
Who is the self-harming snake?

I am a poor boy in a northeastern mountain village in China, the early twentieth century, in order to make a name for myself, I joined a northern faction of tomb raiding gang. From the south to the north, the jianghu hundred states, three religions and nine streams, so many years from the teenager mixed to middle-aged, the amount of alcohol to see the growth of the years wasted, I have been in contact with many many strange people and strange things, you are interested, may wish to move a small bench, listen to a tomb raider\'s Jianghu insights and his fight with the horrible snake who are called self-harming snakes.

ZhugeMeng · Histoire
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20 Chs

White Bone

After hearing my complaint, Wang shook his head and said, "Yunfeng, you were reckless this time, in our business we must be careful and careful again, just in case someone catches us by the vine."

I apologised and said, "I'm sorry, I'll be careful next time."

Wang Huatou picked up his cup of tea and blew on it, frowning, "But you are after all one of my men, Yunfeng, what? You want to get back on the field?"

I didn't hesitate and subconsciously blurted out, "Yes, Shou Tou, I feel at a disadvantage."

Wang Zhuotou took a sip of tea, he covered the lid and said, "Yesterday we just built a base, now we must act in a low profile, my personal advice to you is to hold back, when we finish this job and leave Shunde, I will say hello to a mole, she has someone on the road."

I immediately nodded and said yes.

In the small warehouse we had rented at the hotel, there were still several bales of green and white clay, but Wang did not let me go to disperse the clay, he arranged for me to have a different job in the afternoon, and Wang asked me to follow Sun to help him with the batch of bronzes from yesterday.

When I got to the warehouse, I suddenly smelt a heavy smell of cumin and seasoning, and when I looked at it, I saw that someone had set up a charcoal grill at the entrance to the warehouse, and the meat was being grilled on the grill, with a large amount of seasoning.

Boss Sun was responsible for the stuff to be realised, but of course, the work had to be done before it could be realised.

"Brother Sun, I'm Yun Feng, the head of the house asked me to help," I knocked on the warehouse door.

Boss Sun opened the door for me, he was wearing a white protective suit then, with leather gloves and plastic goggles.

When I entered the warehouse, there were several bronzes on the floor and a large white leather bucket with a pungent smell of a translucent-coloured liquid half in it.

He threw me a set of protective gear and said, "Yunfeng, put it on."

Although confused, I put on the protective gear.

"Big brother, what are you doing?" I asked in confusion when I saw him throw a red-spotted mercury rusted bronze jug into a leather bucket.

As soon as the rusty bronze was dipped into the liquid in the leather bucket, it immediately began to gurgle and bubble, and the pungent smell from earlier became even greater, a bit like the smell of urea.

Pointing at the liquid-soaked bronze knight, Boss Sun said, "Yunfeng, in our line, this is what I call killing the green now, and the chemical formula ratio of this water was formulated by the head who asked an expert to prepare it."

"Kill the green? What does that mean, big brother?"

The mercury rust in the water puddle is translucent, and this translucent rust covers a large area and will easily cover some of the inscriptions, if that happens, we will lose a lot."

Yunfeng, remember, for Western Zhou and Warring States bronzes, a square tripod is five times more expensive than a round tripod, an inscribed tripod is ten times more expensive than one without an inscription, and a tomb with more than five inscription characters is 30,000 yuan more for one more character. With so many bronzes buried inside the chamber, the tomb owner should at worst be a minor vassal king of the southern region." Boss Sun headily analysed to me.

"If the inscription with the identity of the tomb owner is washed out, and if we are lucky enough to have the name of this small vassal in the history books, then we will have really picked up a big deal!"

It was only after listening to Sun's explanation that it dawned on me that there was so much more to say, as well as the barbecue stall just outside the door, which I now knew was deliberately done by Sun to cover up the irritating smell of the killing.

The water used to kill the bronze is so corrosive that if you accidentally splash it in your eyes, it can be much more violent than copper-nickel, and can blind you!

Soak for twenty minutes or so, then brush the patina with a stiff-bristled shoe brush, not too hard, not to get all the mercury off the patina, as long as you can be sure there is no inscription on the piece, then you can stop brushing.

I took the shoe brush with gloves and brushed several bronzes in a row. I looked very carefully, but I could not see a single inscription.

Seeing me like this, Mr Sun laughed as he brushed a bronze, "Yunfeng, don't be so discouraged, it all depends on fate.

