
talk with him

After talking to him she came to know about his name but he was someone so silent and peaceful .Zoya thought that he was ignoring her. His name was Mark after this small meeting he went to his class Zoya found her class and shockingly he was in her class he was the most intelligent boy and when he stood up to answer a math question everyone looked at him and the girls also with a flirtatious eye after experience of a week Zoya came to know that he was the most charming and admired boy in the whole School everyone looked at him as a cool dude but according to Zoya there was something which was escaping from everyone, he was not interested in any of the girls. For experiment of chemistry Mark and zoya become partners after that they were together in all the projects so they become good friends he told her about his family that he is a son of a big businessman and he has a step mother a brother whom he loved a lot and who also loves him and was also in the same school other section one day while doing a Chemistry experiment Zoya was founding chemicals which mark ask her to found , suddenly Zoya turned back and collapse with him holding Zoya in his arm, both of their eyes meet the experience was magical it was just speechless .after that when they were performing the experiment Zoya silently observed his features he has beautiful eyes ,sharp features it was wonderful deep and intense .she started feeling that she was in love and try to find more about him .