
WHTI : Lotus being

WHTI, a boy formerly named Koado Willy, dies in his sleep, and is sent to Gensokyo to become the new priest of Hakurei Temple. In truth, those responsible are Moah causing his death and Yukari trapping him. It will cost what it costs to make them pay whatever the consequences, as well as in particular will become perfect. However, the path remains long and full of obstacles.

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14 Chs

First mission to human village

How tragic...

But don't you ever think you made the right choice to protect yourself? And the people of the village are not your responsibility. You just wanted to protect them, and it got out of hand. I believe you did nothing wrong.

And please don't say such things about wanting to die, we are only human and we all make mistakes, but we must keep moving forward and work to improve ourselves.

I've had it up to here ! Fed up!

I will make them pay! I will make them pay!

Calm down WHTI! I need to think about the situation properly. I get up to go shower when I see Reimu cooking. Friendly, I greet her, then she responds with joy.

"You slept well ?"

"Thank you for asking. Now I... finally got here..."

She hugs me with a smile:

"I know everything. It is the god Hakurei who sends you to play the role of Shinto priest and I that of the Miko. You don't have to explain, WHTI! You are the bridge between our god and Gensokyo. Come , I'll show you the number of followers!"

She takes my hand and leads me into the courtyard, where many people come to pray to her. Reimu smiled tenderly at me:

"It's thanks to you! By repairing the temple and exterminating all the yokai around, you breathed new life into the temple. Since then, everyone has been talking about the Hakurei temple and more and more people are coming to visit us."

Just a minute, but that means that...that there will be more donations! Reimu says proudly:

"Now we have a lot of donations and faith! Not only is that enough for us, but we won't be able to save money and buy us stuff!"

I understand better why she is happy. I caress her head, a loving smile on my lips. But duty calls me; an old man comes to see me to talk to me in private. I then let the shaman take care of the rest, while taking the old man aside. Once alone, I ask him the purpose of the visit. He then shows me a photo: this one of a young brunette in a short-sleeved shirt and brown shorts, wearing white socks and shoes.

Well, she immediately catches my eye. I create a pink lotus flower that lands on it. The result is immediate!

Reimu now takes care of me whereas before she would have tried to kick me out. I actually just got out of Jikugo before collapsing in front of her. Worried, she tucks me in, while forbidding me to move. Shocked by the coldness of my body, remaining above all a soul at the origin, I therefore explain my story to him. For those who know, I'm from Egypt, but what I didn't say earlier - and this with information from that damn Yukari - I wasn't born in Egypt. I arrived in this country at the age of 7 precisely. Before that, it's the black hole. I was adopted even though I keep my full name: Koado Willy. I am a precocious person according to my peers because I finished primary school a year after my arrival, the first cycle at 9 years old, the second cycle at 11 years old, and university at 12 years old. When you possess the ability to understand things quickly, you literally have an advantage in life. However, at the age of 13, tensions began to rise between me, my parents and my adoptive siblings. When I understand that they want to eliminate me, I leave the house then thanks to the various businesses opened in my spare time, I emancipated myself. At first I made myself known a lot in the professional world, but I decided to disappear and work in the shadows for my passions for obvious reasons: people do not necessarily want my success so I live hidden until I am twenty. years in a big house isolated from everything. Then during the holidays, I went back to my adoptive parents who looked for me everywhere while hiding the truth from them. This is where I was before dying in my sleep, then being transported here. And now, my family must have buried my august person, no one must have found my bank accounts thanks to codes of which only I hold the secret. And here, I learn that I am a Gensokyorien, that I was kidnapped by Yukari, who is also an accomplice of Moah.






She is fascinated by the construction of tanks, even literally builds them. Definitely, it's not every day that we see a Gensokyorian do this. Yes, even though Yukari erased my memory, there is still basic information that comes back to me from time to time like the fact that I was born in the village of humans and that I was good to have changed my name but back to the old man. He wants me to go and see his granddaughter. He is worried that she will build a super-powered machine and destroy Gensokyo.