At this point I was brushing a small bronze bean and rubbed my shoe brush a few times on the inside of the inner bottom of the bronze bean, I don't know if it was just a blink of an eye, but I thought I saw a bit of a light golden stroke off to the side.

"Huh? What's this?" I lifted the bronze bean and rubbed it twice more vigorously.

"Big brother! Look, big brother! I swiped out the words! There's an inscription inside this bronze bean! And the strokes are very complicated! It's like a ghost painting," I shouted to Sun Lao in a giddy voice.

He took the bronze bean and looked at it twice.

Looking at the few gilt inscriptions revealed on the surface of the bronze, Sun said with a frown: "This .... This inscription is not a bird seal, nor is it an oracle bone inscription, it is an ancient gold seal that predates the oracle bone inscription ..... How could it, how could it appear on a Western Zhou bronze?" Boss Sun's eyes were full of confusion.

Ancient Jinwen is not a Jin Dynasty script, it is an ancient script that traces its origin back to a time when it was probably still before the Oracle Bone Script, that is, still before the Yin Shang. He had seen a lot of things, and with a single glance, he concluded that what was on the bronze bean was not the bird seal, but the six-fold seal of the ancient Jin script!

Frowning followed by excitement, Boss Sun then said, "Yunfeng, go ahead and brush the rest, the inscriptions on this Ancient Gold six-fold seal script are too rare, and there are only a handful of people in the world who can translate this script, I must hurry and find someone to help me find someone to help translate what these inscriptions mean."

Sun put the bronze with the inscriptions into a wooden box, which he then took and went straight out.

I didn't brush the bronze with the inscriptions until I finished cleaning it, just one.

During the day we did this, but at night we had to do our work, and when people went to bed, we had to go down to the tomb at night, but Sun Boss ran out in the afternoon in a hurry and never came back, so if Sun Boss did not come, there would be one less person to keep watch, which was very dangerous, and the old head did not dare to take such a risk.

That night, Sun came back at 12 o'clock, panting and holding a wooden box, which I knew contained the inscribed bronze bean.

He ran to the table, picked up the teapot and drank half a pot of tea with a gulp.

Wiping his mouth, Boss Sun looked at Wang Shoutou and said, "Shoutou, I found some connections with the Institute of Archaeology and those six-fold seal inscriptions were translated."

"Oh? What does it say?" Wang Shoutu asked.

Boss Sun opened the wooden box, he touched the bronze beans inside and said four words with a cold face.

"Mustard Waiting Tape."

"Big brother, what is a mustard scallop, a seaweed?"

Boss Sun didn't laugh, he looked at me and said, "It's not any kelp, it's a person's name, about this person, there was a half-word in the information, I didn't expect that, let us stumble on it by mistake, how about putting the head? Are you still going to do it tonight? I see that Lao Er and Lao San are ready."

Wang asked with some seriousness in his eyes, "Is there anything wrong with the stronghold?"

Boss Sun nodded, "No, the youngsters raised by a mole's men are very resourceful."

"Boss, this batch of goods don't go out yet, especially this bronze bean, once the news gets out from Shunde, there is a high chance that it will attract the wolves ah."

"Wolves from the south?" The boss asked with a grim look on his face.

"I'm afraid it's not just the wolves in the south, everywhere now there are more wolves and less meat, they are all picking up bones to eat, if our pot is not covered tightly, there is a chance that the smell of meat will invite the wolves over."

"Boss, I've decided," said Wang Zhuotou, extending a slap, "five days, shorten the time to five days, pull out everything for me, and after we get it we'll leave Shunde as soon as possible and find a place to get out of the wind first."

I could hear from this conversation between Wang and Sun that they were both a little nervous, as if they were afraid of something.


It was past midnight on Moth Hill.

Sun Lao Er was squatting on the ground smoking a cigarette, while Sun Lao San was counting the sacks.

"The wind is calm, let's begin." The voice of Sun Lao Er came over the intercom.

"Yunfeng, how many sacks do you have there?"

"Second Brother, I have four more."

"Well, that should be about right," finished the words, and Sun Lao Er stomped out the cigarette in his hand.

At that moment, a strange bird call came from the moth mountain, a bird call that was uncomfortable to hear in the middle of the night.

"He said the bird was a mourning bird, not a good thing.

The mourning bird is an owl, which in ancient times was called a night lord, and it used to be seen most often in mass graves, so people called it a mourning bird.

"Blah blah blah, what a fucking dead bird," said Sun Lao Er, spitting several times in the direction of the mountain.

When the owl stopped hooting, we started moving too.

