
Who to love

Bong Soon has just moved back with her family to Korea coming from Africa after her grandfather passed away leaving his huge inheritance to her mother. Now she has to start a new life on a new Continent and at a new school. At this elite school she meets these three guys who are about to change her life. But not everything is all sunshine and rainbows as she solves the mystery around them risking her life in the process. Who could be behind all the death's? Expect twists , turns and fast dialogue. I hope you enjoy!

Hellohworldd · Sports, voyage et activités
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90 Chs

The Chase

Next day

Min Young: Wake up Miss!

Bong Soon: (sobbing) But I've  just gone to sleep.

Min Young: Well it's almost time for you to go to school.

Bong Soon: It's not fair ,I didn't sleep a wink

Min Young :What stopped you from sleeping?

Bong Soon: Ummmm


Bong Soon: Aish how could those guys just put me on the spot....i wasn't even prepared for it....catching me off guard is not fair at all....do they know how hard it is to choose....I'm the same girl who takes ages to pick a t-shirt let alone pick a boyfriend....I mean all of them are nice....they also have their flaws....what to do....should i just transfer again? ...mmm no i cant go through being the new girl again....i could just avoid them....Aishh....

Present time

Bong Soon :(sobbing) Nothing

Min Young: Well that's on you, the Madam says you have to get ready.

Bong Soon: Aish my life is horrible ?

Min Young: Is it that bad?

Bong Soon: Yes it is.

Min Young :Is it about those boys who visit you all the time?

Bong Soon: (exaggerating) Umm ..what!..no... why would you think that?

Min Young: I don't know much about love but they always say you should follow your heart on movies.

Bong Soon: I can't face them at school today

Min Young: I wish I could help

Bong Soon: Well  maybe you can...

A couple minutes later

She rushes out late for school and gets to her car.

B.S mom:Omo that  girl she didn't even eat

B.S dad:(sobbing) She's didn't even greet us

B.S mom:(sobbing ) Our daughter has grown

B.S dad:(sobbin)She's even getting bad guys arrested now

B.S mom: (sobbing She doesn't need us anymore

B.S dad: (crying) My princess

B.S mom: Come on dont be like that she'll always be our little girl.

B.s dad: Yess ,you're right.

B.S mom: I wonder how we didn't see that the one hurting us was that old man

B.S dad :Looks can be deceiving

B.S mom:At least our incredible daughter saw past his act.

B.S dad:She gets it from her amazing mother

B.S mom :And her amazing dad

MEANWHILE ...They arrive at school and the boys are already waiting for her.

Min Ho: Isn't she coming today?

Myung Soo: She always comes

Soo Hyun: May be we scared her off

Won Ho: I still think you guys are pathetic

She tries hiding in a group of kids

Random kid:Wait who are you(drawing the attention of the boys)Stop following us.Weirdo!

She quickly hides her face from the boys and tries finding another escape root.

Myung Soo :Wait isn't that her hoodie

Min Ho: That's it

Won Ho: (laughing)OMG she's hiding from you losers

She starts running

Soo Hyun: Bong Soon! wait!

Won Ho :(laughing) She's running away from you.

The Boys run after her .Min Ho manages to grab her hoodie and it pulls off her head.

Soo Hyun :That's not her!

Myung Soo: That's the maid!

MEANWHILE at home..

Bong Soon: (worried) I hope she doesn't get caught.... (she lies on her bed)Aish even this bed reminds me of Soo Hyun....I can't believe we actually had dinner together here....Aish this is driving me crazy...

She goes to take a bath and comes back and heads to her wardrobe where runs into Myung Soo's clothes

Bong Soon: I still haven't returned these....

She  finds  something to wear and sits by her desk playing games

Bong Soon :I keep losing !...I've never lost  before..(going through her gallery) I still have Min Ho 's pictures (she tries to delete them but doesn't)...I can't stay here I need to get some fresh air.

at school

Min Young: (scared)Sorry act like you don't see me.

