
Who Killed My Father

This is a suspense thriller, where an esteemed businessman dies in a mysterious way at a midnight. The police investigation proceeds to find the truth behind his death. Initial investigation starts with a possibility of accidental death, but later with the turns of events, it turns to be a murder. Slowly, the secrets of people around the dead businessman, including his son, starts unveiling. What are these secrets and how they lead to the murder is the rest of the story.

MaddyDegala · Urbain
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5 Chs


The rays of the only star of our earth passed through the window and kissed the cheeks of Siri, with the only purpose of waking her up from sleep. She was holding Karthik on her lap for the whole dark. The beam of light stretched to Siri's eyes and forced her to wake up completely.

As soon as she sensed the real world, she stared at her boy friend who was still in the black world. Siri recalled the whole discussions of last night between the two. Her face looked a bit bothered and went into the thoughts. 

After some time, she gently removed Karthik from her body and put him on the bed. Took her mobile and went out of the room. Dialed a contact.

Rishi! I need your help.

With no further words from Siri, she kept listening to Rishi on call. She seemed assured and safe during the call.


"Order Sir?" asked the waiter.

"Two coffees. One sugarless", Rishi confirmed the order.

Karthik sat opposite to Rishi , with cigarette smoke in the coffee shop. Rishi gazed at Karthik.

I know how much you love your dad. But you need to accept the truth that he is no more. 

Karthik glanced at karthik.

"Siri doesn't have any family or relatives and you are the only one for her in this world" Rishi continued, "if you keep on hurting yourself, it's impact is just not on you. Even on her. I strongly advise you to take a break"

Karthik puts his cigarette in an ashtray, placed on the table and looks at Rishi.

I think someone killed my father?

Rishi was stunned.

Looking at the questions asked by SI, I feel that dad's death is not an accident.

Waiter brought the order items. 

"Put the sugarless here," Rishi signaled the waiter. The other sweetened cup was placed at Karthik.

"Thanks man!" Rishi complimented.

"You are welcome, Sir!" the waiter replied and left the table.

"Any suspect" Rishi continued the discussion with the coffee cup held in his hand.

Karthik shook his head horizontally and had a coffee sip.

Hey! These law enforcers are bluffmasters who can change an accident to a murder and a murder to an accident. They are just playing with your mind to grab some pocket money. Don't fall for it.

Karthik gave a serious look at Rishi.

Stop looking so serious at me and listen to what I say. Siri is feeling scared to see you in a state of unbalance. If not for yourself, at least for her. Please go away for a few days and refresh yourself.

Karthik seemed convinced by Rishi's words.