The hole that had been made earlier was well covered by a mole's men, and the hole was covered with complete yellow turf.

Gathering these things away and bringing a good headlamp, the Sun brothers slid down the robber hole with both legs braced, and I, with a lot of effort, was the last to go down.

The water in the murky grave pit under the dunking roof was so small that it could not drown one's feet, but the ground was a little muddy and one's feet felt a little sticky when walking on it.

It was dark and damp inside the tomb, and the temperature was considerably lower than above.

After correcting the headlamp, Sun Lao Er said to me, "The head is right, we have to speed up the process.

With that out of the way, the Sun brothers and I parted company for the time being, with them heading to the right to find the east ear room and me turning left to go to the west ear room.

Without anyone around me, and now in the middle of the night in the tomb, I got scared as I walked.

I held on to the headlamp and said in my mind, "Don't blame me, don't blame me, don't blame the proprietor, I'm just seeking a small fortune, Amitabha Buddha."

When I first asked the head of the tomb, I said, "The head of the tomb, even if we are not gold detectors, we should light a white candle in the tomb for safety. I heard people say that if the candle goes out, it means that the owner is not happy, so we have to go out, or else we will run into a ghost."

He said, "Yunfeng, you've been watching too many movies and TV shows. If the candle is lit, does that mean the owner is happy? What, the tomb owner is so happy that he welcomes us to dig his grave? That's a joke."

"Besides, Yunfeng, you don't think about it. It's true that in ancient times, gold-digging tomb robbers would light a white candle in the tomb, but that was for lighting, otherwise how could they rob a tomb in the dark? It's not that they wanted to light candles, it's because there was no electricity and they couldn't see without it!"

"We have headlamps and torches now, why do we need candles? In some tombs there is still methane after the corpse has rotted, so maybe it will explode when it sees an open flame, understand?" These were the original words that Wang Zhuotou had told me, which sounded like a joke, but when I thought about it later, I felt that it made sense.

After walking around for a few minutes without much trouble, I walked to the west ear room.

The floor of the west ear chamber was bare, and I looked back and forth a few times by the light of my headlamp, not finding anything left over; the dozens of bronzes we had taken earlier had already been taken out.

In the north-west corner of the ear chamber, the large stone covered tank was still there, all alone.

"Ugh? Second Brother said the vat was worthless, but .... Was there any burial goods in the vat?"

Thinking about this, I decided to go over and have a look.

It was indeed as Er had said, and only when I got up to it did I realize that it was indeed fired with clay.

The earliest porcelain appeared in the Eastern Han Dynasty, when it was primitive celadon, and before that the dynasties commonly used coarse earthenware and bronze, so that would be right.

But what I find puzzling is how it was fired when it was so large.

There are no marks on the surface of the vat, so it is clear that it was fired in a single firing, and I really don't understand how large a pot would have to be to hold such a large vat.

The stone slab covering the vat was lapis lazuli and I tried pushing it with one hand, but it didn't push, it was a bit heavy.

Knowing the depth, I used both hands this time.

The slab rubbed against the vat, making an ear-splitting sound, and little by little I pushed the slab away.

"Why does it stink?"

I hadn't smelt it much just now when the slab was covered, but now I could smell it clearly.

I thought then that there was something odd about this Western Zhou tomb. I could smell a faint fragrance when I first came down, but now I could smell a stench, a stench like a hard-boiled egg put out of order on a three volcanic day.

I swung my headlamp and lowered my neck to look into the vat.

All I could see was that there was a hole less than twenty centimetres wide at the bottom of the vat, but other than that, there was nothing.

I could smell the rotten egg smell coming out of the hole.

I shone my headlamp, but no, I couldn't see the hole.

Feeling a little strange, I pressed my body against the side of the vat and stretched out my right hand to dig into the dark hole at the bottom of the vat.

"Ugh? What's this?" I strained to feel it, but I felt a long, hard object.

I thought to myself, "The ..... It can't be a gold bar, can it?"

"No no, there is no such thing as a light bar of gold."

Feeling a firm grip on the object, I adjusted the angle a few times and, bit by bit, lifted the thing out.

It was a white thing, and when I touched it out, I lowered my head and shone my headlamp.

It was a dead man's thigh bone!


I screamed out in terror and dropped the dead man's bone as soon as I could.

"This is .... Could this be the tomb owner's bones? Western Zhou until now, and it hasn't rotted to cinders?"

I overlooked one thing, also because I was too nervous.

I was flabbergasted not to see it then, the thigh bone.

There was still marrow.

