
Wild Cats

Modern girl, Marianne, meets her end trying to save her only family and cat, Sebastian. When she wakes up in a world full of big cats and her world takes a turn. Little did she know that something was lurking in the dark waiting to lunge at the perfect time. As Marianne adapts to her new life, the big cats around her will teach her how to become a wild cat.

Misstorywriter · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Rabbit Hunt (1)

The sun shone down directly at the family and their guest. As Marianne and her mother set up the fire at the house, the males make their way into the forest.

Trees can be seen everywhere along with it's inhibitors. The birds squawk over them while the small critters scurry away from the group of beasts in human form.

Leading the group, Leo walks at the front, followed by the two brothers and their father.

"Che, how exactly are we gonna catch a Ratthopper. They like to hide underground and their hideouts are so difficult to find." Marv hisses and grumbles, "How dare you brag and promise my innocent little sister with your bull—"

"Enough." Jarold, the boy's father commands before kicking a piece of rock. The rock flies and lands a solid THUD on Marv's head.

While Marv rubs his wounds, Jarr stares down at Leo, engrossed in his thoughts about his friend's strange behavior.

Leonard De Leon, also known as Leo, The Red Ripper. For the many years Jarr has known him, Leo was never the "affectionate" or "caring" kind. He was the Cheif Commander of the Fang Warriors that go out to fight in wars. As someone who fought with him, Jarr thinks about the times when Leo fought in battles. Leo, The Red Ripper, slashed his opponents head off cleanly, straight to their deaths. The most eerie part as he killed was how quietly his opponents died without uttering a scream. Corpses would fall down out of nowhere if you did not see it happen.

"Leo." Jarr catches up with him.

"Mmm…" Leo responds without looking at him.

"What exactly are you planning." Jarr asks, a little hostile.

Leo, still looking straight ahead, glances at Jarr at the corner of his eyes.

Jarr Blackfoot, his first-in-command in the Fang Warriors. He has considered Jarr as a companion and friend on and off battle. Considering their many years of working well with each other. Maybe they might become brother-in-laws if he were to become Marianne's mate.

"Catching a ratthopper for Marianne." Leo bluntly replies. No need to talk about it yet.

Just then, Marv shows up in between the two.

"Hey, Lion Cub. How about we make this a bet. If you win, the competition, you can stay for as long as Marianne let's you. But if you lose, you take back your mate proposal and never ask her again."

Marv smirks.

I must be a genius. There's no way Marianne would want to keep someone as scary and a brute like him around. I bet she was scared of him when he brought her back at the cabin-- He thought, as he sticks his hand out to Leo.

"Marv, don't be--" Jarr intervenes.

"Deal." Leo confidently agrees, grabbing Marv's outstretched hand and shakes it with a tight grip.

"Oww!" Marv yelps and quickly takes his swollen hand away.

Their dad steps into the circle and laughs, "Since you two will be busy catching the ratthopper for breakfast, Jarr and I will look for some vegetables and fruits to eat with the meal. Marianne needs all the healthy foods to eat to get stronger."

While Jarr sighs in defeat, Marv and Leo walks on a head in search for a ratthopper's nest.

"Dad, why did you let those two go on their own. You know how reckless and a trouble-maker Marv is. And Leo has a quick temper when poked right." Jarr asks worriedly.

"Mmm... Let's just say that I wanted your friend to knock him some sense. His got too much energy for me to deal with and thinks that he can fight anyone and win. This will be fun. Don't worry." He and his dad walk off the opposite direction from the two.




Meanwhile, Marv and Leo found themselves a male ratthopper drinking water by a stream. They are both waiting behind a boulder, waiting for it to take another sip of water.

Leo, zeros on his prey, eyes narrowed and never blinking as he quietly stares at the ratthopper. Marv on the other hand, had other things in mind.

Leo, hunches back on his hind legs, and prepares to pound. When a SNAP can be heard next to him. His eyes widen as startled ratthopper dashes away from the scene.

Leo looks at Marv who looks away unapologetic. He grumble, "If you're going to make the prey run away, you are better off hunting on your own. Why are you following me anyway?"

"Cause I don't want to hunt yet. I just want to see how difficult it must be to catch a ratthopper." Marv laughs before jumping up to follow quietly behind the run away prey. Leo follows unhappily.

Ten minutes passed and they finally found the same ratthopper. This time it eating a small critter it had caught not too long ago. It's razor sharp teeth crunch through it's prey's bones like people breaking twigs.

Leo looks around him. Marv was no where to be seen. He relaxes and again, prepares to catch the ratthopper without failing a second time.

However . . .

A small movement can be seen at the opposite side from where he was. In a split second, he sees a medium sized animal lunging towards the ratthopper. It lands on the back of the busy-eating ratthopper.

The ratthopper snarls and swipes at the creature that was on it's back. Dust particles rise up from the ground making the fight scene difficult to see. The two creatures snarls and hiss at each other. Two shadows jump away from each other. The dust began to reside when the unexpected creature prepares to lunge again.

Faith was cruel, and the creature's front paws slides it out of balance. It falls face down on the dirt floor. The ratthopper runs away.

Leo watches as the dust finally clears up to see who the unexpected creature is. It was a blackfooted cat. At first he thought it might have been Jarr, since he was the only blackfoot cat he has ever seen in battle. However, this one was slightly smaller than Jarr's animal form and was a lot more yellow.

The blackfooted cat, gets back up on it's feet and suddenly shifts forms.

"Marv." Leo glares at the him, walking up to him.

"What? I almost had it. You just got in the way." Marv pouts, crossing his arms over his naked self.

Leo, annoyed and fed up with Marv's stupidity, drags his body.

"H-hey! What do you thin you're doing?! Violence is prohibited! Wahhh!!!" Leo grabs vines that were growin near by and ties Marv with it-- head to toe, only his nose and mouth out.

"How dare you do this to me! When Marianne finds out what you did to me, she won't forgive you! I am her favorite brother, you hear me!" Marv rants and curses at Leo.

"She won't know if you're dead." Leo threatens before walking off.