
WHTI : Lotus being

WHTI, a boy formerly named Koado Willy, dies in his sleep, and is sent to Gensokyo to become the new priest of Hakurei Temple. In truth, those responsible are Moah causing his death and Yukari trapping him. It will cost what it costs to make them pay whatever the consequences, as well as in particular will become perfect. However, the path remains long and full of obstacles.

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14 Chs

Clash in the mansion

After Orange's death, I dodge a scythe which plays its role as a boomerang twice before it returns to its owner.  I see that they are not dead from my attack, but just a little injured.  Minute, I don't see the other one, nor Yuuka, and the reaper cries with rage at me.  I guess I killed at least... Ah, she's collapsing!  41 seconds before dying.  It's a real achievement but it also means one thing.

"My attack is too unstable and not very good. We're going to have to work on that!"

But first, let's analyze these two characters for you, before the mistress of the place is quietly reborn.


The vampire girl



Unfortunately, she died because of my ray.  I can bring her back to life but who says she'll be a vampire again?  I'll think about it.  For now, Maria remains the second known lotus being.  By the way, she has to practice on the duel lotus.  She's going to get there anyway!  She would remind me of Chen sometimes.

Woah!  Calms you !

I must not forget that understanding is different from becoming something.  Anyway, let's continue!


The guardian of the mansion



Here we dig!  As for her, I will not hesitate to make her a lotus being and I already know her color: red.  So I hasten to take both, then I keep them just in case in what we can call a pocket dimension.  It's kind of my lucky day today.  Starting tomorrow, I will go face Yuuka.  No, let's wait a week!

I'm thinking about it !  I can make both of them red lotus beings.  That way they won't be alone anymore.

"Here we go! I'm going home!"

I thank heaven for allowing me to give second chances by bringing them back under a new birth.  What they once were will be destroyed to be reborn.

A month later, they come back to life a little.

Meanwhile, Reimu takes care of visiting the village, the other shamans look after her with love.  As for me, I pray every day while taking care of the donations.  These are increasing, including the number of faithful.

"I should thank them all by organizing a festival" I said to myself.

"Dad," Maria asks me. "Are they ready?"

"Yes, Maria. They are. You're going to meet your new friends."

"Yes !!!"

"But be careful. They are lotus beings just like you but red."

"I will teach them our creed and all your teachings."

"You are a good girl."

Maria, I'm so sorry for killing your old version.  But now you can live in peace and soon lotus beings will be able to live in Gensokyo.  In addition, humans are starting to like me a lot;  which is ironic for those who know me.

Also, I am becoming more and more known, even more than the Kami of the Hakurei shrine;  what in the long term risks harming him.  That is why...

I let Reimu go see the village this time.

Also, I don't necessarily want Keine because she's half a yokai, and for the moment, I'm still fierce than before.  If I continue in this voice, then Hakurei Temple will have to separate from me;  I will leave in this case, and would be free from the oath between the Kami and me;  which brings me closer and closer to the chance to go into the outside world.  This is how the Kami himself shows himself to me, while laughing at my infantile appearance.  Apart from that, the discussion begins between us:

"Hello, Kami of Hakurei Shrine!"

"WHTI, hello! How are you?"

"Well, I'm fine, very fine even."

"Are you sure? I heard about Moah's death in the outside world."

"It's a tragedy. And then, I hope that she, finally..."

"She's called Maria now, isn't she?"

"Yes. But that's not why you came to talk to me, right? You know that I have regained my memory. And from the look of your face, it's something you feared, isn't it?  not ?"

"I especially feared that you would kill Moah and Yukari for that. When Minako left,... you were in an anger that humans, yokai, even the gods could not restrain! You were lost, and it was  our fault; mine for not having protected you, and that of those who deceived you."

"And mine for causing this action."

"You were a child!"

It's rare that I see him raise his voice.  At the same time I don't know.

"You can't live with this guilt forever! That's why Yukari erased your memory while she did it with Reimu so as not to have to tell her about the death of her... no, the  death of your mother. I ask you: stop wanting revenge against the border yokai."

"You are a father to me, even more so when I'm in this state. But you know that that's not why I want to make him pay, right? She and Moah caused my death as a  "human and Yukari kidnapped me to take me here and lock me up against my will. So sorry, but I refuse to accept this behavior otherwise it will be legalized and who doesn't think a human suffers the same fate?"

"Are you just worried about yourself or do you really care about innocent humans and other species?!"

