
Something Big is Happening

At the end of the day, me and Taylor were waiting outside of the school for Mr. Gram to come out and drive us back to the orphanage. A lot of people would probably advise against getting into a teachers car but Mr. Gram is basically a father to me and I trust him completely.

He had already called ahead to the orphanage and said that me and Taylor would be helping him bring over some instruments and equipment. He also said that he would be donating the instruments and equipment that he is bringing to the orphanage.

After a few more minutes of waiting Mr. Gram exited the school building on the phone talking to someone. He held a finger to his mouth silencing us so he could continue the call and we obliged. He guided us towards his car, a pickup truck with ample space for me, Taylor and him.

"Yes, I'm fully aware what it sounds like, but you have to trust me. I wouldn't call if I thought there wasn't potential in the boys writing, I just need you to get him here for a few hours." He went silent as the other side spoke.

"Yes, I will take the fall if this ends up being a flop, but I can guarantee you this won't be. I'll even pay for all the expenses, just get him over here." Mr. Gram hung up the phone and put it away. Turning on the car he backed out of the car park and drove to his house.

"Sorry about that, people are thinking that I'm crazy for giving a kids music a shot. I have faith in you though Shawn, I need you to make sure it isn't misplaced." He glanced over to me as he was driving, and I smiled.

"Don't worry, I am confident that this song will be a big hit. I even have other plans for more music and make an entire movie that can go with the soundtrack." I ensured him and he didn't ask any further.

After a 10-minute drive we arrived at his home, a modern looking 2-storey building with mostly white exterior and black highlights. It probably costed a lot of money, making me think that Mr. Gram really is some big shot.

"Alright, come help me grab a few things then we can get you back home." We followed him through his house and into his music room. The inside of the house was pristine, barely a speck of dirt anywhere and clean white furniture in the rooms I could see.

Arriving in his music room we were greeted by a huge room filled with tons of different kinds of instruments. There were multiple drum sets, a wall covered in guitars (both electric and acoustic), a line of piano's and keyboards, even a few violins were scattered around the room.

"Welcome to my studio. You can pick out any instrument you want and it's yours. Just make sure you can carry it out of here." He left the room leaving me and Taylor to look around in wonder.

I ended up splitting into multiple clones that spread out across the room looking for anything that caught our eyes. Taylor moved towards the guitar wall with 3 of my clones while another 3 went to check out the drums and the last 2 were left to wander around for anything that caught their attention.

One of the clones stuck with Taylor and helped her when she needed it, the other two that were at the guitar wall were checking out the guitars and trying them out. The drum group were each trying out a set of drums and seeing if it worked for them.

The other two were just walking around, if they came across an instrument that looked interesting, they would pick it up and test it, but if it didn't keep their attention then they put it back down.

When Mr. Gram had come back into the room he saw one of my clones on the drums jamming away, two of my clones on the guitars, one had found a trumpet, and another was at a microphone singing to the song.

(For more immersion listen to 'Something Big' by Shawn Mendes)

♪One, two, three, four

Oh, woah, woah

Oh, woah, woah, oh♪

♪Play the lotto you, might win it

It's like 25 to life so you bust out of prison

Something's in the air

Something's in the air

It's like that feeling when you're just about to kill it

Take your last shot, you know you're going to hit it

Something's in the air

Something's in the air


♪Something big, I feel it happening

Out of my control

Pushing, pulling, and it's grabbing me

Feel it in my bones


Oh, woah, woah

Oh, woah

Something big, I feel it happening♪

♪Oh, woah, woah

Oh, woah

Something big♪

Taylor had come away from the guitar wall and was watching me and my clones play the instruments. There was a sparkle in her eye as she watched us play.

Mr. Gram was also watching us nodding along to the beat of the music.

♪It's like that feeling when you're about to win the medal

And you worked so hard that you knew you wouldn't settle

Hands are in the air

Hands are in the air

When they hear you and you thought they wouldn't listen

It's like an anthem that the whole world's singin'

Hands are in the air

Hands are in the air


♪Something big, I feel it happening

Out of my control

Pushing, pulling, and it's grabbing me

Feel it in my bones


Oh, woah, woah

Oh, woah

Something big, I feel it happening♪

♪Oh, woah, woah

Oh, woah

Something big♪

I split into a few more clones, sending them to the area in front of where we were performing and having them start clapping while the guitar playing clone and I did a solo together.


