
Seven years of itch

I entering the restaurant , my wife's private room door was open, and a waiter was tidying up the room.

"Oh no!"

The 'evidence' inside shouldn't be cleaned up by the waiter. I walked briskly into the private room and was immediately greeted by a strong smell of alcohol. The room was a bit messy, with a spilled glass on the floor. I frowned at the alcohol on the floor. Under what circumstances would alcohol spill on the floor? Was my wife and Tommy so engrossed in something that they accidentally spilled the alcohol? Why was I thinking along these lines?

The waiter looked at me surprisedly and said, "Sir,What are you looking for?"

"Oh, I forgot something and came back to look for it."

I made up a random excuse. The waiter asked what I was looking for and offered to help me find it. I rejected, saying I would search on my own. I wanted to check for condoms or tissues. I looked towards the trash bin, which was full of crumpled tissue balls. Were there condoms inside those paper balls? I really wanted to pick them up and check, but with the cleaning staff around, I hesitated.

"Sir, are you looking for this?"

The waiter picked up the box from the sofa and asked me. I glanced at the square box. Upon closer inspection, wasn't this the box for storing condoms? My heart clenched at the sight.

"Where did you find this?"

"Sir, I found it right here on this sofa."

The waiter pointed to the black sofa.


I took the box and left the restaurant's private room. Standing at the entrance, I opened the box to take a look. Inside was a condom.

Seeing this condom, my mind was in chaos. What exactly were my wife and Tommy doing in the private room for half an hour? Why was there a condom box on the sofa? And that spilled glass, everything was confusing.

My wife who used to care and love me had become someone else's lover. At that moment, I felt like the world was collapsing around me. Why would my wife do this to me? Why...

A drizzle started, people were bustling on the streets, but none of it mattered to me. I stood in the rain, feeling abandoned by the whole world. Where had my wife gone with that young man and Zena? What did Tommy instruct my wife to do? A cold wind blew, and I shivered involuntarily.

I picked up my phone and dialed my wife's number. Ringing... but it went to voicemail. Did she go to a hotel room with that young man now? Were they indulging in reckless love? My wife sitting on that young man's lap, satisfying him eagerly. She was no longer the wife I knew.

I dialed her number again, but it still wouldn't connect. My emotions were in turmoil. Just as I was about to buy some bottles of alcohol, my phone rang, and it was my wife calling.

My heart skipped a beat as I answered attentively. I listened carefully, trying to detect any unusual noises around my wife.

"Honey, where are you?"

My wife's gentle voice came through the phone. It was so gentle that it made my heart ache.

"I called you, why didn't you answer?"

"When you called, I was already downstairs. I thought I would be home soon, so I didn't answer."

That was my wife's explanation. Then she asked me where I was.

"I went out to buy some cigarettes. I'll be back soon."

"Oh, I'll be waiting for you at home."

My wife was still so gentle, like a piece of soft cotton candy.

"Honey, what's wrong with you? Didn't you say you had something important to tell me? That's why I came home early."

"It's nothing... just come home, I'll be back soon."

As I hung up the phone, I turned around and saw Tommy standing across the street, looking at me. He seemed to notice that I saw him and hurriedly walked into the store.

Why did Tommy suddenly appear there? And why was he staring at me? With the deep feeling, I hurried home.

Opening the door and stepping inside, I immediately smelled a strong perfume scent. It was my wife's perfume, filling the entire living room.

"Honey, I'm home."

I sat on the sofa, planning to ask my wife if she had cheated on me.

"Honey, I brought back barbecue for you. They're on the table. I'll take a shower first."

I heard my wife's coquettish voice from the bathroom.

I sat on the sofa, looking at the grilled fish on the table, but I had no appetite.

After about ten minutes, my wife came out of the bathroom, wearing a white robe with nothing underneath.

She sat next to me and said, "Honey, do you have something important to tell me?"

From her eyes, I could tell she was very eager, thinking I might have a gift for her.

"Helen, have you heard of the seven-year itch?"

"Why are you suddenly talking about this?" My wife frowned.

"We've been married for so long, and I'm worried you might have other thoughts."

"Honey, what are you thinking? You're my husband, and I love you the most."

My wife said tenderly and confidently, then looked at me worriedly, "They say men often think with their lower half. We've been married for so long, and I'm worried you might get tired and find another woman behind my back."

"How about we make a deal? Whoever cheats first, leaves."

I said jokingly to my wife.

She was taken aback and then said in a slightly aggrieved tone, "Honey, don't you trust me?"

I really wanted to say that I don't trust you. But I never said it out loud because I had no evidence of her cheating.

"I was just joking."

"Hmph! Honey, I hate it when you say that. How can we talk about trust between husband and wife like this? It's as if I would go find another man."

My wife was a little angry, then said, "I'm gonna ignore you, I'm going to sleep."

After speaking, she walked into the bedroom.

I looked at her back, feeling indescribable emotions. Thinking back to our past moments together, the struggles we went through, and the wonderful times we shared.