I thought the bones were the bones of the owner of the tomb, as I was working for the first time and had seen too little.

According to the specifications of the tomb, if there was the bones of the owner, then it should have been accompanied by burial objects, that's what I thought.

It could have been some accompanying bronze seal, some small but delicate high antique jade, gold or something.

Greed overcame fear and I kept reassuring myself, "It's nothing, it's nothing, there might be a personal seal of a vassal in the black hole, if I get lucky and pull it out, I'll make a fortune!"

Gathering my courage, I reached for the bottom of the jar again.

As I was fumbling back and forth on my side ....


My index finger, felt something bite it! It hurt.

Quickly pulling my hand out to look, the front part of my finger was bleeding and there were two small holes.

My first thought was that I had been bitten by a snake.

Not knowing if it was a poisonous snake, I was so scared that I immediately pinched the tip of my finger and ran towards the east ear room, shouting.

"Second brother, third brother! Second brother, third brother! Help!"

There were some burial objects scattered on the floor of the East Ear Chamber, not nearly as many as in the West Ear Chamber, and the Sun brothers were squatting on the floor pounding out which items were worth money.

"Yunfeng, what are you talking about? Have you seen a ghost or what? Who wants to kill you!"

I showed him my finger, which was no longer bleeding, and said sharply, "Second brother! I've been bitten by a poisonous snake! I'm going to die soon!"

"What? A poisonous snake!" Sun Lao Er immediately panicked.

After grabbing my finger and looking at it for a while, Sun Lao Er asked in confusion, "Lao San .... This wound on Yunfeng's finger, these two small eyes, is it a snake bite?"

Sun Laosan thought about it and shook his head, "It seems a bit like that, but I feel a bit not quite right ah second brother, Yunfeng's finger is only how wide, look at the spacing of this wound, which has such a small snake head."

Sun Laosan squeezed the spot where my wound was and immediately bright red blood flowed out.

"It's okay Yunfeng, look at the colour of the blood you're bleeding, it's definitely not a snake that bit you, let alone a poisonous one, I guess it's probably a rat, a smaller one."

"A rat? Do rats still bite people San?"

"Of course they do Yun Feng, that's because you've seen less, in the old days there was a rat infestation and rats could even eat people!"

"Yunfeng, you don't feel dizzy and nauseous, do you?"

I shook my head and said, "Third Brother, I don't feel anything like that."

"Don't think too much about it, it's fine, come and help with the work, if you're not sure, you can go to the hospital tomorrow during the day and get a rabies vaccination."

"Oh," I nodded in agreement, relieved to know it wasn't a poisonous snake.

The number of burial objects in the eastern ear chamber was far less than that in the western ear chamber.

"Hey, we took so many pockets on purpose, thinking that we could still make a big harvest, but it turned out to be a lot of rubbish!" Sun Lao Er said with hatred.

He pressed the walkie-talkie and reported the situation to the top, "Chief, it's really a joyous occasion, there's very little fat in the eastern ear room, there's not many things that can be hit, they're all trinkets."

The intercom was silent for a couple of minutes, then Wang ordered again, "Let's count as many as we can, let's go to the main chamber next, the things in the coffin are the most valuable."

The next step is to find the main chamber, the coffin is worth the most money." "Head, we've been around the bottom, but there's no sign of the main chamber.

A radio interspersed with human voices came through.

"It can't be, there's no way that rich and powerful people in ancient times didn't build themselves main burial chambers when they died, there's still a bit of time, you guys are looking for them."

We were instructed and began to look carefully again for the main burial chamber.

There was a coffin and a coffin and a corpse and burial goods, that's what you can call the main chamber.

But unfortunately, after searching for a long time, we still couldn't find the main chamber.

After loading the Western Zhou goods, that was it for us today.

On the way back, Wang Zhuotou couldn't stop shaking his head, "Impossible, it doesn't make sense ..."

I was a little sleepy and fell asleep almost as soon as I got back into bed. I slept until noon, and I'm going to find a small clinic later to get a rabies vaccination.

I felt some discomfort in my right hand, so I took a look.

I saw that my right index finger was swollen to such an extent that it was almost as thick as two fingers! And the two small eyes of the wound were dripping pus out .....

The swelling was so big, and it didn't hurt, I felt it with my hand in fear, and I couldn't feel it at all.

I was terrified, Sun Lao Er looked at it and was also shocked, he said what did I do in the morning, how also practiced out of a Yang finger!

Sun Laosan said, "What are you waiting for? Go and see a doctor!

