

Watch your back!!!!! Snitches are out there.

Okoye_Chinaza · Urbain
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7 Chs

Chapter Four

Ever since the incident at the hotel,Clement has been distant from his wife. All he does is to wake up in the morning and leave for work.The only person he talks to is Chisoma.He kept buying stuff for her anytime he comes from work.Benita never saw anything intimate going on between them.However,his attitude towards her became her worry.Though they fight almost all the time,it's been three weeks since the hotel incident yet they have both not said anything to each other.Out of frustration and guilt,she began taking her anger on Chisoma. There was a time that Chisoma was doing the dishes that she mistakenly broke a plate.They had a lot of other plates which even worth more than what Chisoma broke but Benita over reacted even to the extent of pushing Chisoma hard to the floor that she pricked her hand on the plate which made her bleed.Inwardly,Benita felt bad about her actions but was too proud to even apologize to Chisoma.Occasionally,she will leave Chisoma at the house,and visit Irene,who always kept polluting her mind all the time.On one of her visits,she decided to seek the advice of Irene whom she thought was a good friend.They sat together watching TV till Irene realized that Benita was lost in deep thought.

"Hey baby girl,is everything alright?"Irene asked.

"I don't know what is going on.I can't save my marriage.It's tearing apart" Benita answered.

"Hey,come to my level,I don't understand what you're even saying" Irene asked.

"Its Clement,he doesn't even talk to me anymore.All he does is to pay attention to that girl" Benita said.

"Benita wake up,wake up from your slumber. What did I tell you about that girl?You were supposed to keep your eyes on her. Is that too difficult for you? Irene said.

"Seriously Irene,I don't think there is anything going on between them.All I see is Clement helping her out and that's all." Benita said.

"I think the problem is with me, maybe I have been too hard on him.I need to apologize and save my marriage" Benita continued.

"Look,from where I stand,I don't think your husband is ready to even listen to you.See the only way you can get back his attention,is make him feel there is a competition."Irene said.

"How?Why should I make him feel that way? We are already married" Benita asked.

"It's simple,an eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth.If he is cheating on you, what stops you from cheating on him too.I have some couple of guys.I can hook you up as soon as possible" Irene advised.

"What?You must be insane.How could you even suggest something like that?I can't believe this.Ishould be going now.You really surprise me" Benita lamented

"You will always remain a kid,you won't grow up" Irene said.

"Yeah,at least I'm the one with the husband not you" She said and left Irene's place looking very angry.

Benita may be capable of many things but for cheating,she will never opt for that.She respected herself very much and was very particular in full committed and faithful marriage.Now,she just wanted to make things right and save her marriage.It was obvious that Irene's advice was never good for her.Clement was at his office working on some documents.However,he was very distracted.His marriage was tearing apart.When they first got married,everything was so perfect until all these issues of not being able to get pregnant,he cheating on his wife and now Chisoma came up.He didn't like it.Perhaps it is about time to do something to save his marriage.Afterall,Benita is still his wife and no matter what the situation maybe he still loved her beyond all odds.He then decided to give his wife a wonderful dinner treat just at the restaurant he met her for the first time so they can begin from the scratch again.He was done making reservation at the hotel and now, he decided to call his wife so she meets him half way to the office,so they go together.Just as at when he dialed her number,Irene came into his office.

"What are you doing here and who gave you the authority to come into my office" Clement angrily asked.

"Chill up boy,I come in peace." Irene said.

"Well,it's late.I don't attend to client at this hour.So go and come back some other time."Clement ordered her.

"Hey since when did I become your client.You have to loosen up and listen to what I have to say BOSS" Irene said.

She wasn't ready to leave anyway,so Clement then decided to give some time to hear what she has to say.

"Five minutes. Get talking" Clement said.

"That's more than enough.Anyway,first of all I came to apologize for my misconduct the other time" Irene said

"And what's the second one?" Nana asked. He was not ready to listen to her apology.

"Hmm,after all I have been through with your wife,it's unfortunate that I have been fighting on the wrong side all this while." She said.

"What is that supposed to mean" Clement asked.

"Well we did caught you cheat but hey you are a guy so it's understandable but when a married woman decide to also go behind her husband then that should be something to worry about" She said

"Are you telling me that, my wife is cheating on me? Clement asked.

"Well technically,yeah she is cheating on you" She confirmed.

Clement stood up quietly,looking very disturbed and heart broken.

"Hmm I can see how you are hurt because of the love you have for her." Irene said.

"How did you find out anyway? Clement curiously asked her.

"Well,we talk a lot and I have seen things" She answered.

"So why would you betray your own friend, rather than talking her out of it" Clement asked.

"Well, I drove her here when you were cheating on her,don't you think it's payback time.Besides,it really hurts me to see such a good man like you go through so much pain." She said and drew closer to Clement.

"I know everything going on in your marriage, tell me,when was the last time you even felt the warmth of your wife yet she is out there giving it someone else" She said.

"I think you should get out now" Clement said.

"Hmm, you have no idea of what your wife is planning to do,she thinks you are impotent that's why she is cheating on you." She said.

Before Clement realized it,half of his button had already been opened.He was falling for the seduction of Irene.

Meanwhile,Benita was also trying to fix things with the help of Chisoma.She cooked her husband's favorite dish for dinner and lighted the dining table with romantic candles and champagne.She wanted to make amends for what she had done.She showered up quickly and wore a special dinner dress waiting for her husband to come.

She really looked beautiful in that dress;her body curves outlined in her attire.She was simply irresistible.She waited and waited and waited yet there was no sign of her husband coming.She waited together with Chisoma at the living room.Chisoma had already fallen asleep.Benita was really worried about her husband.She thought something might have happened to Clement.He had never spent that long at work before for that reason,it even made her very worried.She called him severally yet the call wasn't going through.Benita stood there hoping that her husband is alright.Meanwhile,the situation was different at Clement's office,he had almost fallen to the temptation of Irene.She succeeded in getting some soft kisses from Clement,but Clement came back to himself and pushed her away.She tried to intensify her moves but Nana was strong this time around until she finally gave up.

"Get out of my office now before I call the security" Nana shouted.

"Well, today is the first time,and I know you would want more of that But hey, don't worry; I'm just a phone call away from you." She said and left the office.

Clement was really sweaty,even though the air-conditioner was on,he was sweating and panting.He really had a tough time in resisting her, but he was able to do it at the end.He wondered what Irene had told him was the truth.But he knew Irene couldn't be trusted yet he can't just ignore her.Clement was determined to come to the bottom of this matter. If really Benita was cheating on him,then he has no reason to continue with this marriage.But he still loved her.The best way was to confront her rather than keeping it to himself.That was the decision he made,to confront her.He will know what to do depending on the answer that she will give.

He straightened up his attire and went straight home.In no time he got home and saw his wife at the living room.He had forgotten about all the plans of him making things right,as much as he had his reasons to doubt Irene.Irene in a way has succeeded in getting him upset with his wife.He just went to his room without saying anything to Benita. She also got upset for him coming home late without any explanation.She followed up to his room and there again their usual argument began.

"You come home this late and you just rush into bed without saying anything to me" Benita said

"The last time I checked,you and I had nothing to talk about" Clement said.

"I'm your wife Clement.I deserve to be treated as such.You can't just do things your own way" Benita said.

"Do things my own way? Funny world.So you know you're my wife yet you go about cheating on me just because you think I'm impotent.Well guess what the doctor said,I am fine and very fertile,definately I'm not the one facing fertility issues here." Clement stunned her.

"What?You call me a cheat and a barren woman?" She said and began shedding tears.