
Wife Loving Husband: Husband, spoil me some more!

At the age of 6, she lost her mother, At the age of 10, she lost her dear grandmother, 6 years back, she was fooled by her soon-to-be fiance and was forced to leave her maternal house, 4 years back, she was kidnapped and then was in an accident, due to which she forgot the past 2 years of her life. Life was never easy on her. She has suffered a lot! Someone has correctly quoted, "justice can be delayed but it will not be denied.” Finally, God showered her with mercy. She was found by her paternal family. She got a loving grandmother, an uncle and a cousin. With their support, she rose in power and was now a name of terror in the business world, Zhou Liying. Zhou Liying, popularly known as Hitler or a heartless woman was a smart, shrewd and successful businesswoman. She was called heartless but she had a big heart, doors to which were opened only for her dear one. ... 5 years back, he fell in love for the first time, 4 years back, he was separated from her when she was kidnapped. Mu Yuehan was once a charming, happy-to-go boy. He lost himself when he lost her, the love of his life. Today, he was living like a zombie, holding onto the ray of hope that he would find her. He was a broken man. Only she could fix him. He was alive only for her. "Where are you, TianTian? I miss you." He lovingly looked at the photo in his hand. A tear fell from his eyes. ... "Boss, we found her. She is living with a new identity of Zhou Liying, CEO of Zhou corporations. " "Interesting." Lips of Mu Yuehan tilted up in a doting smile when he looked at her latest photo. His heart started to beat fast like a bullet train. A giddy, boyish smile appeared on his face. "I am so happy to have found you." His voice was so soft that anyone could say he loved the lady in the photo more than anything. ... "Who are you?" Zhou Liying looked at Mu Yuehan as if seeing him for the first time. "How can you forget about me? How can you forget only about me?" Mu Yuehan broke down when he realized that the lady he loved had forgotten all about him. ... Mu Yuehan was not the one to accept defeat in front of fate. Now, he was on a mission, 'make her fall in love with me, again.' . "What are you doing here?" "Didn't I tell you, I am a parasite who is stuck with you!" . Tricks to pursue her: - Showering her with gifts ✓ - Seducing her by using his body ✓ - Staying by her side 24/7 ✓ - Fighting against her attackers, to protect her ✓ - Being shameless ✓ What else is left? Will Mu Yuehan be able to make Zhou Liying fall in love with him? Will Zhou Liying get her revenge on her ex soon to be fiance? What will be the hindrances coming in their love life? To know the answers, peek inside the book: 'Wife loving husband: Husband, spoil me some more!' ... Note: This is an original story written by me. The cover is edited by me but I don't own the picture. Credits to the owner. If you have time, please take a look at my other work ‘Handsome CEO’s bewitching wife’ as well. Don’t forget to leave your precious vote, comment and review. Please give this book and me a lot of support. Happy reading :)

Vrinda13 · Urbain
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Empty life

After another 4 years

Qin Tian, now known as Zhou Liying flipped around on the bed and opened her eyes. She came face to face with her boyfriend or we can say soon to be ex-boyfriend.

She looked at him and his naked torso which she devoured not a few hours ago.

Bitterness filled in her mouth. She could feel, that the vacuum in her chest was still there. She still felt the emptiness in her chest which was eating her alive from the last few years. Her current boyfriend also failed to fill the void in her heart.

Zhou Liying again looked at the man, trying to find any emotional attachment with him, any sting with him, but she found none.

She sighed and stood up from the bed. She searched around the room for her discarded clothes. She picked them up from the floor before unhurriedly wearing them.

She then searched for her discarded purse. Once she found it, she took out a notebook and a pen. On it, she wrote a note, which she was going to leave for her Ex-boyfriend.


'Arghh, what was his name!' she groaned, not remembering the name of the man who was her boyfriend for a week now!

Forgetting about all the pleasantries, she wrote a simple, straightforward note.

'Thanks for the last night. Don't think about looking for me afterwards because I have given you my fake name and identity.' Ruthlessness was dripping from her note.

Afterwards, she took out a cheque and wrote one for him. Even though, the man with whom she slept was himself a millionaire.

She placed the note and the cheque under his mobile. She left the room heartlessly, without looking back at the man with whom she slept last night.

The hotel where she spent her last night was one of the hotels under the Zhou corporations. So, no one commented when she came out of the room. The hotel staff was already aware that Zhou Liying regularly visited the said hotel with a different man in her arms.