Yeah, yeah♪

♪If we stomp our feet the ground will shake

If we clap our hands the walls will break

Yell so loud, won't forget our names

'Cause something big is happening♪

As each line was sung the group of clones followed the actions, stomping their feet, clapping their hands in the air and yelling our names. Taylor joined the group as well, dragging along Mr. Gram to join.

♪Take this rock and start a fire

Raise this up, we're feeling high

They can't tell us anything

Something big is happening♪

The group stopped clapping as they started bouncing and dancing to the beat. One of the clones even took Taylor's hand and started dancing with her.

♪Something big, I feel it happening

Out of my control

Pushing, pulling, and it's grabbing me

Feel it in my bones


Oh, woah, woah

Oh, woah

Something big is happening, woah♪

♪Oh, woah, woah

Oh, woah

Something big, I feel it happening, oh♪

Taylor and Mr. Gram clapped their hands after hearing me sing, even my other clones that weren't part of the performance began clapping their hands.

"That was incredible Shawn! If you were to release this to the world then you could sell thousands of songs in the first month alone." Mr. Gram walked up to me and hugged me from the back.

"Thanks Mr. Gram, but I probably need the help of a famous person to make it big before I sell that many songs." I walked out of his hug and pointed towards the instruments. "I think I found what I want to use from now on."

"Excellent, and what about you Taylor, have you found some instrument that you want?" Mr. Gram looked over to Taylor who was holding an acoustic guitar in her hand.

"Yes sir, I was hoping you would let me keep this guitar." Taylor was rubbing her feet on the ground and had her head down as she asked in a quiet voice.

"Of course. I said you could choose an instrument so of course you can keep it. Now, we should load everything up into the truck and get you two home shouldn't we." Taylor and I nodded our heads, my clones running over to help move the drum set, probably the heaviest instrument that was chosen.

Taylor carried her guitar out to the car and a microphone that would be coming with us. Three of my clones were moving the drum set in multiple trips, two were moving the guitars, and the other three were moving the amplifiers and speakers with Mr. Gram.

After loading everything up into the back of his car, Mr. Gram got me and Taylor seated and drove us back to the orphanage. It took us about 20 minutes to reach the orphanage and the caretaker was outside waiting for us to arrive.

"Welcome home you two, how was your time with Mr. Gram?" The caretaker was a young woman who was beautiful and in great shape. She always carried a smile across her face that would put all of the kids that were staying in her care at ease.

"It was great! Shawn even sang one of his songs there and now we're going to sing a song together!" Taylor rushed up to the caretaker and gave her a hug as she spoke about our plans.

"Oh really, and was Shawn's song any good?" Taylor nodded her head so fast that the adults laughed and I began to get worried she would hurt her neck.

"He was indeed very good, he was probably better than some of the musicians we have today." Mr. Gram walked forward and held out his hand for the caretaker to shake. "I'm Adam Gram, pleasure to meet you."

"Natalie Portman, the pleasure is all mine Mr. Gram." She shook his hand with a smile and I widened my eyes. I knew she had a resemblance to Natalie Portman from my other life, but to think that she was actually named the same, this cannot be a coincidence.

"Now then, we should get the instruments inside, wouldn't want to keep their performance waiting now would we." Mr. Gram moved back to his truck, and I split into multiple clones again to help move the instruments.

"Should I gather up the other kids for your performance?" Ms. Portman asked Taylor who in turn turned to one of my clones. I nodded my head and gave a thumbs up, which Taylor smiled at.

"Yes, I'll help you!" Taylor grabbed Ms. Portman's hand and dragged her inside to gather up all of the kids. Ms. Portman giggled at her antics and allowed herself to be dragged by the girl.

Me and Mr. Gram worked hard and after about 10 minutes all of the equipment was in the cafeteria where all the kids were starting to gather. He helped me set up the equipment before moving to the back of the crowd to watch the show.

After another 5 minutes, all the kids had gathered in the cafeteria and Taylor was on the stage with me with the lyrics of the song in front of her. I didn't need the lyrics because I had memorized it so I let her hold on to the notebook for the performance.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first ever Shawn Mendes and Taylor Swift live performance! Today, we have prepared one song for you, but in the future there will be a multitude of songs that will be heard here first!" I introduced us and even promoted us for any future events that we would hold.

"Without further ado, LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" I split into five clones and had four move towards the instruments.