
Chapter Four

"Answer me."

"Why should I answer you when you don't have the courtesy to tell me your name, young man. How about I answer one of your questions for your name?"

"Are you negotiating? I can rip your arms and limbs apart you see." Yu Long brought his sword closer to XiYi's throat, the tip almost piercing into the skin. Blood started appearing at the tip of the sword. But XiYi was nonchalant. He continued with his playful behavior.

"Actually dear young man, I am more stubborn than you. If you want to know what happened you got to tell me your name. So simple, isn't it?" XiYi laughed out.

"There is no one in this forest other than me. So no one knows about the hideout where your Uncle's body lay, except for me. So do you have a deal here?"

Thinking that no one was there in the Iron forest except him, meant that the person. to take down all the guards was XiYi. If XiYi singlehandedly did so, he was too strong. If it's true, XiYi shouldn't be someone Yu Long should mess with. The thought of XiYi being too powerful explained his playful attitude in such a situation. This idea made him shudder.

"Yu...Lo…" He stuttered while he was still in deep thought.

"Yu Lo?? Is that your name?"

"It's Yu Long. Now answer me." said Yu Long fuming.

" Woooooo...Yu Long." XiYi laughed for a moment before continuing. "So you are the Prince of Qinshen? I heard a lot about your beauty. People sing about your beauty outside your kingdom. It is said, 'Yu Long is the most beautiful person in the all the kingdoms.' Seems like it is the truth."

"That didn't answer my question." Saying so, Yu Long pulled back his sword now to stab the person in front of him. It was embarrassing being known for your beauty and not for deeds. He wasn't a woman. He was a man. He was red-faced, with anger and shame. Seeing this as a chance to break free, XiYi immediately broke the spell and lunged forward, seeing an opening, grabbed both the arms of the prince. Yu Long unable to bear such a sudden thrust, took a step back. Unable to hold his balance his and XiYi's weight, he fell with a thud. The sword fell off his hands during all the action. He was pinned down onto the ground by the intruder.

Yu Long couldn't believe he was in such a position. He was embarrassed to such an extend that he started kicking XiYi's stomach with his knee. But it worsened the whole situation. XiYi immediately brought both of his knees and pinned his thighs.

This caused Yu Long a sudden pain in the thighs leading him to gasp for air.

"Get off me. You are a liar. You tricked me."

" Dear Prince, how can act so cute in front of your enemy? Well, it is a good thing that your opponent is me. It affects me. Hahaha….I have taken a liking for you. So how about I make you my captive for life?"

Saying so he bent down, kissing his captive's neck. This passed a chill down the captive's spine.

He whispered in his ear, "Isn't this prince really mischievous, coming to the battle field with no protection or guard?"

On hearing these words, Long cursed himself in his mind. XiYi was right. He shouldn't have underestimated and just run into a trap. He made a grave mistake. He should have listened to his father and brother. He was selfish and now he has to pay.

Yu Long closed his eyes and let out a gasp. He was in trouble and he didn't know when will the help arrive. When he opened his eyes he say XiYi's eyes were glowing red. It was mesmerizing and breathtakingly beautiful. He had never seen these eyes before. He had heard very strong cultivators could use magic without any spells or chants. It is said their eyes glowed to show when they did so. It was so rare that he had not much knowledge about them. But seeing someone's black pupils turning red in front of him, confirmed that the guy was out of his league.

XiYi immediately bound his captive to the ground and sat up. He didn't need to chant his spell. He was obviously very strong.

"So Prince Yu Long, what to do with you? I came here just to have fun. But I didn't it would get so thrilling. You made my long, tiring journey to Qinshen really worth my time."

Yu Long was embarrassed, scared and yet infuriated. What if he is taken hostage? He didn't want to be a burden his family just because of his childishness. His face couldn't mask his worries. He was feeling really low. Seeing this XiYi immediately kissed his forehead and  brought his fingers to sooth our the stressed facial muscles.

XiYi was very pleased with his decision to come to the battlefield.

#One day ago, in Qiying, capital city of ZhaoShu.

"Your majesty it is rare for you to come to visit the commoner's marketplace that too in disguise."

