
Who is the self-harming snake?

I am a poor boy in a northeastern mountain village in China, the early twentieth century, in order to make a name for myself, I joined a northern faction of tomb raiding gang. From the south to the north, the jianghu hundred states, three religions and nine streams, so many years from the teenager mixed to middle-aged, the amount of alcohol to see the growth of the years wasted, I have been in contact with many many strange people and strange things, you are interested, may wish to move a small bench, listen to a tomb raider\'s Jianghu insights and his fight with the horrible snake who are called self-harming snakes.

ZhugeMeng · Histoire
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20 Chs

Aurora Project

Now when I think back to this scene, my old face is a little red, too, what age is it now, it has long since ceased to be popular to burn incense and kowtow to worship.

But at that time I was really excited, that's how a man's mind changes.

The three men, the sky is not afraid of the earth, we skyrocketed and began to plan their own plans.

What Yao Yumen's advice, what Wang Zuotou's scruples, we all left behind.

At that time, the three of us had the idea of doing something big. We had to open that stone door and see what was inside.

Later on, the pile of bronzes was sold half by Sun, and the remaining half, including the bronze beans with the four-character inscription of Mustard Waiting with Zi, were put away by Wang.

It was the first time I had seen so much money, all wrapped in large plastic bags, 10,000 yuan in a stack, very neatly coded. In those days it was still the fourth set of RMB, the kind with four heads of blue one hundred, in bundles of ten thousand, tied with white paper.

"Lao-san, this is yours."

"Boss, this is yours."

"Little Red, this is for you and your little brothers under you, it's been a hard trip."

A mole touched the plastic bag and smiled, "Thanks to the handle head yet."

Wang Hou nodded, he looked at me and pushed over a plastic bag, "Yunfeng, you just joined the industry, you also contributed a lot, this is yours, don't mind the small amount."

Looking at the thick plastic bag, I gulped dryly, "Put ..... Put the head, how much is this ....."

"Thirteen hundred thousand." His words were calm.

Now my hands were shaking even more.

I had never seen so much money before, nor did I think I would.

"Put the head, and I've lent you fifty thousand." I was ready to unpack the bag and take the money.

"Hey, no," he stopped, waving his hand, "how can you give it to someone else for your first order? It's unlucky, keep it for now, we'll talk about the 50,000 later."

Nodding without saying a word, I took it.

This is the first bucket of money in my life, and the money from this single sale alone can cover the income of my great aunt's farmhouse for three or four years!

The cat has its way, the mouse has its way.

I, Xiang Yunfeng, am rich!

As for the second brother's share of the money, Wang Zhuotou said he would temporarily hold it for him for a year, and if he hadn't returned by then, he would give it to Boss Sun.

I was a bit curious about who had bought our stuff, so I asked the Boss about it later, and the Boss said that the buyer was very mysterious, a Hong Kong runner.

They were the ones behind them, the buyers, and they didn't deal with us.

This is because the laws in Hong Kong were different from those on the mainland, where bronzes could be put up for auction directly and were legal, so Christie's and Sotheby's were both based in Hong Kong back then. Back then, that part of the world was the biggest dumping ground for tomb raiders in China, bar none.

The first group of people in China to get rich by selling antiques were all well acquainted in Hong Kong, including the ones you often see on TV, many of whom I know, not that I'm deliberately belittling those people, but because those who made their fortunes in this business simply don't have a clean bottom.

After splitting the money, Wang asked us where we were going to go as he was leaving Shunde next.

He asked us where we were going.

Sun boss said: "put the head, I and the old three Yunfeng have discussed, we are ready to go to Dongguan to play, play a May six months, when the next trip to work in listening to the head arrangements."

"Oh? You three are going to Dongguan?" The head of the team looked at the three of us with some surprise.

"Well, yes, the three of us, look at the head, Yunfeng is so old, still don't know anything, we take him to grow up."

Although the boss said this as a lie to the handle head, but he was not wrong in this statement itself, Miss this industry, at that time was in the stage of explosive development, the

In 1999, the North|Jing Evergreen Thai Restaurant Group was established, there are many people who do not know that the group's female owner's home base in Dongguan, North|Jing Evergreen is later the Heavenly Room.

At that time, the highest service standards in the country, one in Dongguan, one in Bei|jing, so Sun boss only deliberately said to go to Dongguan to play.

The first day he went back to Bei||jing, before he left he told us to have fun, and then there was work, waiting for his notice.

As for a few of us, of course, we remained in Shunde to work on our plans, we changed our place of residence and didn't go anywhere.