Min Ho :But we do see you.

Soo Hyun :Where is she?

Min Young: I'm not telling you anything .

Myung Soo: (holding her arms looking into her eyes)Is she okay

Min Young :(mumbles mesmerized) She's okay.She just didn't want to see you so she sent me here in her place.I've always wondered what highschool is like.She's still home most probably wrecking her brain .My name is Min Young and I think now have a crush on you. Hi.

Min Ho :I thought she wasn't going to tell us anything.

Min Young: I can change my mind can't I.

Myung Soo :Well thank you but I have a crush on someone else and I've never even told her I like her.I need to go.

Myung Soo rushes off to his car and drives off.Soo Hyun follows him.Min Ho takes a car from a junior and also follows him.Min Young just stands there totally puzzled

Min Young: The young Miss is very lucky.

Won Ho:(suddenly appearing)  Very lucky indeed. (laughing) And the race begins.

Min Young :Omo you scared me ,where did you come from.

Won Ho:(laughing)  I'm everywhere sweetheart(he starts walking away)

Min Young: Wait for me!

The Boys arrive at Bong Soons house at the same time.Myung Soo rushes in first.He runs up to her room and she's not there.The other boys arrive there too.

Soo Hyun :Remember we said one man for himself

Min Ho: No hard feelings

Myung Soo: May the best man win.

They leave in search of her

MEANWHILE....Bong Soon is waiting outside the sona with her expired coupon just looking at it hopelessly. Suddenly some woman comes out and walks towards her smiling

Woman:(sweetly) Hello child

Bong Soon: Hi ma'am

Woman :(sweetly) Could I ask you something?

Bong Soon :(smiling)Yeah sure what is it?

Woman:Where is that boy you came with last time.I've been coming to the sona everyday just so I could meet him.He promised he would marry my granddaughter.

Bong Soon: (puzzled) He's not here.

Woman: (rude)Aigoo so why are you here wasting my time. (she walks away)

Bong Soon: How weird is that.(chuckles) Does she think he lives inside my pocket. I better get away from here

Bong Soon goes to the movies.She watches a boring movie in an empty cinema. She has her flashback of when she came with Myung Soo. Then has a flashback of when she came with Jason and the guys spied on her.

Bong Soon :This is just depressing,

She leaves and goes to the arcade  she just stands at the door looking at the building.

Bong Soon: What's the point ...i know I won't enjoy anything I do today...

She starts walking around looking hopeless.Some creepy guys start following her.Bong Soon starts running and leads them into an alley.

Man #1:(grinning )Little girl stop running we won't hurt you.

Bong Soon: I'm not scared of you guys .

Man #2:(checking her out)Maybe you should be.

Bong Soon:(fake smiling)  Well I've had a pretty bad day ,so I'm pretty sure you're the ones who should be scared.

Man #1:You think you can take the two of us with one arm.

Bong Soon:You've got it all wrong.Ive got 1 arm and 2 legs

Man #2 :(laughing) Adorable (he charges towards her)

Bong Soon beats up the two man with ease and leaves them lying on the floor in the alley.

Bong Soon:(smiling)  Ahhh that felt great....But they kinda remind of the Woo's ...(sobbing) Awe come on now I miss them....i guess I'm not meant to be happy today...

She walks to the Woos house and to her surprise it doesn't look deserted anymore .She goes to their door and starts snooping .She sees them sitting eating and she can't help but cry.Suddenly Chen spots her and yells"Bong Soon" they all get up  and rush to the door

Mrs Woo:(happy) Omo dear you're here

Bong Soon  just keeps on crying

Dong:(crying) We missed you kid.

Bong Soon soon stumps on Dongs foot and kicks Song at the knee and beats around Chen as she's crying

Bong Soon: Why did you leave me !

Song :(sobbing) We are sorry dear.