"Good morning ma'am." The Guard of the hotel greeted her and opened the car door of the already awaiting car. The car was already prepared by the hotel for her.

Zhou Liying took her seat and started the car. Within a minute, her car was driving on the roads of London at a high speed.

'What have I made of my life?' she thought while focusing on the road. 'How come I became the female version of playboy? Is this my life?'

Zhou Liying threw her head back against the car seat and groaned, thinking about her past.

Three and a half years back, when she woke up from the coma, she realised that she had lost two and a half years of her life. Six months while in coma and two years which she could not remember.

She tried very hard but she didn't remember the incidents of the first two years after she left Shanghai. There was no memory of those two years. She didn't even remember what happened to her that she landed in the hospital. She only knew about her severe injuries.

What bugged her the most was the emptiness that she felt after waking up. She felt a big hollow in her chest. She felt pain, she felt guilty, and she felt as if she left someone behind with her memories.

In the past, many times she used to feel as if someone was calling for her. She felt longingness, pain, and guilt in his voice.

Not able to take in the hollowness in her chest, she decided to search for a man who could fill in the void. But till now, after having so many boyfriends, after sleeping with so many men, she failed to find the one who could fill this loneliness.

Hence, she turned into a playgirl!

It was not like she didn't try to search about her past, she did. But knowing herself, she hid her whereabouts so perfectly that she failed to know what happened to her.

"What happened in those two years?" she murmured to herself and took a deep breath.

She punched the steering hard and placed her hand over her head. Many a time, she felt useless for not being able to search for herself.


Imperial garden, one of the most luxurious apartments in London, worth millions of dollars, was the place where the penthouse of Zhou Liying was located.

Zhou Liying parked her car once she arrived at the apartment building. She made her way inside the building and toward the elevator. She pressed the 35th button, the floor where her penthouse was located.

Another thing happened to Zhou Liying when she woke up, she realized that she was one of the heirs of a huge conglomerate, Zhou corporation.

When she was told about the same, she was shocked beyond words. She was not a fool to not know about Zhou corporations. She knew it was a huge multinational corporation with its web all around the world.

"What? You are kidding, right? How can I be your granddaughter?" She busted into laughter when Zhan Biyu informed her about her identity.

"I am not kidding. You are my lost granddaughter, daughter of my son, Zhou Yingjie."

Zhang Biyu gave her the DNA report between her and her father, supported by a photo of her father and a wedding certificate.

She had already seen her father's photo and had heard from her mother how she had married her father and how her father died. So, it was not hard for her to accept the fact that she was with her father's family.

Her cousin, Zhou Bingbing didn't want to handle the family business, so it naturally fell into her hand. Zhou Yonge started to train her and she liked working for her family business.

Soon, with the guidance of her uncle and grandma, she became a well-known business tycoon. Hearing her name, people were used to trembling with fear.

She took the identity of Zhou Liying as a businesswoman. She decided to take her father's last name. And Liying was merged from her parent's names, Qin Lijuan and Zhou Yingjie.


Zhou Liying arrived at her penthouse. She freshened up and got changed in her jogging suit. She made her way toward the jogging ground where many people were already exercising or running.

"I noticed; you didn't return home last night." Zhou Liying rolled her eyes when she heard the familiar voice of her neighbour, Arthur.

"I didn't."

"So, any progress?" Arthur asked and started to jog beside her.

"I ditched him."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Wasn't he your eighteenth boyfriend? How can you ditch him too?"

"I didn't find any connection with him."

"You and your connection. I am lucky that I am gay. Otherwise, I am sure you'd have left me heartbroken." He teased.

"You are indeed lucky. This goddess here is talking with you only because you are gay!"

Zhou Liying met Arthur for the first time, two years back when she shifted to this penthouse. He was a big flirt and she hated him, only till she realized that he was gay.

Slowly friendship boomed in between them and from then on, Arthur was keeping a count of the men with whom she slept. He suggested many men to her, of her standard.

"You know where to find me if you need another boyfriend." Arthur reminded her before leaving the jogging ground, leaving Zhou Liying alone, to complete her laps.

Once he was gone, she pulled out her iPhone from her pocket. She opened the contact list. Her finger hovered over a familiar number and she made a call in Shanghai….to her grandfather.

Thank you for taking out your time and reading this book. Enjoy reading!

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