They called for me to see Sun Lao San, who knew the area better than we did, and took me to a small clinic not far from the hotel.

The doctor at the clinic was dumbfounded. He said that in his 20 years of practice, he had never seen anyone's finger swell up like this, and the clinic doctor didn't dare to treat me.

I didn't know what had bitten me, and I didn't dare to use anti-inflammatory drugs indiscriminately. He told us to go to a big hospital as soon as possible, as the swelling could lead to amputation.

I was terrified when I heard that there was a possibility of amputation.

My second brother said it was a rat bite, but how could a rat bite amputate my leg?

I went back to the Shunde First People's Hospital.

The emergency room doctor frowned, he looked at my swollen finger and said, "The temperature is normal and there is no infection, let's go and take a film first to see if it's fluid or something, how did it get swollen like that."

He asked me if I felt any discomfort and I shook my head no.

The doctor then used a large-headed needle from an acupuncture box and put two small eyes in my finger, and I felt no pain.

He squeezed slightly and immediately a lot of yellowish-white fluid came out.

After the eyes were pierced and the water released, my finger was immediately one size smaller. The doctor prescribed me with amoxicillin and told me to go back and take two tablets and not to eat chillies.

After thanking the doctor, we went back to the hostel.

"Is your hand all right Yunfeng?" The old handle asked me.

I looked at my fingertips that had gone down in swelling and breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It should be fine handle head, it doesn't hurt either." ...

Wang Zhuotou nodded, and he said to Sun Lao Er again.

"Lao Er, I've studied it carefully this morning and called and asked a few other handles in the line, our opinion is unanimous, it could be that the standing water soaked and collapsed the main chamber, or it could be that it's still buried somewhere else."

"Yun Feng you go and rest first, Lao Er you come with me and we will discuss it."

Back in my room, drinking anti-inflammatory medicine and lying in bed, I felt a little tired and soon went to sleep.

I had a dream about the big, lonely water tank.

There was a hand, full of rotting flesh, slowly reaching out of the hole and grabbing me by the wrist!


I woke up from the nightmare with my back soaked through.

Feeling something strange on my hand, I looked down.

At that moment, my finger ..... Finger ...

were swollen and waterlogged again.

And it looked worse than the previous one.

I rushed to the hospital again and came back in the afternoon. The doctor was shocked when she saw my swollen finger again.

This time, in addition to the needle and water, the doctor took blood from me and said he would do some kind of pathology test to see if I had some kind of bacterial infection.

The doctor told me to take my anti-inflammatory medication regularly, probably because he thought amoxicillin wouldn't work, so he gave me another expensive anti-inflammatory with English on the box.

In the evening back at the hostel, the head said to me, "Yunfeng you should not go down the pit tonight, rest at home for one night, our task in the past two days is mainly to find the main chamber," he asked me to stay and watch the house.

In the latter part of the night, my bitten finger swelled up again, this time not only was it swollen and dripping white water, but it also started to hurt, this pain was in bouts, about twenty minutes apart each time.

We had booked the small hotel, which was now occupied by two people, me and a mole.

I knew that the Sun brothers and the head were looking for the main chamber and dared not disturb them. In the latter part of the night I held my swollen index finger and tossed and turned in pain, unable to sleep at all.

I sneaked out to see if there were any pharmacies open around, and I wanted to buy some painkillers.

In those days, online shopping was not yet popular and there was no online medicine delivery service, so I didn't know Shunde well, so I just walked north along the hotel, asking people on the way if there were any pharmacies open nearby.

I asked around, but when I got there, the pharmacy was closed and there was no 24-hour pharmacy.

It just so happened that I found myself in a place not far from Li Jing's house in the Nanshan District, very close, and I could see the arch bridge over the moat from my place.

Li Jing is a local, so I thought I would see if they had any painkillers at home, if not, I would have to walk a long way to the hospital.

When I got to the ground, I knocked a few times on the door and it was Li's mother who opened the door for me.

"Little ..... Xiao Xiang? Why are you here so late?" Li's mother asked me, surprised.

I said, "Auntie, is Li Jing home, I wanted to see if you had any painkillers at home, I just happened to be passing by here and came to borrow some."


"Oh, yes, yes, you come with me," she said, leading me into the house.

"Little Jing, are you asleep? Open the door," Li's mother knocked a few times, and she turned to me and said the medicine was in the drawer in Li Jing's room.

I was afraid of scaring people, so I kept my hand in my trouser pocket, which was why Li's mother didn't see it.