I will destroy this place! I will destroy them all!

Argh my head! I am in pain ! I hide this from him then put my hand on his shoulder saying:

"I'll take care of your little girl's problem. Everything will be fine!"

Happy, he leaves me while whispering that he can finally get rid of her, without knowing that I hear his thoughts via the pink lotus flower that grows in his back.

Back inside the temple, Reimu and I are eating, when I ask him:

"You know how long I've been asleep."

She opens her eyes wide, and declares while thinking:

"You did 28 days in all, maybe 4 weeks. It's weird! You weren't hurt and all but it's like you didn't wake up. So, I just watched over you, waiting explanations. It was this old witch of the breaches who told me the whole story, well,... Why are you asking me that?!"

"It took me two days to resolve the incident, so with 28 days of sleep, I've been here for a month, you understand?"

"That's right. You understand quickly, WHTI and you are very powerful. I understand better why the Kami Hakurei laid eyes on you."

"Definitely, the latter are the most mysterious of this earth. The yokai on the other hand remain annoying too. Tomorrow, I will go to the human village. You, you will stay at the temple in case. A devotee needs my help. Good night Reimu!"

"Good night, WHTI!"

But as soon as I enter my room, I see a young woman in a red dress wearing a mask. I recognize him right away then try to hug her, when a mini version of me with glasses pulls my outfit before looking at me so grimly then asks me:

"Why? Why are you helping a god when they manipulated you? Why are you helping humans when they tricked you? And why are you serving Yukari's plans when she manipulated you and erased the memory ?"

Eh ?! But what are you saying ? I haven't... In addition, the young woman adds:

"Why did you kill all the gods and humans who did this to you in the past? What were you trying to do? To avenge my death? I didn't ask you!"

Stop! I don't remember that! I don't want to cry! I am innocent, I swear to you. I am the lotus being now, I am WHTI!

Kill them ! Kill them all ! All ! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All! All!

Stop! I have nothing to do with it! Leave me alone ! I just want to make them pay for their actions, not kill them. Minako...Mom...and you the child version of me, I'm not the person I used to be. Things change over time. Now I have Reimu, and the Kami su shrine has nothing to do with it. Once I'm done, I'll go back to the outside world to end it all.

Lotus Faith


* *


Human Village

nĩŋɡ̃ẽ̞n no̞ sa̠to̞


A tavern in the Human Village, in Hopeless Masquerade and Antinomy of Common Flowers


On one side of the Forest of Magic, Unknown


Keine Kamishirasawa (Schoolmistress)

Hieda no Akyuu (Hieda House)

Kosuzu Motoori (Bookseller)

Sekibanki (Somewhere in the Village)

Marisa's father (Kirisame-ya second-hand shop owner)

Sendai Shirou (Walk around the village)

Unshou (Fisherman)

Miyoi Okunoda (Works at Geidontei)

The Human Village (人間の里 Ningen no Sato) is where most humans in Gensokyo live. Although some youkai also come here to shop, it is the safest place in Gensokyo. Humans from the Outer World who end up in Gensokyo have no choice but to stay in the village, as they couldn't survive the Youkai outside. The village itself has a strong defense in the person of Keine Kamishirasawa, who is able to "hide" the history of the village's existence to protect it.

Geography and Inhabitants

Among the people living in the village, we can note Keine Kamishirasawa and Hieda no Akyuu. The village has a currently unnamed mayor (or similar function), a florist, a lumberjack, a tea house, a tofu shop, Youkai exterminators, and more.[1] There is also the Kirisame-ya second-hand shop, run by Marisa's father. Some shops stay open late at night and are reserved for Youkai[2].

Most of the furniture in Scarlet Demon Mansion was made by humans from this village, and Sakuya Izayoi often comes to buy things there. Yuuka Kazami came to buy flowers from the florist at least once. Ran Yakumo is a regular customer at the tofu shop, and occasionally watches the village for her mistress Yukari Yakumo. Reisen Udongein Inaba goes to the village to sell medicine, but she is forced to disguise herself as a human for this.[3] It is said that Medicine Melancholy once tried to cover the village with poison. Kogasa Tatara is often seen in the village, where the adults hate her but the children love her (which doesn't help her).

