
Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Ysavel, an aspiring writer, wakes up one day inside the world of her own novel. She thought it's those typical transmigration story she have read. However, she was shock when she discovers that she's been cast as the villainess in her own story. "DON'T TELL ME I BECOME THE VILLAINESS OF MY OWN STORY?!" Shocked and dismayed, she realizes that the only way to return to the real world is to live out her role in the story. Initially, she accepts this fate, but things take an unexpected turn when the characters start deviating from the script. "I don't want another Queen. Youare the only one I want as my Queen, Csille." Prince Fraser whispered. The male lead, who was expected to be annoyed by her constant pestering, instead becomes affectionate and attached to her. "It's inevitable, Lady Lauretré. You will still be the Queen, so I don't see any harm in what I said. Besides, I doubt the King or even the Crown Prince would be willing to change their minds about your engagement." The female lead, who was supposed to separate the male lead from her, begins to play matchmaker between the male lead and the villainess. What should she do? She couldn't get back to the real world if she didn't finished the story as the villainess. But how can she finished it if the two leads are not following the script? Help!!! Still under revision but once done updates will be posted daily at 12pm ( GMT +8 ). Also, please check my other novel, Dimensions Apart. It’s a lighter novel compared to this one. Credits to the rightful owner of the picture I used for the cover.

pshyyyy · Histoire
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: Destiny

I don't understand how, but I am now standing at the house of the writer of the book The Parallel Universe, right in front of the man who talked to me in my dream—the silhouette man.

   "Ysavel, don't try to go against what you have written. It will happen no matter how much you try to change it. It will happen. You can never change their destiny. You can never change your destiny."

   I attempted to approach the man, but with each step I took, the distance between us increased. What's going on?

   "Don't try to change your destiny Ysavel. Csille is Csille, and you will never be Csille. Don't forget where you came from."

    After the silhouette man uttered those words, I sensed the ground shaking beneath me. Suddenly, it split apart, and I began to plummet into the crevice.

I'm falling! Somebody help me! I don't want to die! As I descended, the sensation of falling overwhelmed me. Yet, instead of plunging into the abyss, I jolted awake from my dream. My heart raced as if I had just completed a marathon.

   Lying on the bed, I pondered the meaning behind my dream. Was it trying to convey that I couldn't alter the course of events I had written? Whose destiny was it referring to – Prince Fraser's, Princess Paislee's, or Csille's?

   Does it mean I couldn't really do anything? Should I simply stand by and allow events to unfold? Should I refrain from attempting to alter their destiny? Are they aware of my efforts to warn the Crown Prince? I rise from the bed and begin pacing my room anxiously. The impending danger, just a week away, fills me with unease.

Despite successfully conveying the message with the Rhododendron flowers, I can't shake off this sense of unease, especially after experiencing that dream. Prince Fraser's warning to be careful indicates he may understand the message, but I can't help but feel apprehensive about what lies ahead.

    "It will happen no matter how much you try to change it. It will happen. You can never change their destiny. You can never change your destiny."

    Can I really not change anything?


"Miss Lauretré."

   I glanced up and noticed Farren's presence standing before me. Lost in thought, I hadn't realized he had arrived. I gestured him to take a seat across from me, he cautiously scanned the surroundings before leaning in closer.

"Raze appears troubled lately. I believe he's aware of something," he whispered.

   I meet his eyes, grappling with the realization that I may be powerless to prevent them from harm. Even though their lives may not be threatened, my concern for their safety remains.

   Farren snaps his fingers in front of my face. "You seem troubled too."

I shake my head. "It's nothing. Just tell me what's going on with Raze. Have you noticed anything unusual around him?"

    Farren shakes his head. "Aside from Raze seeming too preoccupied about something, I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary."

I raise my eyebrows. One week. Just one week from now, someone will harm the Crown Prince. There's no way that person wouldn't observe Prince Fraser first. "Are you absolutely sure? You didn't notice anyone suspicious around?" I'm certain someone is keeping an eye on both of them.

   Farren fell silent for a moment before snapping his fingers. "I think there's someone. However, that person is a local here. I don't believe he intends to harm Raze."

