
Out of the ordinary

In the facetime, my wife was only wearing a pink bra, and the scene around her was a narrow space. Seeing my wife had taken off her coat and was only wearing a bra, she seemed too bold. I didn't see if she was wearing pants. But I think my wife should be wearing her pink panties.

"Helen, what are you doing?" Seeing this scene, I was both surprised and angry.

"Honey, I'm buying clothes, trying them on in the fitting room." Then she panned the camera around the fitting room.

I made sure there was no one else around her to feel relieved.

"Then you'd better change clothes quickly, don't catch a cold in this weather."

"Honey, Don't worry. I'll be back." My wife quickly hung up the video call.

Sitting on the sofa, smoking, I recalled the scene in the fitting room just now, I felt like I should go to the shopping mall to see whether my wife was really buying clothes or doing something else. Time was of the essence. I took a taxi and quickly arrived at the mall not far from my house. Standing at the entrance, I lit a cigarette.

Was my wife still trying on clothes? I decided to call my wife and see where she was. The phone was connected, and I could hear my wife's slightly panting voice.

It sounded like the kind of voice she made when having affair with another man, and that man seemed to be exerting a lot of effort.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Honey, still shopping with Lisa at the mall."

"Which mall?"

"I'm at Westfield, I'll be home after buying clothes."

My wife didn't tell me exactly where she was. Her voice sounded strange.

I walked into store and started looking around, but many young men and women are buying clothes here, I couldn't check every fitting room.

After waiting for a few minutes, I looked back outside and seemed to see my wife's figure walking away from the store entrance. She was accompanied by a man, and they seemed to be chatting and laughing.

I was furious and chased after them. The street was crowded, and when I looked up, I could only see the woman who looked like my wife walking away with the man. I hurriedly followed.

In the blink of an eye, the woman who looked like my wife disappeared. I sat on a chair, took out a cigarette, and couldn't believe I lost her like that. After all, I wasn't a detective, and people are crowded over there. It was impossible to catch up with my wife. Maybe that woman wasn't my wife after all. I went back to the entrance of the store and continued to wait, still feeling that my wife was still inside the store.

After about ten minutes, I didn't see my wife coming out. At that moment, my phone rang. It was my wife calling.

"Honey, where are you?" My wife's voice sounded questioning.

"I'm at home."

"You're lying. I'm at home now, and I didn't see you. Where are you?"

My wife was getting anxious.

"I'm having a late-night snack outside."

The tone of my wife wasn't right. She hasn't spoken to me like that since we got married. What could have happened? I told my wife I was coming back right away.

Since she's at home, it means the woman I saw earlier wasn't her, but someone else! I breathed a sigh of relief and hailed a taxi home, smoking a cigarette on the way. This couldn't make sense at all. I had only just left, and my wife was already back home. It doesn't add up.

Normally, when we go shopping, it takes her ages to buy clothes. Why did she come back so early today? 

When I got back home, my wife was sitting on the couch. Her expression wasn't good, which puzzled me. I hadn't even started an argument, but she blew up first. As soon as she saw me, she walked over and asked why there was a woman's hair on our bed. I told her it was hers. She insisted it wasn't hers, but another woman's, and asked if I had been with another woman and brought her home. It all seemed so bizarre to me.

My wife's behavior puzzled me. She went home as soon as I left. It didn't make sense. Why did she come home so early today? There must be something wrong.

I tried to explain to my wife that I couldn't possibly bring another woman home, and I only loved her, but if she didn't believe me, she could do a DNA test on the hair to see if it was hers. My wife's hair was blonde, but the hair she found on the bed was brown. So my wife suspected that I brought another woman home and cheated.

My wife looked at me with suspicion.

"Helen, why do you think this way?" I frowned.

"This obviously isn't my hair. Are you with another woman now?"

My wife questioned me again.

"I've told you, this hair must be yours. If you don't believe me, you can do a DNA test."

She was being unreasonable, and I was angry.

Maybe my wife was cheating outside and felt guilty about me, so she kept thinking I was also cheating, which made her feel better about herself. Then she could justify cheating with another man.

My wife didn't say anything else but went back to the room, trying to find evidence of my infidelity. Ridiculous!

About five minutes later, my wife came out of the room, smiling, and asked me what I wanted to eat. She offered to buy takeout.

This woman changed her attitude so quickly. She had just questioned me, and now she was fine.

But what puzzled me was the red scar on my wife's neck, as if she had been bitten by someone and left kissing marks.

"Helen, what's that on your neck?" I walked over, lifted the clothes covering the red scar on my wife's neck, and lightly touched it with my hand.

Sure enough, my wife's neck had kissing marks.

I was instantly furious. "What happened to your neck?"