
Why 'The Records' broke

The beginning marks the end. A story untold as it never ended, a story broken as it never got the chance to heal, a story of the stars and a story of the world abandoned by fate. People live by desires, dreams, motivation and undying crave for something. Everybody want something in life, something that they want to achieve no matter the cost. But how about those who don't? How does it feel to not have any dreams? How does it feel to not have a single thing you are interested in? How does it feel to not crave for anything? Life goes just like the flow of the river with nothing so ever happening in your life and meet the Sea as in Death. What would happen if an otaku character travel beyond the Milkyway Galaxy to the world of magic? Rudra the main protagonist travels with the Emissary of the Destructor to the World of magic. Faced with the Trial beyond the limits of his own, Rudra fails to overcome the Trial. But the Destructor grants him another chance because of the transcending power he posses ' Authority'. Two years after the Trial will be held again to test the successor of Shadow God, if he fails to overcome the Trial again then not even Death can save him. Rudra ends up on the planet Seed in the Reedreada Galaxy as per the Destructors wish. There he joins the famous Star Verse Academy to train himself and overcome his limits and face the Trial with everything he got. But will that be it... English is not my native language, so there might( must) be some mistake, please inform me through comments. Text me on Discord if you have any advice or opinion Discord- Ether7#2296 And lastly, of course, cover page is not mine. If you want me to remove it( Which I am sure no one is interested in) I will remove it.

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( Ethers pov)

A humanoid figure sat on the ground near a river. His eyes closed, facial expression calm and gentle breeze passed through the air fluttering his long blond hair. A golden aura enveloped his whole body, giving him an ethereal presence.

Another figure suddenly appeared behind him. His hair long black, red eyes and two horns on his head.

" Oye wake up you old geezer, we got an important mission to do."

The humanoid figure stood up and extended his white wings wide as he took in deep breaths.

" You damned demon, who are you calling old?"

" Oye oye old man, an angel shouldn't curse like that."

" Just being near you pisses me off."

" Who wants to be near you, you worn off machine."

Damn this demon.

Don't know why, but just seeing him pisses me off.

And I am not old.

.... Though I would be too old from the standards of human on Earth.

" Haa... so why did you come to disturb me? Slanky demon."

" Oh! Just look at this bastard, I have a name and it's Demios Sins or you can call me Demon God."

" So what? want me to be terrified? yuk... you are nothing but a skanky demon."

( Skanky = Unpleasant/dirty.)

" You! You really wanna have a go at it don't you?"

Both of them stood in front of each other as their glare intensified more and more.

. .....

After a while, both of them calmed down and composed themselves.

" Cough... get your ass up old man, they have located the wormhole in the south."

" Get moving then you unscrupulous brat."

" W . .what? w...who are you calling brat? you never used that before and you never used words like this before."

Damn, did he find out?

NO! I shouldn't let myself slip up.

" Yah! Then that means you are pissing me off even more than before."

" What? Really? Yahoooooo"

Then demon fly off faster as he laughed out loud.

He touched a small chip on the back of his ear and yelled


" Hey Zeke you heard that, I finally did it. Yahooooo! Go and announce the celebration right now. All the hundred and eighty eight million galaxies under our rule will celebrate today and don't worry it will all be on me. LET'S HAVE A PARTY!"

A rough voice came from the other end.

" Seriously stop giving me trouble Demios, I can't handle your shenanigans."

" Oye stop with your pitiful act, I am not gonna buy it. I hired you to handle my shenanigans, so do your job properly."

" Ugh... I am not getting paid enough for this."


Demios stood still in the air as the light breeze passes through him.

" Did that bastard just hung up on me?"

Ether flew into the air and stopped beside Demios.

" Hahahaha.. I can't believe your own president hung up on you."

" Ugh... shut up old geezer and follow me. Let's finish our mission quickly so that I can have a little chat with my Zeke face to face."

I don't want to bother myself with him, but this bastard sticks around me all the time.

And he just pisses me off.

Yeah, the world will be so much more peaceful if he could just die.

Haa... but I need to focus on my mission.

" Let's go."

We finally found the wormhole.

Though I don't know for sure if that is the cause of the destruction of this world.

The future, the end, the cause, the effect.

' Last Phase.'

I wonder what it is?

Even though I am the one who wrote it.

When I got transmigrated in this world, I got to work immediately. I don't know why but, there was no resistance from the original owner of this body. And I adapted to this world so naturally.

Thanks to the original body's status ' God of Angels', I was able to get the help of all the capable persons. It saved me a lot of time and hard work.

Though.... I don't like being transmigrated as an old man.

Ahh... my harem fantasies.

This sucks.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

HERECTICGODcreators' thoughts