
the dream

I was in a world where everything was so dark I could not see two feet in front of me, I feel a cold Surface I grabbed on and started to walk.

slowly I start to see a tiny light, I ran as fast as I could Towards the light soon I see a boy in a lit up cage.

"hey are you ok" I whispered not trying to scare the small boy "help" the little said as he passed out.

I Caught him though the bars "h-hey little boy please wake up" I screamed, I turn the boy over to see.....

"Michael" I say as my eyes widened, the little boy looked at me In shock "h-how do you know my name" the little boy said backing up away from me.

I look at the boy he was bleeding and bruised and scratched "are you ok" I say worryingly the boy looks at me.

"daddy said that I was not aloud to smile and he started to hit me..."the boy broke down in tears"whe daddy was tired he though me into the cage"the boy Sob.

"ohh do you want to get out of there" I asked him, he shook his head "daddy will be mad" the boy said trying to wipe his cheeks of the tears he had cried just a minute ago.

"please I'll make sure that your dad will not be mad all we will do is go for a walk and ill bring you back ok" I smiled trying to calm the boy.

"o-ok" the boy stuttered I opened the cage and put out for the boy to grab he took my hand and I helped him out of the tiny cage suddenly the room had lighted the boy winced.

"nahg to bright" I growled, as I looked at the boy I noticed that he had a big on his face and stars in his eyes.

"wow it's so l beautiful"the boy said in ahh of it all

I had a smile on my face and then I had seen a boy a bit older then the boy by my side the same word came as before "help" and then he passed out.

the room went dark the little boy squeezed my hand a bit harder I run over to the boy "hey are you ok" I panicked.

"hey mister where did the sun go" the boy cried, I looked over at him he had tears streaming down his cheeks.

"ohh it will come back do not worry little boy" I tried to muster a smile but was to worried for the boy in my arms.

I turn him over and to my surprise its... me.

next thing I know I'm in my bed and the same Position as when I fell asleep.

(hope you guys liked it)