
Why am I the hero!?

His life is slow and boring but it all changes when he checks out the house that he inherited years before, will this change be good? Will it be bad? You’ll have to find that out as you watch Morrigans life progress. WILL HAVE NSFW IN LATER CHAPTERS!!

R_A_E · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Family reunion!

Morrigan would be walking home from his shift. Tired and annoyed by the stuck up adventurers who only cared about themselves and money. He couldn't really complain though. Without money people would be starving on the streets. Or worse, outside of a dome. Just thinking about that made him shiver. He's been surviving by himself for so long, he forgot what it was like to have someone talk to him outside of work.

Shaking that thought out of his mind he would press on. Walking towards a tiny apartment complex. Seeing around 20 people sleeping, or begging on the streets. He felt terrible for them, but he himself was barely staying afloat. The outside of his apartment complex was disgusting, and one could mistake it for a dump. But this was all he had.

Heading into a alleyway he would find the door to the apartment complex. It was rusty, rotted, and in desperate need of repair. His door was wide open and the knob was completely crushed. With a uncertain look, he would approach the door. Placing his hand on the door he would take in a sharp breath. Only to be greeted with a punch to the gut. Taking a moment to realize who threw it and reeling from the blow, he would throw one right back. The one who started this was his older brother. Who caught his fist effortlessly. Laughing at the effort. His black hair blowing in the wind as he stepped out of Morrigans apartment. Each time he saw Kairo he would shudder at the weight his shimmering golden eyes held. That phlegmatic coldness and intimidating stature only reminded him of when Kairo bullied him relentlessly.

"What do you want?"

"Hahaha! You're still as weak as ever baby brother. I've always told the family about how useless you were. But I didn't expect your growth to be this slow! "

Kairo was a cocky know it all who only visited him to send messages from the main family. What Morrigan hated the most about Kairo was that he was strong, overwhelmingly so. At the age of 15 he managed to become a C-Rank Adventurer when everyone his age was stuck at D-rank. That period of time is traditionally called "The great incline" for new adventurers because of the sheer difficulty from then on becomes immeasurable.

Kairo and his family weren't really Morrigans family. From what he was told they found him one day and they didn't want to get rid of him. Currently they live in Dome Eden, as high nobility.

"Father wants your little escapade to this pathetic little dome to end now. You can't run forever you know. Mother missed you, she's spent nights awake waiting for you to come home. Don't you want to put her restless heart at ease?"

"Oh cut the shit Kairo, that heartless bitch could care less about me. She asked you to say that didn't she? I can only imagine how 'heartbroken' she actually is."

"Call my mother a bitch again and I'll gut you like a pig. Then again she is quite heartless. She threw me in a C-rank nest when I barely managed to make it to D-rank! At 12!"

A disturbing howl echoed from him as he hit the wall of Morrigans apartment. A twisted smile forming. Wiping away a tear from laughter he would recollect himself. Leaving a massive hole in the concrete wall. Mini fissures covering it.

"You're right! She wanted me to guilt trip you and try to get you to come home. That plan wasn't really well thought out, she should've sent Esther for that. Her charm skill would've helped with the persuasion."

"Im not going back, I'd rather die. I still have time left here so why now? Has she gone back on her promise? You know what that means right?"

Kairo would sit there for a second. Mulling over what Morrigan said. A loud scoff would leave him as he turned towards the street putting his hands in his pocket.

"Mother will have you back home eventually. If you live, I'm sorry for what she'll put you through. I'll be back for whatever is left of you in a few days."

Kairos face would turn cold again as he got one final look of Morrigan. Turning towards the street and walking away. A sharp breath escaping Morrigan, he would look down at his clenched fists seeing some blood. Releasing his grip his breath would slow down. A shaky hand would grab his phone out of his pocket.

Dialing Bennies number, for all he knew Kairo could've put a hidden camera in his house. So its better to be safe than sorry. When Bennie picked up the phone he would only say that it wasn't safe in his house anymore. Plus Bennie could tell him what he wanted to say, but earlier now. When Bennie gladly let him come over he quickly hopped in his car and drove to his house.

When he got to Bennies house he had to be forcibly awaken by Bennie when he came out to see why a car was just floating in front of his house. The exhausted Morrigan would embrace Bennie the second he got out of his car. Laying his head on Bennies shoulder. This surprised Bennie for a moment but he gladly gave way to a hug.

"I'm sorry, you were the only person I thought would help me. Could I stay with you for a while? My family is being… Tough right now. I apologize again."

"Of course you can stay with me! I honestly would've let you stay regardless. I'll tell you what I wanted to tell you tomorrow. It's a lot, so I don't want to pile on the problems."

Despite the fact that Bennie was smiling and looked as happy as ever. Morrigan could feel his heartbeat going much faster than usual. Waving it off he would let go of Bennie, walking into his house with a sigh of relief.



I changed chapter 1 a lot so I'd suggest reading it again if you recognize the name Alastor.