de la lecture
Lire des livres
Ts lowkey fire
Where there’s a whip There’s a way
Ngl this made me sad
Yea it’s the names, I read 94 chapters and the names switch literally every other sentence. It calls nessa lilina for half the book before switching back and forth, calls bea, hop, calls Marni Lillie, it’s just really confusing when I have to guess every sentence
Off the top of my head, custom monster system, and real monster of the multiverse, custom monster system is finished and has 2 books put into one. And the other one is only recent being like 2 months old and last updated maybe 3 weeks ago
This is some diamond rank tier hating right here
I understand it now
I’ve read every monster hunter fanfic on this site, and this is the 7th one 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