
why I am thirsty

give it a try hmm 3 chapters I think you started liking it

Death_Creater · Urbain
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33 Chs


Sunlight streams through the window, casting a warm glow across the room. A boy, with his striking white hair and piercing red eyes, lies motionless on the bed, bathed in the morning light.Outside, birds chirp softly, adding to the tranquility of the scene. The boy's expression is serene as he gazes up at the ceiling, lost in contemplation.

Pov of Krish

After hours of sleep, I finally remembered everything. I am Krish Ariston Cromwell, the second prince of the Kingdom of Verdia. My father's name is Victor Cromwell, and my mother's name is Isabella Ariston Cromwell. I recalled how I had fallen unconscious at my wedding when that four-eyed monster appeared. With a painful sigh, I mumbled to myself, "I still can't remember everything." The memories seemed to evade me like ghosts in the mist, leaving me grasping for fragments of my past. But despite the frustration, I knew I had to keep trying to piece together the puzzle of my lost memories.

As I pondered over my memories, the gunshot scenes flashed vividly in my mind. They felt distant yet strangely familiar, like echoes from another lifetime. Could they be remnants of my previous life, intertwined with the memories of my current existence as Prince Krish Ariston Cromwell?

The possibility lingered in my thoughts, casting a shadow of uncertainty over my understanding of who I truly was. Perhaps there was more to my story than what met the eye, hidden layers waiting to be unveiled.

With a furrowed brow, I realized that unraveling the mystery of my past would require delving deeper into the recesses of my mind, confronting the enigmatic fragments that haunted my consciousness. Only then could I hope to grasp the truth behind the echoes of gunshots that reverberated within me.

As I reflected on my memories, a realization dawned upon me. The recollection of my past life, the echoes of gunshots, and the enigmatic fragments that haunted my consciousness—they all seemed to converge around a singular point: the utilization of my bloodline power.

I remembered the ancient teachings passed down through generations of the Cromwell lineage—the ability to tap into the reservoir of ancestral knowledge and experiences, transcending the boundaries of time and space. Could it be that in a moment of dire need, I had instinctively invoked this innate power, unlocking the memories of a past existence?

The notion filled me with a mix of awe and trepidation, for delving into the depths of one's bloodline power was not without its risks. But amidst the uncertainty, a sense of purpose emerged—a conviction to explore the depths of my heritage and unlock the secrets hidden within my lineage.




After changing into fresh attire, Krish stepped out of his room, the familiar corridors of the royal palace stretching out before him. He decided to take a walk inside the palace grounds.

Lost in thought, Krish wandered through the palace gardens, the scent of blooming flowers mingling with the crisp air of the morning. As he continued his solitary journey, he couldn't shake the feeling that each step brought him closer to unraveling the mysteries that lay hidden within his bloodline.

As Krish wandered through the palace gardens lost in thought, his attention was suddenly drawn to a woman with red hair wearing a stunning dress. His heart skipped a beat as he felt a surge of recognition. "Mom!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the tranquil surroundings. Rushing towards her, he felt a mixture of relief and concern.

"Mom, are you alright?" he asked urgently, his memories of her injury still lingering in his mind, albeit slightly faded.

The woman turned around, her eyes meeting Krish's with a mix of emotions—relief, joy, and a hint of worry. A smile graced her lips, mirroring Krish's own mixture of feelings.

With tears welling up in his eyes, Krish rushed forward and embraced his mother tightly. The warmth of her embrace washed away the lingering shadows of uncertainty, filling him with a sense of belonging and love.

"I'm so glad you're alright, Mom," Krish whispered, his voice filled with emotion.

His mother held him close, her touch a soothing balm to his soul. "I'm alright, my dear," she replied softly. "And seeing you well again fills my heart with joy."

In that moment, amidst the tranquil beauty of the palace gardens, mother and son shared a bond that transcended time and space—a bond forged in love, tested by adversity, and strengthened by the passage of time.

Now now don't cry like baby but even you cry i don't mind alter all you will always be my baby

Krish chuckled through his tears, his mother's words bringing a sense of comfort and reassurance. "I won't cry like a baby, Mom," he said, his voice wavering slightly with emotion. "But even if I do, I know you'll always be there for me. Thank you for everything."

His mother smiled, brushing a tear from his cheek. "Of course, my dear. You'll always be my baby, no matter how old you get."

With a shared understanding and a renewed sense of connection, Krish and his mother continued their walk through the palace gardens, cherishing the precious moments they shared together.

Krish's mother smiled warmly as they sat together in the garden, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. "Did you meet Rina? She was worried about you," she asked, her voice tinged with concern and curiosity.

Krish hesitated for a moment, his mind racing as he tried to recall meeting Rina. However, the memory eluded him, and he couldn't shake the feeling of confusion. "I... I don't think I did," he admitted, feeling a pang of guilt for not remembering.

His mother's expression softened, understanding flickering in her eyes. "That's alright, my dear. You've been through a lot," she reassured him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Realization dawned on Krish as he remembered the wedding where he had lost consciousness. "Wait, is Rina my wife now?" he asked, his voice tinged with surprise and uncertainty.

His mother nodded, a gentle smile gracing her lips. "Yes, she is. You two got married not long ago. She's been by your side through everything."

You should meet her she will right now in her room

Krish nodded, grateful for his mother's guidance. "Alright, Mom. I'll go meet her," he said with determination. With a smile, he bid his mother farewell and made his way towards Rina's room.




To be continued