"You know what my main goal is as a lotus being: to become perfect. And that my desire to do justice is secondary. But when I know that Yukari sends humans from the outside world here and to their death, I can't do it.  support."

"Your goal is to protect humans and exterminate the yokai: nothing more. If you go beyond that, I will be forced to remove you from your position as priest."

"In that case, please do it now before my popularity eclipses you and then: Reimu is a much better servant to you than I am. Forgive me, and thank you!"

"Don't go! I forbid you! What if Minako sees you?"

"I can't stay locked up forever. If I have to become a Hakurei priest it will be not by choice and not by constraint. For the moment I must pursue my dream."

I look at him one last time, greeting her politely, leaving the Hakurei temple without taking anything.  At the last step, I come across Reimu who drops her things and suddenly throws herself at me:

"That look," Reimu explains, "is that of someone who wants to leave the Hakurei shrine. No, no, you're not going anywhere! You're the priest and you have responsibilities. You've done too much to  the temple and then what will I do if I don't find you, eh? And then, what about the human village? Are you leaving them too? You can't leave WHTI otherwise in this case, why did you come first  place then eh if it's to abandon me?"

Without thinking, I take her in my arms, using the boundaries to make her regain her memory while transmitting the reasons to her via my past from the beginning until now;  which makes her the first, apart from those concerned, to know.  So, I started to cry just like her who has such big tears.

"Big brother! Is...is that you?"

"It's me little sister! I missed you."

"Also... Why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

"You wouldn't have believed me and I couldn't cause you any trouble."

"Idiot! You're my brother, so it's normal."

She hugs me thinking I'm keeping her like that.  She doesn't tell me but she cries with all her soul for Minako's death but I also know that unlike me, she will be more mature;  And that's the case.

Following this setback, I stayed with them for a few months to spend time with Reimu and to make a less brutal transition for the villagers.  Despite everything, I remain a yokai exterminator and a shaman except that I will be independent from now on.

Since she knew about me, Reimu never left me until the fateful day.  I always wondered why Yuuka didn't come after me, I understand the answer.

As long as I stay at the temple and the human village, she doesn't plan to act.  She's waiting for the moment when I come to the haunted mansion to give me the most sadistic welcome possible.  Although the help of Reimu and Marisa would not be too much, I refuse - not out of pride - but out of a sense of responsibility.

It's my fault that her servants and her manor have been in a bad state for six months, it's up to me to fix that, and by extension to fight her.

It's now been 3 years since I arrived in Gensokyo.

I've experienced things casually.  I helped Hakurei Shrine become popular, I exterminated a lot of yokai, I resolved two major incidents and a few others, I experienced a lot in three years.  And I'm ready for the goal now.  Reimu, Marisa, always remain friends to me!  Kami, no, Reiko, don't be too angry with me, please!  For me you are more than a god.  And then you should suspect it with Reimu's mother as a mother.



In the Lake of Blood, on the boundary between Gensokyo and the Fantasy World


Yuuka Kazami (owner)

Elly (Guardian)

Kurumi (Lake Guardian)

Mugenkan (夢幻館 Mugenkan, "Mansion of Fantasies") is a mysterious mansion located inside the Lake of Blood.  This is the player's final destination in The Story of the Lotus Land.

General informations


The mansion itself apparently sits on the border between Gensokyo and the fantasy world.  Physically, this boundary is located somehow beneath the Lake of Blood, which is in the middle of a lake on a mountain behind Hakurei Shrine.

According to the Lotus Land story manual, the fifth stage of the game takes place in the innermost part of Mugenkan.  The background is largely black, with large blue stars passing by and lighting it up slightly.


Yuuka Kazami appears to be the sole occupant of the mansion, however Elly guards the entrance, and Kurumi guards the lake above.

I knock on the door of the destroyed mansion, rather, of the mansion recreated by me at the second.  His host therefore opens the door, filled with a murderous aura.  Minute, isn't that how I understand his lack of aura?

Kazami Yuka

Master of the flower of the 4 seasons




Handling flowers


At least over 78, implied to be very old.


- Plant handling

- Transformation into a ball of light - teleportation

- Reinforcement



"Good morning or good evening !"

"What are you doing here? It wasn't enough for you to destroy my house, now you..."

"Yes, I understand that you are surprised that it is in the same state as before the passage of Trinity."

"So you're the one responsible for this. However, you killed Elly and Kurumi. Don't think you'll make it out alive, human."

"...Retract what you just said immediately, flower yōkai. I am not a human but a lotus being."

