
love begins

This is a love emotional, heartbreak , and grievous one.It all started at a tender age in the secondary level of education second year.When this love story of unbreakable bounds begun as boundless as the sea and limitless between a depressed child and a sad soul both emerge to form a body and soul until the unfortunate happened.

This all begins with Ray looking straightly into the eyeballs of Louis a girl at the age of 18 from a not so quite poor background but that doesn't matter anyway.Both of them were about to kiss each other until the tutor for the morning lesson bump in unexpectedly.As all student gaze at her because her coming into the classroom this morning was out of the blue perhaps maybe her date with her so called partner didn't come on this morning said Miriam then Jane chip in you could have been right there as they gossip about the madam but she never pay heed to their gossips because that was way out of business.

She taught and left the class but that doesn't keep the love vibes untrending even when she taught somehow.It got to the point where Ray inquired for Louis hands out.And she didn't hesitate because she love it that way