    A local resident? In the novel, Prince Fraser was injured during his second training. The culprit turned out to be a local citizen from the western region. This individual was hired by someone else to harm the Crown Prince. The King of Vrawyth chose to exile the local citizen from the entire kingdom. However, the mastermind who paid the assailant was never uncovered. Since I haven't completed the revised version of the novel, I'm uncertain if the person I suspect is indeed the culprit.

"How can you be certain? When someone is in a state of poverty, who would decline an easy money offer?"

Farren shakes his head. "I doubt that applies here. While people here struggle to survive daily, it doesn't mean they would compromise their morals or break the law."

It's easy for you to say that because you grew up as a Princess. A Princess who could have everything she wants with just a snap of her fingers. So, how could you know what they would do for money? It's beyond your imagination.

"What can they do with their morals? Can they eat it? Can they exchange it for food? No, right? When people are hungry and deprived of food, do you think they would say no to an opportunity of a lifetime, food? Lifetime money?" I look outside the window. "This world is too vast, and not everything we know always applies to everyone. There's always an exception, Farren. Don't be too complacent. That person may look harmless, but you wouldn't know what could be up his sleeve."

Don't trust her, Paislee. That person will be the cause of the danger. It's one thing I'm worried about. If my dreams are true, then Paislee should really learn not to put too much trust in people, or else she will be digging her own grave.

"I'm uncertain. I simply don't believe he's capable of such actions."

I shake my head. It seems the silhouette man is correct. I'm unable to alter what's destined to occur. Their fate has already been determined, and there's little I can do to change it.

I exhale heavily. I blame myself for causing this situation. If I hadn't written it this way, none of this would be unfolding. I apologize, Paislee.

"Think about what I said. And about Raze, please protect him at all cost. If you do that, I will bring you to the capital of Vrawyth and recommend you to my father, the Count, to be a royal knight."

    Farren nods his head and looks outside. He then stands up. "I need to go now. Raze is already back in his stall. He would be suspicious if he didn't see me around. I will go now, Lady Lauretré." He bows his head and walks out of the cafe.

   Please be careful, Paislee. Protect the Crown Prince and yourself at all cost.


   "Lady Lauretré, thank you for the meal."

   My lips curved into a smile on its own. "You're always welcome. You should consider taking some vitamins from over there to boost your immunity." My hand gestured towards a table where nurses and doctors were distributing medicines free of charge.

   The day has arrived—the day when both Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee are in danger. And because I've written this scene in the notebook, I find myself unable to control my body once more. The true Csille has taken over my body.

The words of the silhouette man comes true. I can't alter anything I've written down. I scan my surroundings, knowing that at any moment, someone will harm the Crown Prince.

"Dear?" I turn to my mother, noticing the concern evident in her expression. She's likely observed my recent unease. "Are you alright?" Gesturing subtly, she arranges for a maid to replace me from my duties. "You look bothered. It might be best to take a short break."

It's the sign. In my novel, after the Countess allows Csille to take a rest, Prince Fraser will arrive at the plaza, followed by Princess Paislee. After waiting in line for a few minutes, someone will attempt to harm the Crown Prince's life, and since Princess Paislee is present, she will bear the brunt of the attack.

Oh dear, it's beginning. I scan the crowd anxiously. There are so many people here. I have no idea who might try to harm the Crown Prince.

Prince Fraser, Princess Paislee, please stay safe.

After a minute, Prince Fraser joins the line, followed by Princess Paislee behind him. Both of them seem visibly tense and anxious. It's evident they suspect something might happen today. Their constant scanning of the surroundings suggests they're on high alert, anticipating a potential sneak attack at any moment.

It's truly remarkable how these two fourteen-year-olds possess such foresight. One excels as a leader with strategic prowess, while the other demonstrates exceptional swordsmanship and combat abilities. It's difficult to imagine regular fourteen-year-olds measuring up to them. Sometimes, I even forget they're just teenagers.

In comparison, most fourteen-year-olds in the real world wouldn't have the same level of skill or insight.

