
Why not a villain?

In a world where intelligence once crowned him as the pinnacle of existence, Aiden meets an unexpected demise, only to awaken in a new life as Cassius Von Silvercrest. Now heir to the powerful ducal family "Silvercrest," Cassius finds himself thrust into a role diametrically opposed to his former self: the main antagonist of his favorite novel. Unbeknownst to him, this new existence comes with its own set of challenges as he inherits a formidable system that demands him to strip the protagonist, of all his cheats. Embarking in a journey filled with betrayal, love and friendship, watch as he become the most powerful existence.

ines17 · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

11. Dungeon Part 2

Cassius stood up and walked towards the next area.

As he entered it, what awaited him was hundreds of goblins armed with weapons and staffs. He gulped; even for him, this was daunting.

The goblins varied in appearance, yet all shared a grotesque, twisted visage. Their green skin was mottled with warts and scars, their eyes glowed with a malevolent yellow light, and their teeth were jagged and stained. Some wielded crude swords and axes, their blades nicked and rusted but no less deadly. Others clutched wooden staffs topped with crystals that pulsed with dark energy, ready to unleash spells of destruction.

Cassius tightened his grip on his sword, the blade humming with an ancient power. He knew he had to be swift and precise; one wrong move could mean his end. With a deep breath, he charged into the horde, his battle cry echoing through the cavernous chamber.

The goblins responded in kind, rushing him in groups, their shrill war cries mingling with the clatter of their weapons. The first wave of goblins lunged at him, a chaotic swarm of spears and swords. Cassius moved with deadly grace, sidestepping and parrying their attacks. His sword flashed through the air, slicing through goblin flesh and bone with ease. Within moments, the ground was littered with their bodies.

Before he could catch his breath, another group of goblins advanced, this time led by a shaman. The goblin shaman chanted, and bolts of dark energy shot towards Cassius. He deflected them with his sword, the magical energy dissipating on contact. With a burst of speed, he closed the distance, cutting down the shaman and its guards in a flurry of strikes.

More goblins poured in from all sides, attacking in coordinated waves. Cassius met each group head-on, his sword a blur of lethal precision. He blocked an incoming axe, parried a thrusting spear, and disarmed a goblin wielding a rusted sword, all in rapid succession. His movements were fluid and unyielding, a dance of death that left no room for error.

As the battle raged on, the goblins attempted to overwhelm him with sheer numbers. They encircled him, pressing in from every direction. Cassius spun, his sword cutting through the mass of bodies, creating a circle of carnage around him. He focused on thinning their ranks, breaking their formation and driving them back.

Seeing their comrades fall, a group of goblins with staffs gathered, their eyes glowing with dark intent. They raised their staffs, chanting in unison. A wave of dark magic surged towards Cassius, threatening to engulf him. He braced himself, raising his sword to counter the spell. His blade absorbed the dark energy, redirecting it back at the casters. The goblin mages were caught off guard, their own magic tearing through their ranks.

Cassius pressed the advantage, charging at the disoriented mages and cutting them down swiftly. The remaining goblins, witnessing the fall of their strongest, hesitated, fear flickering in their eyes. Cassius took this moment to launch a final assault, his sword a relentless force that carved through the last of the goblin defenders.

Breathing heavily, Cassius stood amidst the carnage, his body unscathed but drenched in goblin blood. He took a moment to gather his strength, knowing that more challenges awaited him. With a grim determination, he pressed on, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

After an hour of rest, Cassius felt rejuvenated and ready to face the next challenge. He moved to the next zone, his sword at the ready. As he stepped into the new area, he was greeted by a sight both mesmerizing and dangerous: dozens of slimes, each glowing with an elemental fury.

The fire slimes pulsed with a molten red-orange hue, their gelatinous bodies bubbling and churning with intense heat. Flames flickered within them, and every movement they made left scorch marks on the ground. The heat they radiated was palpable, the very air around them shimmering from the intense temperature.

Interspersed among them were slimes of lightning, their bodies a translucent blue that crackled with electrical currents. Bolts of lightning arced within them, sparking erratically and illuminating their surroundings with a harsh, white light. The ground around them was scorched and blackened, the result of their frequent discharges.

Cassius took a moment to assess the situation. Though these slimes looked intimidating, he reminded himself that they were still just slimes. He adjusted his grip on his sword, feeling the familiar weight and balance that had served him well in countless battles.

With a deep breath, he charged into the fray. The fire slimes reacted first, surging towards him in a wave of searing heat. Cassius slashed at the nearest one, his sword cutting through its gelatinous form with a satisfying squelch. The creature burst apart, showering the ground with droplets of molten fire. He had to move quickly, dodging the fiery remnants to avoid getting burned.

The lightning slimes were next. One of them lashed out with a tendril of electricity, aiming for Cassius's sword. He parried the strike, the electric shock sending a brief tingle up his arm but nothing more. Gritting his teeth, he pressed forward, slashing at the lightning slimes before they could strike again. Each time his sword connected, the slimes exploded in a burst of electrical energy, sending sparks flying in all directions.

Despite their elemental abilities, the slimes were no match for Cassius's skill and determination. He weaved between the fiery and electric threats, his sword cutting through the gelatinous creatures with ease. The ground around him was soon littered with the remnants of the elemental slimes, their energy dissipating into the air.

As the last of the slimes fell, Cassius paused to catch his breath. The heat and electricity had taken their toll, but he remained unscathed. He looked around at the now silent battlefield, the only sound the faint crackling of dissipating energy.

The second day in the dungeon was over and he was ready to enter the next zone the boss's room.

Cassius stepped cautiously into the next chamber, his senses heightened from the previous battles. The air was thick with a strange, palpable energy, and an eerie glow illuminated the cavern. In the center of the chamber stood a grotesque creature, unlike anything he had encountered before.

The boss had the head of a massive slime, its gelatinous form constantly shifting colors to reflect the various elements it contained. One moment, it glowed a fiery red, with flickers of flame dancing within. The next, it turned a crackling blue, electricity arcing through its translucent body. It then shifted to a swirling green, indicating the presence of wind, and finally to a deep, earthen brown, solidifying briefly before melting back into its amorphous state.

Below the gelatinous head was the sturdy body of a goblin, muscular and intimidating. Its skin was a sickly green, covered in warts and scars, with sinewy muscles rippling beneath the surface. It wielded a massive club, gnarled and twisted, embedded with elemental crystals that pulsed with power. Each crystal glowed with a different elemental energy, ready to unleash devastating attacks.

The creature's eyes, glowing yellow and filled with malice, fixed on Cassius as he approached. The boss let out a guttural roar, the sound reverberating through the chamber, and raised its club menacingly.

Cassius gripped his sword tightly, his eyes narrowing as he prepared for the fight.