A number of homes contain zashiki-warashi, who are worshiped by humans but secretly act as spies for other youkai. They were briefly replaced by goblins during the events of Wild and Horned Hermit, which weren't as popular.

The Myouren Temple was built near the village during the events of Undefined Fantastic Object.

The Village and the Youkai

Officially, youkai don't touch village business, and humans tend to have a hard time with youkai walking the streets if they don't have a maid to be there. Quietly, many youkai travel to the village in disguise, or compete for influence there (Mamizou Futatsuiwa being a notable example), but no youkai are allowed to endanger humans. Some disguised Youkai, such as Sekibanki, live directly in the village. The youkai tend to avoid the humans of Gensokyo gathering behind a leader who would cause them to question the authority of the Youkai in Gensokyo.[4]

The humans in the village prefer to avoid dealing with youkai business, though some are beginning to struggle with the youkai's dominance in Gensokyo. Not long ago, it is said that there was a secret society whose purpose was to learn secrets of researching the origins of residence of humans and youkai in Gensokyo, in order to expel the Youkai from the country and establish total human control.

Some notable places in the village:

dragon statue

A statue of the ancient Dragon God is one of the most important places in the village. Built by the kappa, her eyes can predict the weather by changing color, and are said to turn red before an incident.

Hieda House

Hieda no Akyuu lives here, writing down everything she has seen in her life. His family seems to be one of the wealthiest in the village, with several servants and a large vegetable garden.

Kappa Shed

An abandoned shed on the edge of the village that was once used by the kappa to store items, while their own shed was frozen.

Second-hand shop Kirisame-ya

Marisa's father is the owner of this shop. Rinnosuke Morichika was his former apprentice here, but not much more is known except that he doesn't sell magic items.

Roadside shrines

The village has a hokora dedicated to the Shinto god Inari, which an unnamed Evil Dragon claims to have built long ago.

Hieda Temple School

There is a Terakoya somewhere in the village, where Keine works as a history teacher. Planning for its construction began during the 117th Season. Well-known students are the village chief's son, the florist's daughter, and a disguised Kitsune.


Suzunaan, drawn in Forbidden Scrollery


Human Village


Kosuzu Motoori (bookseller)


Literary works

Forbidden Scrollery (Main Location)

Suzunaan (鈴奈庵, "bell hermitage") is a traditional Japanese-style bookstore located somewhere in the Human Village. The bookstore allows you to borrow and buy books, and offers a printing service. The Chronicles of Gensokyo (Perfect Memento in Strict Sense) written by Hieda no Akyuu has also been printed and linked here.

Most of the books present are books that ended up in Gensokyo from the outside world, which are called "foreign books" (外来本 gairai bon). Kosuzu has also secretly used part of the bookstore's income to collect a collection of rare demonic books, which fetch a high price.

The inspiration for this shop is Suzunoya bed. "Bell Floor" (鈴屋), Norinaga Motoori's personal study room, which serves as the inspiration for Kosuzu. You can see a mark of something resembling a vegetable on the curtains of the store, on the plate of the store, and even on the font of the title of the book. They are all turnips, which are called in old Japanese "suzuna" (菘/鈴菜) - the second literally means "bell vegetable" to resemble the shape of a bell and a turnip. It could refer to "Illustration of Thanks" (恩頼図 Onraizu), drawn after Norinaga's death by one of his followers. Words that were related to Norinaga form a turnip, to express who he was - in other words, the turnip itself means Norinaga in the illustration.


Geidontei, as depicted in Lotus Eaters


Human Village


Miyoi Okunoda (Headliner and waitress)


Literary works

Lotus Eaters (Main Venue)

Geidontei (鯢呑亭, "whale drinking pavilion") is a traditional Japanese-style bar located somewhere in the Human Village.