On Moth Hill, near the burial site, there were more than 20 acres of paddy fields. The boss pretended to be a foreign investor and spent less than 20 days to buy them all.

After buying the paddy fields near there, we had a fence wall put up nearby, and the place where we landed was under Moth Hill, where there used to be a few cottages, now demolished long ago and turned into a green space in Shunfeng Park.

That night, a mole bought three calves, specially sourced by a mole, called Charolais cattle, which grow the fastest and are very strong when they are almost ready.

We calculated that on a good diet, a Charolais calf could grow to be a yearling in as little as five months, or about four months if it helped us pull the seal.

A mole found a tent and some supplies, and that night we roped the calf down, although it was a calf, it was a hundred pounds.

The mouth was so big that we couldn't even get the bull to go any bigger, it was just right.

I don't know how San's brain was working at the time.


Those few months, the three calves were our ancestors, just about begging them to eat their feed, never feeding them five meals a day if they could, keeping them well fed, and outside the underground palace was so damp and wet that Sun Laosan would come out of his tent|canopy every night to check and see if the calves were alright.

I would only go down sometimes, mostly at night, and secretly send down water, food, and cattle feed on ropes. When I got down there, I would cover the hole with turf.

During the day, I usually slept in the bungalow. I had a small telescope and would take time to look around with it to see if our fence wall had fallen down, and sometimes a mole would come in for me and I would go out to look for Li Jing.

After two months, Li Jing was in her third year of higher education.

Bought three pounds of chicken cake, that day I carried the chicken cake as usual to find her play, the result just arrived at her home, I found Li Jing is hugging the legs sitting on the bed, the face is very unpleasant.

"Xiao Jing .... What's wrong with you? I've brought you chicken cake."

Li Jing's pretty face was white as she bit her lips tightly and stared at me with a deadly stare.

She suddenly threw a pillow over at me.

"Xiang Yunfeng! Why did you lie to me!"

"Wang Qiang told me all about it! You're not even a First Form student! You're not even from our Shunde!"

"You're a liar! Liar!" She shouted at me with her eyes red.

I took two steps back, my hand shuddered, and the chicken cake fell to the floor.

It rolled all over the floor.

Walking out of Li Jing's house, I was a bit disoriented.

After all, I didn't say anything to her, I didn't dare to say anything.

I was not some high school student of the first grade, I was a grave robber, a criminal, and no one my age dared to be friends with me.

The look Li Jing gave me at that time when I left, couldn't forget it.

"What's the matter kid, lost your soul, have you?" Back in the bungalow at the bottom of the hill, a mole was eating an apple.

I smiled bitterly and said, "Nothing, it's too windy, I got lost in my eyes."

A mole was holding an apple in one hand, she gave me a suspicious look and said with a snort, "You're not even hairy yet, what do you know about lost love? Get over it." She laughed her head off.

I was angry, so I glared at her, "Eat your apple, don't talk nonsense if you don't know the situation!"

I was angry not because she called me a brat, but because she told me to forget about Li Jing, a nice person who could just forget.

But it's true that there was a burst of non-mainstream photos popular in qq space back then, melancholy eyes, messy hair, photos with some small special effects, in with a few words, forget about love.

The next month or so was calm and quiet, I did not dare to go back to Li Jing, the pit under the oldest old three fed calves growing day by day, we fed the calves the best feed, they grew very fast.

The thickened crutching needles had long since come in, something the boss had found a master in Luoyang to make, the size, the requirements, exactly what we expected.

It took about two months of knocking and banging to finally hammer a bullnose recess into the stone gate.

That night we gathered at the bottom of the pit, all ready to go, everyone with heavy faces, because tonight was the night to do it for real, to pull apart the tapstone in such a pie-in-the-sky way, and it all depended on whether we could succeed tonight.

Sun patted the little yellow cow, no, you can't call it a calf nowadays, these three cows are now only a little shorter than me and already very big.

Probably because he had fed them well, this cow even stuck out its head and rubbed against Sun Lao-san.

"Lean on you mate," he said, stroking the cow's head.

A mole got the highest quality climbing rope on the market at the time, and after several attempts, Sun Lao-san finally got the abductor pin stuck through the doorway to the tapstone at the back.

After fixing the abductor pin on the bullnose ring, he tied on the climbing rope.

The rope was put around the necks of the three cows first, and then we all picked up the rest of the rope.

Raise the cattle for 100 days and use them for a while.

Boss Sun put the rope behind his back and growled angrily: "Pull!"

The rope was instantly taut!



The three cows mooed and arched backwards, and I, like a mole, exerted all my strength, holding my face red.