Lost in thought, I was suddenly drawn to a commotion, realizing it's the second sign signaling that the culprit will reveal himself any moment now. Despite scanning the area for any suspicious figures, the crowded surroundings make it difficult to pinpoint who might pose a threat to both of them.

"Doctor, we require medical assistance here," the individuals surrounding someone called out for a doctor. "Emergency! We have a situation here that requires immediate medical attention," a man urgently shouted.

One of the doctors and a nurse promptly rushed towards the commotion. It's starting! It's a diversion tactic. The culprit is using distractions to facilitate their attack without drawing attention.

Prince Fraser! Princess Paislee! I attempted to move my feet, but they remained firmly planted on the ground.

"Ysavel, don't try to go against what you have written. It will happen no matter how much you try to change it. It will happen. You can never change their destiny. You can never change your destiny."

I shake my head! No! The silhouette man's words are happening. No! Please! Let me do something. Let me save the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess. Csille, please, I beg you. Listen to me.

However, matter how much I plead with Csille to heed my words, she didn't listen. My body remains seated, merely observing the commotion. Csille Lauretré, I beg you, please help me. Help the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess.

A gunshot rang out through the area. It's happened. It's over. I watched as Princess Paislee shielded Prince Fraser with her body, attempting to protect him from the gunfire. I saw a man holding a gun behind Prince Fraser. No! Princess Paislee noticed it and attempted to shield Prince Fraser, but it was too late. The man pulled the trigger and shot Princess Paislee in the abdomen.

The people nearby scattered in all directions, seeking safety from the gunfire. With the crowded environment, panic ensued, leading to a stampede. Desperate to flee, individuals pushed and jostled one another, causing chaos. Some unfortunate individuals were knocked to the ground and trampled by the rushing crowd.

Father and mother immediately order our guards to pursue the culprit who had fled into the woods. Meanwhile, Prince Fraser carefully cradled Princess Paislee's limp body, protecting her from the chaotic crowd as best as he could.

Father promptly approaches the Crown Prince, while Mother rushes to me and enfolds me in a tight embrace. "Are you alright, my dear? Were you injured?" She carefully examines my body, relieved to find no wounds, and then sighs in relief, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Thank goodness!"

Father already got near with Prince Fraser, taking Princess Paislee from the Crown Prince and shielding Prince Fraser with his own body. He scans the surroundings vigilantly, keeping a watchful eye on everyone nearby.

Upon spotting Father emerging from the stampede, Mother quickly orders additional guards to give them cover. She then guides me towards the waiting carriage. "Come along, Csille. We must depart immediately."

As Mother continues to lead me away from the chaos, a sudden push from behind causes me to collide with a hard object, jarring my head. The last thing I remember, someone called my name anxiously.


"Why didn't you listen to me? I told you to take care of yourself. Look what happened?" My consciousness slowly returns and I sense someone holding my hand tightly. "Please stay safe, Csille. I don't know what I would do if something happened to you."

I recognize that voice! It's the Crown Prince. Is this a dream? Am I dreaming?

I suddenly feel a gentle touch on my head, as if someone is combing my hair. "Please wake up now. I'm worried," a voice says softly. Then, I feel something cold against my forehead. "Csille Lauretré Astalieu."

Hold on, who is Csille Lauretré Astalieu? When did my name change to that? I try to feel my surroundings, but I'm unable to feel or hear anything.

All I can see is darkness. I attempt to shout for help, but my voice merely echoes in the void. It feels as though I'm confined within a room. I continue to walk aimlessly until exhaustion sets in. Why is this happening again? Exhausted and confused, I contemplate the identity of the person who spoke to me earlier. Was it real or just a figment of my dream?

"Ysavel!" I heard someone call my name. I look around, trying to find the source of the voice, but all I could see is darkness. "It's starting. Your novel is starting. Are you ready to be the villainess?"

"Who are you?" I shouted back. "I don't want to be the villainess. I want to go back to the real world. I want my own life!"

Silence can only be heard. After a while, a voice speaks again. "You can only go back after you finish the book."

Finish the book? What does that suppose to mean?