Bong Soon :(sobbing) Sorry won't cut it.Do you know how much I missed you.

Chen:We missed you too

Bong Soon: Do you know I almost died  and you never even came to see me.

Mrs Woo :Who do you think we're those nurses who always took care of you.

Bong Soon: Omo the clumsy nurses?

Chen:That's thanks to Song here.

Bong Soon: So it was you!

Dong :We came back the night you had your accident .But we couldn't stay here so we found another  place .But now since Mr Shin is in prison we think that we'll be safe back home.

Bong  Soon: (embarrassed) Sorry for hitting you

Mrs Woo:Don't apologize they deserve it,come on dear let's go in and enjoy the meal before it gets cold.

They all sit down and start catching up whilst eating

MEANWHILE...The boys are still looking for her

at  school

 Won Ho: You won't survive the day, you're going to get caught real soon

Min Young: You are Won Ho right

Won Ho: Yes i am.

Min Young:The young Miss talks alot about you.

Won Ho: What did she say?

Min Young: You're arrogant...stuborn...self centered...

Won Ho: (offended) Awe

Min Young: you're also really sweet in your own way....adorable when you're jealous....fun to be around ...and the best frienemy a girl could ever have

Won Ho:(happy) Awe

Min Young :Yes ,so you're going to help me out right

Won Ho: (chuckles)sure this will be fun

Min Young: Thank you  oppa

Won Ho: Don't thank me yet you haven't even gone to your class yet .

Back at the Woos

Bong Soon: Thank you guys for the meal.

Mrs Woo :You're welcome dear.

Chen :We're going out do you want us to drop you home.

Bong Soon: No I don't want to go back yet.

Song :Is something wrong?

Bong Soon: No everything is fine.

Dong :Wait why aren't you at school?

Bong Soon:(shy)Wellll

Mrs Woo:Omo you skipped school!

Bong Soon: Kinda

Mrs Woo:(pinching her ear)Do you know how hard parents work to send you kids to school.

Bong Soon: Ouch I know I know! I'm sorry  ,I won't do it again!

Mrs Woo:Good!You see these boys ,they might be thugs but they never skipped a day of school.

Chen :Yes because we are good son's .

Bong Soon: I'll be a better daughter too.

Mrs Woo:Now go with her take her home

Bong Soon: But ....

Song :The lady has spoken let's go

They leave the house

Bong Soon: Please you can't take me home

Chen :Relax kid we're not taking you home

Bong Soon: (sighing with relief)Phew.

Song:Where should we take you then

Bong Soon: Mmm let me think

Dong:Guys can you believe mom still believes we actually went to school

Bong Soon: (surprised)You didn't!

Chen :(laughing) We barely went

Song :The headmaster and teachers were to scared of us to tell my mom anything .

Bong Soon: Wow that's really bad ass

Dong :Yeah it might have been bad ass but look where it got us.Were grown ass men still living with our mom.

Bong Soon: But at least you're happy

Song:Yeah mom makes the best meals.Im a happy man

Bong Soon:I know where I want to go

Dong :Where?


Min Young finishes her lessons without being caught

Min Young: It was pretty easy.

Won Ho: Its just because nobody cares about her.If you were impersonating me you would've been caught .

Min Young: I'm just happy I got the chance to experience this.

Won Ho :Did you have fun

Min Young: No people here are very flashy and mean.Nowonder why the young Miss hates coming to school.

Won Ho: You'll never understand

Min Young: I like my simple life

Won Ho:Sure you do.

Min Young: You can come and experience it for one day you might like it too

Won Ho: No I'll pass ,I don't think I'll do too well as a maid

Min Young :(laughing) I doubt it too

Myung Soo:(chuckles)  I'll give you a ride home

Min Young: Thanks

MEANWHILE the boys run into each other at the noodle shop

Myung Soo: You're here

Min Ho :Yeah this is the last place that came to mind

Soo Hyun: I'll lead the way.

They enter the shop