry about that Scar, I should have warned you before going all out."

"I'm the one who should be apologizing. i couldn't withstand your power master, my body wouldn't listen to me I was forced to flee." He sighed at his own uselessness.

Scar walking up to Jack to see him stuck in a frozen state he couldn't help but chuckle to himself, Jack was someone he didn't want to fight but when Jack got put against his master, jack crumbled under the pressure.

"What are you going to do to me?" He asked in a heart broken voice.

"Well nothing much you didn't do anything wrong besides think you were hot shit, so just obey my orders and you will be fine." She answered in a nonchalant tone.

"Wait you really aren't going to beat me and make me lick your feet?" Jack was confused he thought he would have to grovel at her feet for the rest of his life.

"Probably not, I can't make any promises if you act right and do as I say you can do whatever you want. when your not following my orders and you do displeasing things then I might have to lock that shit up but besides that we're good."

Jack still felt like his life was over. now it's time to have a new life one bound by chains.

Sil walked over to Jack and placed a palm on his forehead and began taking his mana but at the same time giving him more potent mana causing Jack to scream in pain but sil didn't stop only refining the process of taking and giving.

After what felt like days to Jack his body started to feel like it was on clouds and his body felt light like the wind could blow him away.

"Congratulations Jack you are now immortal and your body is now a weapon even demons fear, how do you feel?" Sil asked wandering how the experiment went she could see his mana has grown but she was wandering if anything else changed.

"I feel different like I'm a different race, my body feels foreign and my mana it feels bottomless, what did you do to me?" He asked surprisingly in a calm tone.

This made sil smile at Jack, "you are now a awakened one, I decided since you're no longer Jack the riper you used to be I would change your race." She answered while still smiling.

Jack was stunned for a second he was lost in his mine thinking how powerful she was to be able to turn someone into a myth "A AWAKENED ONE. How are you so powerful you how can you turn me into god" he blurted out without thinking.

"What do you mean by god?" She asked in a demanding tone. Making Jack reply immediately.

"Awakened ones have the power to work up to the god rank no other races besides dragons have made it that high in the last 1000 years my lady." He answered with a bow.

"So I'm guessing your internally greatfull right?" She asked with a sinister smile.

"Of course, even if I have to learn magic from scratch, this is something the gods in this world can't give, so even if you don't want me to serve you I would follow you anyways." Jack answered with confidence.

"That's terrifying master you turned this beast into a demon but I'm sure he is well tamed by now." Scar said while chuckling to himself.

"Jack I appreciate you not being a stick in the mud, but I still have experiments to test." Sil wanted to test out if Jack was still king of the shadows.