Geidontei refers to the Japanese word 鯨呑 (Geidon), where the kanji for male whales (鯨) is replaced with that for female whales (鯢). "Geidon" refers to when a powerful existence swallows its enemy in one fell swoop, like when a whale swallows its prey. It is commonly used to refer to powerful countries invading the lands of smaller ones.

The Sanshoku (蚕食) in Sanshoku Geidontei means "to invade". It can also be read "three meals" or "three colors".

General informations

The bar is run by an old man. Although Miyoi Okunoda is the headliner of Geidontei, she is also a Zashiki-warashi who lives and works there, something the owner doesn't seem to know, and Miyoi seems to want to keep secret. According to Marisa Kirisame, the owner is known for his vegetable soups, but since the bar is frequented by other old men in particular, it seems that Miyoi was not present before the events of Lotus Eaters.

An agreement was made between Miyoi, Suika, and Mamizou to allow Geidontei to open only for youkai at night.[3] The nocturnal gathering was called Sanshoku Geidontei. Its current members are Miyoi Okunoda, Suika Ibuki, Mamizou Futatsuiwa, and Aya Shameimaru, although Yukari Yakumo is also aware of these secret activities.

Tch! This place is just big for not much. Memory to myself: When a client wants to see me, always ask for details to avoid over-exerting my ability. I'm a little sorry for leaving in a rush. Afterwards, I slept badly, and - in this kind of case - I am in a very bad mood, especially now. Mom, and this version of me as a child who look at me with disappointment for one and resentment for the other....

"I hate that !!!!"

Shit ! I shouted too loud. Well, I might as well take it out on a yokai "troublemaker" and then extermination. Like this, the villagers believe that I am referring to this, and I resume my journey towards the house of the day before. Thanks to the pink lotuses for the information on the human village! Without you, it would be more difficult even with my complete memory. I sigh when I think about it... Moah, Yukari, why did you do that?

When I got to the old man's house, I knocked on the door, and he greeted me with a hug. I say nothing for the moment, then he makes visit.

Too bad for him, I know this place. This is my old house.

Long minutes pass that he leads me to a workshop in the basement. Inside are many tanks similar to those of the twentieth century; Which reminds me of WWII lessons.

Rika is working hard on one of his inventions when he gives us the presentations. This one, bored greets me before returning to what seems to be the most important: his passion. I invite the grandfather to leave us; which makes it worry-free.

The atmosphere becomes heavy.

A wrench is passed to me, guarding it carefully, until I put it on. A screwdriver that I pick up, I give her to finish her invention. Mandated to stop him from building tanks, here I am helping him build one. Our silence slips away to make way for our complicit gazes. Neither one wants to stop. Passion and dreams are like time. Nothing can stop them. And it will be so when men manage to give meaning to the word freedom. A news, no, two new babies has just been born: ours.

Shrine Tank

Floral tank

"There you go! Aren't they beautiful like that?! By the way, thank you priest! I didn't know you were good at engineering. My name is Rika!"

"I'm WHTI. Since we just did all that, and if we test them with one condition: they succeed and we'll convince your grandfather."

"I see. But don't come crying if you lose reputation and I can't get out of Gensokyo anymore."

"How ?"

"In addition to being able to build stuff, I can break the fourth wall. Speaking of which, thanks to the author for dropping by pc 98 to tell your story."

"So it's over? I knew you were arrogant but now you deserve a good lesson from me."

"Monsieur has trouble sleeping, it seems. Okay, I'll stop provoking you. So, are we going to the neutral zone so that we can fight and fissa?"

"I agree with you. I'm driving you right there. Take your machines just in case."

We get out of hand that barely I feel his gun on my back and raise my hands.Tch! This place is just big for not much. Memory to myself: When a client wants to see me, always ask for details to avoid over-exerting my ability. I'm a little sorry for leaving in a rush. Afterwards, I slept badly, and - in this kind of case - I am in a very bad mood, especially now. Mom, and this version of me as a child who look at me with disappointment for one and resentment for the other....

We get out of hand that barely I feel his gun on my back and raise my hands.