"Oh good? And if not what? I wonder what we're weak like you-"


His body has just imploded due to the hatching followed by the detonation of the mini red lotuses inside.  Her superior air is quickly replaced by a rather terrifying smile, even though she is spitting blood.  I take this opportunity to ask him:

"Am I a human or a lotus being? Your life will depend on your answer."

For those who still wonder why I don't like being called human, it's because I'm no longer one, and two;  the main reason is that I no longer want to be associated with one of the three races that lured me: human, youkai, and god.  And anyone who dares to make this mistake will suffer the same thing as when I was 7 years old or against Moah and the Egyptian pantheon.

Regardless, it's not nothing that it comes from the fear of plants that some humans have.  In addition, I understand perfectly that she could possess a physical strength that makes bodybulders look like children of martenelle.  On the other hand, she moves slowly, her danmaku dodging easily.  Moreover, I feel no fear of her, nor of her deadly blows.

"You're fast! But don't think you can escape me, lotus."

"You don't know it yet, but in thirty minutes, if you don't stop your bullshit, you'll be dead."

"I'm not giving you ten. You know flowers like you deserve to be trained like he fingers himself."

Damn, I can't move anymore!  No !  If she treats herself with my white lotus, it's over for me.

"You will soon know the meaning of the word fear!"

If she can handle plants, then so can I.  Stop!  I must not freak out.  I still have one thing to do.  Even though I don't like it at all, to counter it, I go into human form for 20 minutes.  However, I give myself three instructions.

1 - I keep my current capacity.

2 - I don't use the power of lotuses, except pink.

3 - I have the right to use the powers that I understand.

With these words, before she touches me, I move from gap to gap, then kick her on the head which almost knocks her out then quickly continues with the powers of the shaman against her combined with flight.  Then, I run across several gaps when she pursues me fiercely.  Don't lose your cool, otherwise you die!  Just in case, I take out my two swords while attacking him in his blind spots.  However, if Konngara's resists in addition to being versatile combined with the powers of the stars, Yuuka nevertheless breaks Meira's sword quite easily, in addition to my arm;  which I will regenerate later.


I take back what I said.  I am not well !  As soon as I wake up, I bathe in the sea of ​​blood.  I still have five minutes before I get back to my true form.  Plus, we're outside.  I sigh, focusing on a specific point on my body then activate the eye of Horus, then the aura of Seth;  this will destroy, then dry up all the surrounding plants, including herself.  I catch my breath, and charge several crescent moons that can cut through any armor.  In addition, I imbued it with Seth's aura;  what works against her.  Except before I touch it...

"You've become predictable! You seem to have rusted, little human."

At this moment, she has just made the worst choice;  the one who will seal his destiny.  His blow does not reach me before I return to my initial form, cutting his head as well as his body, and putting the sword away before it ends up in small confetti.  I know she will come back despite everything.  Many humans and supernatural beings are afraid of her after all.  Nevertheless, I remain a principled lotus being.  Raising my hand, I bring it down on the last remaining piece of her before finishing her off for good.

"Die, Kazami Yūka. And if you dare to come back after all, I will kill you again, and again if I meet you again. You should never have called me human."

A good thing done.

Now this place becomes by extension mine knowing that she will settle further away in the future.

"That's three major incidents resolved for me compared to two for Reimu."

I'm getting closer to the goal.  Finally, I will no longer be forced to stay in Gensokyo, against my will.  After three years, I feel much freer.  Suddenly, a person I know very well comes to spoil the party.

"Hello WHTI! Congratulations on regaining my memory! So I won't need this piece of cloth from you anymore"

And here we go again...

"What exactly do you want from me? The main reason you're here is because you know what happened, right?"

Let's see how she reacts.

"Of course! You're a kind lotus being who knows what happened and it would behoove me to shut you up right away so things don't get too chaotic since I can't do any work without Ran."  "


Besides, if she left Moah, it's because she planned this one.  And she's hiding something even bigger.

"You know, you may have heard rumors that I rely on manipulation and deception, and it's true. I usually have to manipulate others to get what I want. You're lucky that  I'm nice that way."

I see.  She recites her text to make me lower my guard.  Even more so why tell me this now.

"Let's put our cards on the table for once. What are you planning? By the look of your face, you think you can beat me."

"Fufufu! I didn't think so, I know I'm going to beat you because there's a reason why I didn't want to give you back your memory at first. Do you want me to call you back?"

I remember... I wanted to die after what I did.

"That's it. You've become too unstable than when we last met. So I arranged for you to reunite with someone you love so much."