
ch.8 end of story for her

i yelled yes and we kissed we both loved eachother for a very long time the end".

"wow i love the true story mommy".

i smiled at kim and told her the story only begun and took her to her room and kissed her forehead and left.😥🤐 i shouldnt have told her that she wouldnt under stand. but then after that day kim asked a very wierd question that i dont know how to respond.

"mommy i have a question where do baby's come from my teacher at school says shes pregnant i dont know what that means but then she said and it is a baby boy so where do baby's come from".

"u-um" oh no kim is starring at me confused oh i know an idea the old mom trick so i said to her "ill tell you when your older" kim frowned

"aww but thats the oldest mom trick in my book"

"a you dont know that just um talk to your father he-he" .kim left to jake and asked him the same and he said the same thing.