"Coming mum, it's so late what are you doing," Li Jing opened the door for me wearing her Donald Duck pajamas and rubbing her eyes.

"Xiang .... Xiang Yunfeng? Why are you here?" Li Jing was surprised to see me.

"Your classmate said he came to borrow some painkillers, mum remembered there was some in the cupboard under your desk, go find it for Xiang, I still have water boiling in the pot, I have to go pour it into the warmer." Li's mother turned around and left after instructing Li Jing.

Li Jing now wears Donald Duck pajamas, the pajamas are not long and only cover the top of her thighs, I didn't dare to look when she was bending over to look for medicine in the drawer because of the angle.

I was still a little virgin at that time, but it turned out that the less I looked the more embarrassed I became, and I ended up with a big red face.

"What's wrong with you? So red in the face?" Li Jing found the painkiller and she turned back to me in disbelief.

I was just about to say something when it happened that there was another sharp pain at my finger, like a small knife cutting into my flesh.

"No ..... It's nothing ...." A lot of sweat broke out on my forehead from the pain.

"I ..... I'm leaving!" Taking over the bottle of medicine in Li Jing's hand in one hand, I ran straight out of her house.

There was a tap not far from Li Jing's house, I don't know whose house it was, but there was water anyway, and I drank three painkillers directly into the tap.

After resting for a while, I still felt the pain, so I took two more tablets, which made me feel less painful.

Leaning against the sink, I started to feel cold all over, my head was heavy, my eyelids were fighting and I had no strength at all.

It was then that I wondered if I was going to die soon, and I should have.

I curled up on the edge of the sink, my teeth chattering in cold sweat, and then I passed out.

I didn't sleep for long then, and on waking up I found myself in Li Jing's bedroom.

"You're awake! What happened to your hand? You scared me to death! If I hadn't felt something wrong and gone out to take a look, you would have been in trouble," Li Jing looked at me with a scared look on her face.

Li's mother came in with a bowl of water and looked at me lying on the bed and asked, "Xiao Xiang, why didn't you say something just now? What's wrong with your hand?"

I stammered and said, "Auntie, my hand might have been bitten by a snake."

"A possible snake bite? What kind of snake?" Li's mother looked amazed.

I shook my head and said I didn't know.

"This won't work, we don't have a car, it's still far from the hospital, it's still the middle of the night and the clinics and pharmacies are all closed, you can't delay this, Xiao Jing, you hold Xiao Xiang, we'll go and let Granny Liu have a look."

On the way, Li Jing explained to me that Liu was from Guangxi and had married from a Miao village in the 100,000 mountains, and that she had her own herbal medicine and was very good at treating snake bites.

It took me forty minutes to walk from Li Jing's house to Liu's house, during which I had another attack, five painkillers were still effective and I could barely tolerate it.

The house where Liu's mother lives is very old and Li Jing said that this side of the house might be demolished as a dangerous house after the year. Li's mother knocked on the door for half a day before an old woman slowly opened the door for us.

When she heard that I had been bitten by a poisonous snake, she called out to us to come inside.

The old woman was in her seventies and her house smelt of unwashed shit rags. There was an old man lying on the bed, covered with a thick quilt, and he didn't look well.

After looking at my finger, which had swollen to a yang finger, and at the two small eyes left after the bite, Granny Liu's face slowly clouded over.

"Young man, let me ask you, are you sure it was a snake that you saw biting you? Where was it bitten?"

I certainly wouldn't say in front of Li Jing that I was bitten while robbing a tomb, so I stammered and lied, "I .... I was bitten at home."

"Home?" Granny Liu stared at me and said meaningfully, "I don't see any snakes like that at home ....."

Granny Liu waved her hand as she gestured for Li Jing and Li's mother to go out first, she had something to talk to me about alone.

After they went out for the time being, Granny Liu looked at me and shook her head, "Hou Sheng, let me say it clearly, the thing that bit you is not a snake, you went to the hospital and saw it, right? What did the doctor tell you."

"Grandma, the doctor said earlier that I had edema, and then the doctor had me have blood drawn and said he was going to give me some kind of bacterial pathology test to see if it was an infection."

Hearing my words, Granny Liu laughed coldly, "By the time they find the cause, your body will almost be cold."

"There can't be anything like that at home, not even in the old forest in the deserted mountains, what bit you is a kind of ground horned fairy with white tentacles, in the 100,000 mountains, the old generation of Miao people say it's called a corpse horned fairy."

"They can only live in the pile of the dead."