WH 40k and Fantasy(small part) Fanfiction Football hooligan died during the fight with the police and other team hooligans and reincarnated in WH40k as an Ork. Dumb humor, racism(puny xeno, stupid ummies etc), and bad grammar. You have been warned. Enjoy The cover is not mine, I only added text in Paint
Hey boyz is you ready? - A huge man in a green tracksuit with black and yellow markings shouted railing up his fellow hooligans. -Wez gunna gif them a proper foight! - He screamed as he swing his baseball bat over his head.
The crowd cheered and screamed with him. Their team lost to their hated enemies on their turf and worse of all the police decided to intervene when they were discussing with each other. If you could call a discussion an all-out battle similar to the one on the fields of Grunwald. Even horses were there but on the police side. Police intervention stopped the battle for a moment but it also made it worse as a local group got time to call in their reinforcements. Their elite Ultras were now chanting and reading for war with the enemy (green and white) Legionnaires as they called themselves and blue boys aka. Police.
I can't hear you!- Huge man in green shouted one more time and his friends responded with an even louder chant -"Fight, fight, fight"! - He smiled and shouted Louder, Louder Louder!!!. Ere we go boyz!!! FIGHT! - and he charged head first into his hated enemies swinging his club left and right. Legionnaires were fleeting while the police brought water cannons just for him. Before he could react a stream of water hit him in the face causing him to fall back and his head on the curb. The Police did not see this and did not stop the stream of water causing him to drown and die.
The last words that could be heard from him were - I focking hate blue.
In the deep darkness of the future on some feudal world a group of newbie adventures(2 Fighters, a Cleric, and a Wizard) was exploring the cave with the purpose of extermination of everything that lived in there. Mainly goblins. They already killed a bunch of them and they were nearing the end of the cave when their main nest was. Weird mushrooms were growing everywhere and in the main chamber, a very big one was growing. Goblins were tending to it with great care if you could call it. They were throwing everything that could serve as fertilizer at it, even the dead bodies of their fellow greenskins. The adventuring part deiced that they will have to burn everything so no more goblins will appear here. The best solution for a situation like this was the fireball. Even better when it was doubled.
Two fireballs flow into the cave and struck the biggest mushroom which caused the goblins to go into a frenzy. All rushed at them swinging their sticks and bone knives. Humans quickly dealt with all these small troubles and started looting everything they could.
That fun adrenaline rush from fighting, hate for blue, and love for the green with black and yellow markings were his last memories. Everything else was slowly fading. To him, it did not matter as green was the most important thing. Now he was sleeping and it was comfortable. No hangover, no pain from bruises. It was all good.
Until he heard screams, smelled burned meat, and felt extreme heat on his head. Just like that time when one of his friends was hit with a firework to the face. This sudden flashback caused him to wake up.
-Zog it, I ain't having grilled face! - And he stretched his hands and punctured a membrane that isolated him from the outside world and made him comfortable. He felt dirt on his hands and pulled himself upwards. The first thing he saw was the surprised look of some nerd in a pointy hat and the scream of a girl that looked like a porn nun. Not bothering with thinking he grabbed the nearest stone and flung it at the Gandalf wannabe. Hit him straight in the forehead making him unconscious. Porn nun started to scream which alerted to fighters, but by the time they arrived Ork already left his hole and stood up. The scream of the girl was annoying to him but the fighters with shields reminded him of something else, the Police. He was itching to punch some government dogs in the head and now he had an occasion.
Again not bothering with thinking he jumped at the nearest guy and smashed his fists into his shield. The piece of wood could not withstand his power and turned into nothing in just one hit along with the holder's arm. The second fighter did not wait and swung his sword at the back of the green monster that was attacking his friend. A good strategy when fighting mindless beasts and almost every other type of opponent. Not so good when the one you are fighting has more combat experience than you. Ork expected something like this to happen as this was very common when fighting in the crowd and he was hit like that many times in the past. Now he simply moved away from the path of the blade and rolled away. When he regained his footing cleric finished healing the injured fighter. 3 v 1 and he was unarmed, the stakes were high in his favor as he could feel that his opponents were inexperienced in fighting.
He chuckled and once again charged, this time his aim was the nun. Fighters tried to block his path and hit him with their swords but the damage was minor. It even give him that adrenaline rush he loved so much and he moved even faster toward the girl.
Finally, when she was in his reach he struck her right in the middle of her face so hard that her skull caved in. She fell back having difficulty breathing. The pesky healer was down and useless but why not make her useful? Ork grabbed her by her leg and swing her like a club. Fighter startled by the sudden movement readied his shield. The nun's head exploded on it while he was flung across the cave. Shildess fighter saw this and screamed, he charged at Ork but he too was stopped by a nun turned into a club. The swing was so powerful that the body of a nun detached from the leg that was used as a handle and flew with him across the cave. Ork stood and roared WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHH!!! His foes lay there before him only thing left was to finish them off.
When the goblins heard WAAAAAGHHH they regained their fighting spirit and swarmed the cave. There were only ten of them or so but it was still enough of a threat to the now defeated humans. Ork was not afraid not of them, he instinctively knew that these goblins have to listen to him, so he ordered them to finish them off and bring him the loot. He won so he got all the loot, just like in the past.
Soon all 4 bodies were presented to the Ork. Goblins called him now The Boss and he liked it. He still had some memories of when he was a human but fighting now was much more fun, and if this small fight was so enjoyable then what about when he gathered more underlings and waged big battles. He could not help but smile, because in the grim darkness of the future there is only fun