

I sat on the couch with my legs crossed, frowning deeply. What was my wife up to? The voice I just heard sounded exactly like my wife is enjoying herself with a man. The images of her on the office desk flooded my mind.

I lit a cigarette and took a drag. What was I thinking? Why did I imagine my wife in such a disgraceful way? She loved me and our family. How could she possibly betray me?

Staring at the fishy-smelling stockings on the table only heightened my suspicions. Eventually, I decided to call my wife.

There was no heavy breathing on the phone this time. Instead, my wife asked what I wanted.

I told her to buy some snacks for dinner when she comes home.

As I spoke, I listened intently for any male voices around her.

"Honey, I might not be home until after ten tonight," she said.

That made my heart tighten. "Didn't you just said you'd be done by eight? Why the delay?"

"It's a colleague's birthday tonight..."

"But didn't your colleague celebrate her birthday the other night? Another one today?"

I doubted her explanation, especially considering her recent odd behavior. "You must come home immediately after work. I need to talk to you."

She insisted on staying until her colleague's birthday celebration ended.

Her attitude infuriated me. "No, you must come home right now!"

"Why are you being so harsh, honey? Did you take the wrong medication today?"

"Wrong medication? Come home immediately."

"What's going on, honey?"

"You'll find out when you get home from work."

I hung up, still staring at the stockings with suspicion. Without realizing it, I picked them up and smelled them. The scent... What was wrong with me?

I shook my head, trying to stay rational.

I'd see what explanation my wife had when she got home.

Checking the time, it was already past eight. My wife should have been home by now, but she wasn't.

That made me insecure. What if she was with another man right now, enjoying his affection?

I dialed her number on my phone.

She didn't answer or hang up, but the call went unanswered.Was she having sex with her lover? Was that the reason she didn't dare to answer?

Anger surged through me, and I called again. Still, no answer.

After some thought, I decided to go to her office. She might be with her boss, engaging in an affair.

As I reached the door, it opened.

My wife walked in, surprised to see me ready to leave. "Where are you going?"

Seeing her home calmed me slightly. "Nowhere."

Observing her closely, she was carrying pasta and vegetables.

"Honey, is there something you want to tell me?" She looked curious, then pouted. "I didn't go to the birthday party as you said."

Seeing her home, my heart eased a little. "It's nothing."

But I couldn't help but notice the torn, fishy-smelling stockings on the table.

My wife's gaze followed mine. "What's with those stockings?"

I didn't interrogate her, but she questioned me first.

"Aren't those yours?"I asked back.

Her face turned sour. "What are you implying?"

"Are these really not yours?"

"I told you, I accidentally tore my stockings while playing games with my colleague and threw them away."

"These stockings look exactly like the ones you wore."

"Are you saying you don't trust me?"

Tears welled up in her eyes. Surprisingly, I felt a twinge of guilt seeing her like this.

"It's not that I don't trust you. It's just... Are these really not yours?"

"They're not mine!" My wife denied directly, then asked me, "Honey, where did you get these stockings?"

"Early this morning, I was going to work when I received this package out of the blue. And since you didn't wear stockings the other night..."

"So still, you don't believe me."

"You're my wife, of course I believe you." I never imagined I would say something so insincere. Maybe it's because I love my wife too much, or perhaps it's the fear of losing...

Losing years of affection, losing such a beautiful wife. But does fear of loss justify jumping to conclusions? I shook my head, determined to investigate this matter thoroughly. If my wife was really having an affair, I would definitely divorce her. Even if it meant losing this relationship, I wouldn't hesitate. If my wife turned out to be that kind of unfaithful woman, she wouldn't be worth cherishing.

As I said this, my wife threw herself into my arms, crying. I found this situation rather perplexing. I tossed the stockings into the trash can, but subconsciously, I still doubted my wife. Without any evidence, I definitely wouldn't confront her rashly. Staring at the stockings in the trash, then glancing at my wife's hair, I thought I should take her stockings and hair for DNA testing to confirm if the stockings were hers.

Just then, my wife's phone rang. She picked it up, and I saw that it was a call from Tommy. After wiping away her tears, my wife glanced at me and answered Tommy's call. She didn't deliberately avoid me when taking Tommy's call, and I heard their conversation.

In essence, it was about her not attending a colleague's birthday party, which Remind me the discussion with Tommy today, I couldn't help but feel shocken. From the conversation between my wife and Tommy, I could confirm that there was no ambiguity between them.