"Lai Jin, it is my wish to stroll in my kingdom. Is it not right?"

"Yes..your Majesty, but why in disguise and why commoner's place. We could have arranged anything your Majesty would have wanted."

" I sent Wei Zadong for conquering Xianghua and Qinshen on our say, Minister Jin. It was supposed to be my game. I haven't been in a good battle. He Zhen immediately gave up his throne of Taijing. Else it would have been so much fun then. I am so disappointed."

"But your Majesty, what are you looking for here in this run down marketplace."

Zhang XinYi couldn't help but laugh. "I am not looking for anything. Just taking a stroll-" That's when the great emperor say a small group of dancers performing in the centre of the marketplace.

"Who are they, Minister Jin?"

"They are entertainers. They travel from place to place dancing and singing tales of different kingdoms."

"Hmm… let's see that."

They both proceeded to the crowd gathered to observe the beautiful dancers. There was an old man who was singing, two men played instruments, one flute and the other with a guzheng.

"Come and listen to folk tale,

Tale of the residing beauty,

Beauty unscarred and unspoken of."

Everyone applauded.

Then dancers and actors entered.

"He is the most beautiful man,

More elegant than any woman.

He is a Prince with so much glamour,

That makes even heavens surrender."

"Beautiful man?" Zhang XinYi asked the Minister.

"Yes, your Majesty. He is a beautiful man, more attractive than any woman in this world. It is said that he is the prince of Qinshen. He came out of the palace for the first time when he was thirteen. It is said some people mistook him for the princess. He is a rarest gem of Qinshen. Looks and cultivation skills both are topnotch. It is said Yu Rong still doesn't let him out of his sight. He has never been seen in any battle as well."

"Ooo..I would like to see him once with my own eyes. Well for now let us proceed back to palace."

Later that night, in the Court,

"Minister Jin, what is the current status of our army's position?"

"Your Majesty, everything is according to the plan. Shixing is the mystic Iron Forest and is impenetrable. It's the least guarded. But unfortunately we cannot enter through that. But we found the weak link that goes through Xianghua. Your faithful commander Wei Zadong has already reached the Xianghua borders."

"Good. Now, I would like to personally oversee the battle. I like to stir things here and there. By the way, Minister Jin, where has Yu Song headed to?"

" Shixing, my lord."

" Oho...that is my playground then."

" But your Majesty, you haven't informed any guards to assemble. If your Majesty wants I can assemble a group of thousand guards immediately."

"No need. I don't need them. Do you underestimate my strength?"

"Never your Majesty. Your servant deserves death."

"I will disguise myself as XiYi."

" XiYi? Is taking a dead man's identity any good, my lord? But he definitely was a great warrior under your father, your Majesty."

"No one will be able to recognise me, minister Jin."

Saying so Zhang XinYi activated his dark flames, which run throughout his body. His face and body size remained same. His face was now less handsome and attractive. He could still be rated as one of the handsome men in ZhaoShu. His skin was less pale. His robes were different and less royal. His glossy black hair now had a few strands of silver.

"Time to depart. Handle the court, Minister Jin."

Lai Jin bowed when his emperor departed.

#present in Shixing.

"Let go off me, you insolent intruder."

"Don't want to let go off you. How about we watch ZhaoShu conquer both Qinshen and Xianghua ? Together?"

It sounded as if he was wooing Yu Long. Yu Long was very frustrated. He struggled to free himself from the invisible bindings but the more he struggled the more he got entangled.

"Release me."

" No way. By the way, if I were you I wouldn't struggle so much. See your skin is already red due to all the abrading." He held Yu Long still by pinning his hands above his head with a thud. "Stop struggling. Look what you've done. It's bleeding."

"If you are so concerned, then please free me. Its stinging."

Due to struggling, his skin scrapped. It started burning his skin which was in contact with the bind. The pain grew with time. He starred biting his lower lips. He couldn't stop struggling. He felt if he stopped, it would seem as if he has submitted to XiYi. He couldn't accept that. The pain grew unbearable. He couldn't control it anymore. He whimpered and his lower lip started bleeding profusely XiYi couldn't help but want to see what more expressions Yu Long had masked under his toughened face. He couldn't help but enjoy it. He wanted to tease him more. This was the first time he felt excited after coming all the way to Qinshen.

