
Why Am I A Girl?

Jeff was your average 18 year old dishwasher working at a typical kitchen environment, when everything changed for him when he got up for work one day.. "Wait.. Why am I a girl?!" P.S. The cover photo is not mine, I found it on Google. If you're the owner, and want me to take it down, please contact me. Thanks! Also Webnovel said my own titles name was taken already hence the no exclamation mark.

Lord_Vancheltz · Romance
Pas assez d’évaluations
30 Chs

Background Information: *WARNING SPOILER ALERT!*

Hi everyone and welcome to my novel. On this page over time I will be updating with new characters and locales that the character interacts with, meets, or finds. Thanks and enjoy reading my story!

M.C.: Raven King(Previously Jeff King)

Age: 18 (Currently at this stage in novel)

Name: Maya Long

Age: 121( at this point in the novel)

Main Heroine: Mei Feng

Age: 18

Name: Princess Krystal of Vesperia

Age: ??

Will update this page over time.

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