

Watch your back!!!!! Snitches are out there.

Okoye_Chinaza · Urbain
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7 Chs

Chapter Six

That was the very first time after their marriage they had really enjoyed each other.It was a perfect night.

It's been two days now since Clement and Benita's make up.As it appears now everything seems to be going well as a married home should be.Clement was getting ready for work,he was by then taking his breakfast together with his wife,Benita.Just like any wife will do,Benita went about asking him of how things are going at work.

"Baby, yesterday you came home very tired, seems you have a lot doing at work" She said.

"Well, it's about some investment I want to make but seems my profit is not up to their minimum requirement.And you see,it's really a good investment,it can fetch more money for us dear" He said.

"So what do you intend to do" She asked him.

"Well by our margins, I think we should be able hit our target by the end of this week,I will then top up and go ahead with the investment" Clement answered.

She then came and sat on him while he drunk his coffee.She began feeding him herself.

"Then I don't think we have anything to worry about" She said

"Yeah you are right" He answered

They gave each other soft romantic kisses. You could feel the love in the air.Benita had something to discuss with Nana before he goes to work but before that, she wanted to get the mood right.

"Honey,while you are thinking of investing so much in the firm, I think you should also consider something" She said.

"Hmm, what is it? Clement asked.

"You see,Chisoma is not growing any younger.Don't you think we should take her to school.She is a good girl and very intelligent one,let's invest in her education as well" She said.

Clement was amazed when Benita suggested that.That was the wife she needed all this while.He knew Benita does not get along very well with Chisoma and for that matter,for her to make such a suggestion then it's really a good sign that she was being the good wife Clement had always wanted her to be.

"Hey why not,there is no doubt about that.You know I had actually wanted to discuss that." Nana replied her.

"Really, honey" She asked wanting Clement to do the confirmation.

"Where is she? Let's break the news to her before I leave for work." Clement said.

Benita quickly stood up from Nana's lap and went straight to Chisoma's room to call her up.You could see how happy Clement was with Benita coming around finally.To him,it was like a dream come true.

They both joined Clement at the dining table to hear what he had to say.

"Chisoma,how are you doing this morning" He asked.

"I'm very much fine sir" She answered.

"Your mom and I were thinking about you start schooling…." He said. He didn't even finish making his statement and Chisoma interrupted.

"Really? Thank you so much thank you so much" She said and was looking very happy.It seems it was the news she was waiting for all along.

"So we will start making arrangement now." He said.

"Thank you so much, I don't even know what to say. May God bless you." She said.

"Go back to your room now Chisoma" Benita said and she happily she ran off to her room.

"You really made her happy honey" Benita said.

"We did,not me.Anyway I must be going.See you later" Clement said.They gave each other a kiss,and then he hurriedly left to work.

Benita still maintained her relationship with Irene even after all what had happened.She was up to something however Irene felt that Benita was being distant.Right after Clement left for work,Irene showed up at Benita's house.

"I wasn't expecting you" Benita asked.

"Oh so now,I need a permission to come to your house right." She asked.

"Anyway I won't be long, I just came to clarify something. It's really bothering me" Irene continued.

"How may I be of help" Benita asked sounding very cold.

"Benny,you are my friend.We have been friends since childhood.I know when there is something wrong" Irene said.

"What is going on Irene? Everything seems fine" She said

"Don't lie to me,you think I have not noticed your distant attitude.Tell me what's going wrong" She asked.

"Look Irene,my husband and I are really going through difficult times;I have a lot on my mind." Benita answered.

"So that explains it then.I have already told you what to do.If you need me,you know my house." She said and left in a very weird way.

Benita felt strange with the way she left.On a usual day she would have settled down more to get details of what was going on.But not today.She just left like that,with no reason.

That evening Benita and Clement had a great time when Clement came back from work.They had settled down to bed and were getting ready to sleep when all of a sudden Clement popped up a question about Irene.

"Honey, so what's going on with you and Irene now" He asked.

"Well nothing new though,I'm just playing along with her games and confront her when the time is right" She answered.

"She even came here,right after you left.There is something really strange about her though" She continued.

"Honey, whatever you are thinking of doing,just be careful.I don't want you to get hurt or anything" Clement said.

"Don't worry my love. I know exactly what I'm doing; I know what I'm doing." She said.