Before releasing the binding, he tightened it one last time. Unable to keep up with the sudden jolt of pain, Yu Long let go of a soft moan, eyes squeezed shut as a teardrop slid soaking his long eyelashes. Seeing this, XiYi was stunned. No wonder the Prince was too attractive, making his heart stop with such expressions. He never knew he would come across such a beauty who would dare to take his breath away just with his looks.

" They were right. Your beauty is too breathtaking, enough to concede the Heavens."

Listening to these words, Yu Long couldn't help but blush, all the way to his ears turning bright red. His eyes were wide open, and his lips parted in awe. But it was short lived. He immediately kicked XiYi in his thigh, and tried to free his hands. But grip didn't loosen a bit.

"Let go, your arrogance has no limits. What are you, an old pervert?"

" Old? Pervert? No no, dear prince I am pretty young. And as far as my perversion is considered, you don't know me. This is nothing. Now I want to capture you and make you my captive for eternity. It will give us a lot of time to discover the level of perversion. Don't you think?"

"You...aaahhh," Yu Long's wrists were hurting and felt like they were about to break off. Realising his grip was too tight, XiYi immediately let go of his wrists and held him by his waist, pulling him up off the ground.

Yu Long's limbs had given up. His wrists were bleeding. He stumbled while standing and fell into the warm embrace of the world's worst pervert he had ever met. XiYi didn't let go of the poor man in his arms. Instead he wrapped his arms tightly.

Hatred? No.

Displeasure? No.

Yu Long felt the warmth and comfort. He could even listen to the man's heartbeat. For the first time, he didn't struggle. Instead he held onto the pervert's robes. XiYi planted a kiss on his forehead.

But they were soon separated when a sword appeared to have came from the sky fell between the them and stabbing the ground. The power and pressure sent Yu Long flying as he hit the magic barrier. Soon the barrier was broken. Yu Long look up in disbelief. His cultivated technique was shattered in front of his eyes. The barrier which had earned him praises from his father and brother was no longer there. His technique was weak. And he couldn't accept it. When he was looking for the culprit, his eyes fell on the beautiful embroidered white and golden robes. The long hair all tied up with a crown on his head. He was none other than the strongest man Yu Long had ever known. Yu Rong.

" Stay away from my son."

XiYi couldn't help but laugh.

"Doting father is back. Should we induce ourselves in a small spar?"

Yu Rong ignored XiYi and looked at his beloved son lying on the ground, as a defeated soul. This enraged the Qinshen emperor and he immediately launched an attack on XiYi.

"Fury of the Phoenix."

As soon as these words left his mouth, a big Phoenix made of fire appeared in front of him. It was larger than any bird. It flapped its wings and jet all the way towards XiYi.

"Box. Cage of Dissolution."

The bird was immediately captured in big magical cube which reduced in size until it disappeared into thin air.

But there was no chance to breathe. Yu Long was unable to keep a track of the fights, their speed and power was on whole different level. The fight went on until a small mystic bird started encircling over the battle arena. Both the warriors skidded back to their positions when the bird came as the way to XiYi and burnt itself to reveal the message.

While reading the message, a smile crept onto XiYi's face. "Looks like Xianghua is ours. Gu Lin is dead." These words shocked Yu Rong and Yu Long. The silence was broken by the loud, demonic laughter.

Gu Lin was in Xianghua's capital. How was Yu He who was stationed at the Xianghua's borders? How did they infiltrate? Did they kill the border force and proceeded to kill Gu Lin or did they send assassins? If so what about others? These questions caused Yu Long to panic. His legs went numb and he couldn't gather strength to stand up. He was shook by what he had just heard. Guilt, grief and despair engulfed his heart. He fell back every time he tried to steady himself on his feet.

Yu Rong immediately rushed to gather his son.

" We will meet again. Very soon. Till then take care my Princess."

