
The first and last fight

In a grand ancient arena two monsters are fighting fiercely. One of them is a man with three identical heads.One of three heads is shining with a holy light , the second head is like a black hole and the middle head is neutral. He has three pairs of hands and his lower body is like a leathery green snake . Another monster has four wings like a dragon emerged from hell and he was clutching a silver spear in his hands. He has a pair of horns on his head and and his skin is covered with lizard-like scales. The shockwaves created during the fight brought the nearby planets in turmoil and destruction but their is not a single speck of damage on the arena . At the end of the fight dragon-prince is severely injured. His whole body is dipped into his green blood. He is kneeling on the ground with his raised spear. A force-field was around him. The disaster king is also wounded but his condition is much better than that of dragon-prince. Disaster king said "Accept me as your master or die ". Dragon-prince hissed "It is better to die then to become your slave, this is not my race weapon but the race weapon of flowers.ha..ha.....". Disaster King said"As you wish ".Disaster King clenched his fist and his fist shined like a new-born sun.Disaster King strike the force field with all his might .

This caused a huge explosin . A huge mushroom shaped cloud is puffed out into the sky . Whole body of dragon -prince is vapourised .Something silver is glowing among the smoke and dust. Disaster king's exhausted body collapsed on the ground .His body is tramsformed into a human like form. A battleship emerged out from nowhere. A elegant woman comes out of the ship. The women take the spear and entered the ship and five to eight henchman take the king into the ship.