
will he survive

James is a member of a gang named Knight no one in the gang knows that he can't fight. what will happen when the truth comes out will he survive?

Nillflower · Politique et sciences sociales
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15 Chs

Chapter 15

Alexander got called by his father in the evening and he returned very late at night, the time was already midnight. His face showed a frustrated expression, his father is dissappointed in him, and that deeply provoke his anger. When he walked Upstairs he saw a figure sitting and reading. Seeing the face closer he got more angry, he hates betrayers. Only this guy escaped from his hold But he will never forgive him.

" Why are you up this late ?" Alexander asked nonchalantly. James got frightened at the sudden appearance of Alexander. " I have an exam," He answered truthfully. " I am tired, time is already twelve, now I can't sleep, " Alexander said sitting opposite of him. James got confused did he want something? or was he gonna sit there and watch him?." I want shoulder massage," Alexander stated firmly. James took some time to analyse what he asked. Nodding his head awkwardly James puts away his books.

James started massaging his shoulder. Alexander closed his eyes and sat silently and relaxed, enjoying the massage.

Time went by and James's hands started to feel numb, Alexander didn't even bulge from his seat. " Is that enough? " James asked, impatiently. " Did I told to stop?" Alexander asked sternly. James huffed and continued. " Did you sleep with Arrow before? " James got surprised by his sadden question. " No" James answered bitterly. Why was he bringing it up again, he cursed his fate badly.

" Don't be an angel. I've already seen people like you before,". Alexandra stated calmly. James out of anger pressed his fingers on Alexander's shoulder harder. " Uhhhh, what the hell ?" Alexander seethed and stood looking at him for an answer. " Do you want to kill me badly?". He shouted.

James gulped in fear, out of anger he just lost control over his hands. " You are.... talking nonsense all the... time. Don't forget I also have heart," He said Sutter.

" Who needs your heart, I will be pleased if you share your body" Alexander remarked, he eyed him like a predictor. " I just want to know why my enemy seemed to like you," Alexander said coming closer to him. James had red eyes he felt disrespected. " You are pathetic," James suddenly spoke up.

Alexander's eyes glowed, and a smirk played on his lips. " You staying under my wings, working at my home and you say I am pathetic ", Alexander asked laughing a little.

" Isn't your father is drug addict and killed your mother. That is your worth! And you know what is my worth, letting dogs like you live under my foot ". Alexander paused and yanked James' hair up. " Tomorrow you have a duty. At an event. If you pass you will be my Hitman but you fail. I like to tell you there are other businesses we run, if you want to continue at the college you must do that then. You already have experience in that field so I think it's fine". Alexander seethed at him and let go of him. James was controlling his tears till now, seeing Alexander disappear in the room. He sat and cried silently, his life was nothing but pathetic.

He woke up as usual early. Did hard exercise till six of the clock. Today he is off from house duty due to a mission. It's his first time, he saw fighting that's are also students fighting.

But today he will be a member of the gang, he will use a gun. He remembers what Alexander had said, it is his test that means chaos is sure.

James sat between Don and Drew. At the front, Venice drove and Drew sat in the passenger seat.

" Isn't Sparkle always get the royal treatment because of his husband. I am jealous". Drew stated. " Yeah, I always had my eyes for Sparkle City. But he blindly loves that idiotic, it's" Don commented. ," Don't you have eyes for all living things?" Venice asked blandly. " Oh, now you are talking". Don said snorting.

" I feel sad for Sparkle, that Tom playing him. He caught him cheating many times still forgive him ". Drew said. James hearing all their talk suddenly got interested. He couldn't believe Tom could play with someone, especially his lover.

" You know once I saw him with his girlfriend. She is so hot man! ", Don said shaking his head and salivating.

James still thought sparkle was unreasonable and he unnecessarily doubted his partner. But now he understands why their relationship is not so healthy.

James thought Brock us he felt someone's hand sneaking on his thighs. He disapprovingly stared at that person. Don smiled sweetly at him. " Maybe I should break that hand for you". James said rolling eyes as he threw away his hand. Everyone in the car laughed at them. " What type of exercise you teach him Drew? " Don asked little embarrassed. " Self-defense from perverts ", Drew remarked.

The car finally reached its destination. All got down and looked in awe at the image of the sea and big ships sailing in. James spotted Alexander and Tom, sparkle entering a big ship. " We also should follow," Venice said seriously and walking towards them. James' phone rang, and he hung up on the phone before Alexander could see him. When he saw he entered inside. He dialled the phone to Johnny. " Don't say anything. I am on duty and I am very busy, call me back". James said hung up the phone.