Princess? He was a Prince not Princess. This word humiliated Yu Long, he hated being weak. Yu Rong felt like tearing off the tongue of the opponent. But by the time they realised, he disappeared.

"What did he do to you? Did he hurt you?"

Yu Long nodded, showing his wrists which were completely healed. Seeing his healed wounds, he was taken aback.

Was all that an illusion? He shook his head at that thought. Impossible. Then he remembered, the embracing and the kiss. Unconsciously his right hand went to his forehead where XiYi had kissed. He flushed and turned red.

"You look fine to me. Looks like you were hurt. Heavens protected you from that scoundrel. We need to head back immediately. It's now a state of emergency."

I nodded and took off with my father with his teleportation technique.


Yu Rong and Yu Long immediately rushed into the Imperial palace only to find Lin Na sat down consoling the Xianghua royal family. The empress was all broken. She was crying helplessly in Lin Na's arms. Yu Lin was sobbing in a corner. On seeing his brother, she rushed into his arms. Yu Long couldn't bear to see this heartbreaking scene. His eyes were glistening with tears daring to fall any moment.

"Where is Royal Brother He,Chief CaoYi?" Yu Long asked holding his sister in a tight embrace.

"He is returning back with the injured warriors and...How about I go and check on the children, elders and women of Qinshen."

"That insolent demon, his scheme worked so well. He destroyed Xianghua in a day. It was as if he knew about our plan and positioning. Else he would have attacked Qinshen because everyone knew Gu Lin was in Guijiang. His position in Xianghua was a secret. We have a mole among us. CaoYi, immediately send a troop of warriors and palace guards to look for my brother Yu Song in Shixing."

"Yes, Your Majesty." CaoYi bowed and left to oversee the search preparations.

"We have a spy among us who works for Zhang XinYi. He even entered Qinshen all alone without any troop or army. He played us so well. Such humiliation is intolerable."

"He entered Qinshen?"

"The man we fought in Shixing. He was no one other than the Demon himself."

"XiYi was Zhang XinYi?"

Yu Long's eyes were red. He was proven weak and unfit for his title as the Second Prince of Qinshen by that same person. His eyes now burnt with the thought of vengeance and hatred. He swore to forget all the embarrassing moments and never let such a thing happen in life. He hated himself for showing his weak side. He wanted to grow strong. Strong enough to protect his loved ones. Now Yu Long had a determination to seek revenge for the humiliation he had faced today.

"I swear upon the Heavens above, I will grow stronger and protect my family with my life at all times."

@Qiyong #Two days later

"Your Majesty, as your servant had promised the head of the Xianghua emperor." Saying so he showed the mutilated dead of a corpse, which was identified to be Gu Lin.

"Greatest work of all time, as expected of the Chief Commander." The whole court praised Wei Zadong. Except for the emperor who was yet to say a word.

Soon the clatter died out as all looked at their emperor for response.

The Emperor was in deep thoughts, absent minded during this whole session.

"Your Majesty, please address your humble servants." Minister Jin said, bowing down in kowtow position. All the other followed the trend. They roared in unison, "Your Majesty-"

"Rise. We have many causes to celebrate. Xianghua is ours. And Qinshen will be politically ours but none of you will have to go to war. We will have a settlement."

"Settlement, Your Majesty? Your servant doesn't understand," a courtier said.

"We will win Qinshen and loot it off it's pride. Wait and watch how Your Emperor schemes his game." Zhang XinYi laughed and this trend was followed by his courtiers.

"The Court is Dismissed."

@Imperial Study, Qiyong.

"Your Majesty, how do you plan to achieve it?" Lai Jin asked when his curiosity got best of him.

"It's pretty simple."

Lai Jin saw the Emperor's eyes glistening, and a beautiful smile was etched on his face. Something must have happened in Qinshen.

"We will ask for their most treasured gem, Yu Long or it will be war."

Lai Jin's eyes were left wide open. It took him awhile to digest this. Now he understood why the Almighty Emperor acted this way. Slowly his lips also curved into a smile.

He is smitten by the rarest gem in this world. War or not, Yu Long became his the moment he laid his eyes on him. He never let's go off what he desperately wants.