"Sorry but I refuse to have my inventions destroyed! Sorry but you're going to have to die."

"The flowers are red like the blood of beavers..."

Her head falls to the ground, severed by the sword of Konngara I'm holding, while she's only aimed at a clone. Finally, this attack also was only mental. Returning to reality, the engineer collapses on the ground, her body shaking like a leaf to the point of dropping her revolver.

"....You don't know it yet but you're already dead." I finish my sentence so well that she literally takes her head.

"How ?"

"I have the ability to understand everything so you really think your attempted murder would have worked. Listen to me carefully; what you have just done is very serious and may affect the life of the grandfather in addition to his. You understand what I just said, don't you? Say yes if you understand."

"Yes, I completely understand. I'm sorry."

"Unfortunately it's not enough. Normally I wanted to face you in the rules, but since you come to attack my life, destroy all your inventions in exchange."

She stares at me, scared.

"Please, not my inventions! They are all my life!"

"So you shouldn't try to kill me."

Pity ! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please!

"If the attempt was in cold blood, the human in question will be found guilty of attempted murder. No justification can be given for wanting to kill someone in cold blood. On the other hand, the request to destroy something thing created for destruction and evil is justifiable. It will not be considered a crime and black points will be awarded for it, as it is for protection purposes. The creation of this type of inventions should not be authorized. And no, it is not possible to pass judgment for the brother. If the intention was to take revenge for what the priest did to him, and if it was not done in cold blood, it would be right to request that his inventions be destroyed. But this will not be considered a crime and revenge will not be taken. A human attempting to kill a priest is considered a crime due to the murderous part. But the request destroying something created to harm others is not something to be punished for. Thus, no black points will be awarded."

These are the words of Xanadou Shiki Eiki.

Thus, I accomplish the mission of the old man who thanks me by giving me a reward. I don't look at Rika then go home. Along the way, I meet many humans playing and having fun while others attack a helpless child. Wasting no time, I threw rocks at their heads, scaring them away. Definitely, it's my day! Without wasting time, I treat him for long minutes. So he opens his eyes:

"Sir... Thank you! Thank you for saving me!"

"You're welcome! Your name is Kamine, isn't it? Nice to meet you!"

Teach me! Teach me! Teach me! Teach me! Teach me! -Me !

Teach me ! Teach me !

Teach me ! Tell me your secret!

"Take it easy! I can't teach you this technique because it's innate, but I can give you something that will let you do it."

"Yes! I want to have it! Hum! Hum! Can I have that please?"

"Of course !"

A pink lotus lands on her hand, the pot in support. I smile tenderly at her, stroking her head, then affirm.

"It's my most precious possession! Take care! If you have a problem, just pray to Hakurei and on my flower, and I'll come right away."

"It's true ?"

"Absolutely! I'm going back to the temple! Take care!"

"Come home Mr. WHTI!"

On the way back, I greet passers-by who look at me with great admiration, bowing to me. A young woman presents me with a sick baby. In fact, a yokai cursed him a few years ago. I lay my hand on him and heal him of this curse by purifying him. Other women arrive suddenly with their problems, even the most vulnerable. In a few hours, I give teachings on the words of the Kami of the Hakurei shrine, give blessings in his name, purify them from all evil, finally those who have faith and a pure heart. For the others, I do not grant them this favor at the moment.

Because they don't deserve it!

This wonderful interview over, I finally return to the temple, on foot, crossing the stairs. But once at the end, Reimu's body lies on the ground, plunged into the depths of the abyss. Cautious, I counter the manager's ambush; she narrowly avoids the explosion of ten red roses but sacrifices her clothes in the process. Too bad, my pink lotus still lands on her... Huh? She doesn't seem possible as a woman. I concentrate, while analyzing the situation.







I pull out Konngara's sword while combining it with the moon's breath. I rush at her, fast as the wind. She retaliates sharply with a saber cut, except crescent moons lacerate her before she backs off. His eyes, on the other hand, become sharp to my soul.

This fight promises to be the most difficult.