At once, a lot of dust fell from the stone door.

"Hang on! Put in a little more effort!"

"Give it to me ..... Fucking ..."


With this last roar came a loud sound of movement from the large stone door behind us.

The self-same stone that was holding the dungeon door back against the ground made us pull it down.

Several people simultaneously collapsed to the ground and panted heavily, Sun Laosan, who had lived in this dark, dark tomb for months, was now so excited he couldn't control himself.

"It worked, it worked!" He kept repeating these words.

Months of perseverance had gone up in smoke with the collapse of the Self-Lipping Stone pulling off.

Without the self-same stone, it would be easy to push open this stone door.

When they slowed down, several of them put their hands together on the stone door and, with one push, it was pushed open a crack.

The sound of the stone door rubbing together was like a chime being struck three thousand years ago, very low.

We stopped pushing until we could fit a person inside.

Looking in from here, it was pitch black inside and the first thing I smelt was a scent, the same one I had smelt the first time I went down to the tomb, but this time it was significantly heavier and pungent.

The boss had said that this scent was not a good sign.

After letting it dry for a while to make sure the air was circulating inside, Boss Sun took the lead and we all dove in.

It was dark inside, but Boss was prepared and we lit the torches we had prepared earlier.

The torches were held high.

"This ..... Brother, what is this?" I was stunned speechless by the scene before me.

What appeared in front of us were logs, many well-built logs to be exact, each about a metre in length, a huge number, more than a thousand.

These logs were stuck together regularly with each other, more than ten meters high and even more than twenty meters wide, one layer over the other, like a hedgehog ....

The surface of each wood is painted with a black stuff, looking like some kind of antiseptic paint.

The smell of heather is coming from the wood.

Sun Laosan stared blankly at the mountain of wood in front of him: "Yellow ..... Yellow intestines inscribed together ....."

That's right, this mountain of wood stuck together, stacked like a hedgehog, is the yellow intestine inscription that Yao Yumen had mentioned before.

It's like comparing a tractor with a Ferrari, it's not in the same league from the momentum.

None of us had ever seen a Western Zhou yellow intestine inscription, but if we look at the later Han Dynasty specifications, it is possible that the central part of these logs is the coffin of the tomb owner, in other words, where we are standing now is the main chamber that disappeared up there earlier ...

These logs are stuck together with each other, like facing a big hedgehog, I frowned and asked, "Third brother, this mountain of logs is blocking the middle of the road, how do we get in?"

After all, Sun Laosan was experienced, he thought for a while and then said, "Yunfeng, don't worry yet, this thing must be artificially made by the craftsmen, they have to get out from inside after doing the work, there must be a path that is not easy to be found."

Having said that, Sun Laodai held up his torch and began to look carefully for a space where he could drill into people, and we also went in a bit to help look for a piece.

Just now some distance did not notice, walking closer, I suddenly saw that the yellow intestine to put together some wood on the growth of a lot of black mushrooms, and home to eat the kind of different, these mushrooms strange shape, mushroom crown long like the old man's face, are wrinkled, and under a rough look also has a nose and eyes.

A mole also spotted this mushroom fungus growing on the wood and he was ready to reach out and pick one to see.

"Don't touch! Don't move that thing!" The boss chided out.

"You can't touch it. If I'm right, this fungus should be one of the things specifically mentioned in the burial scriptures."

"It's called Yellow Cypress Old Face, a very rare cave-dwelling fungus herb."

"Yellow cypress old face? A medicinal herb?" I'd never even heard of the stuff.

A mole took two steps back and said, "Lao San, didn't you say herbs? How come herbs can't be moved? It's a bit strange looking though."

"No, it's not like that," Sun Laosan said in a deep voice, "Very few people have ever seen this thing, and I guess Yao Yumen hasn't seen it either, the burial scriptures say that this plant grows in extremely Yin places, and in folklore, it's used by Miao medical practitioners to invoke spirits."

In the seventies, Jilin University published a book called "World Fungus Science", which was not sold well so only the front page was printed. On page 142 of the book, a strange fungus was recorded in the form of a topography, which was the yellow cypress old face, over the 100,000 mountains in Guangxi, which was rumoured to be used for invoking spirits.

I am not a professional Taoist mage, but I have seen some things with my own eyes, and I will tell you about them later when I have the chance.


The two words, "inviting the soul" and "in the tomb", are the same as those used in the first place.

A mole took two steps back and glared at Boss Sun: "Boss can you say something auspicious, don't look at where you are now."

With those words, several people stayed away from these fungus on the wood.

The reason why cypress wood does not rot for a thousand years is because the wood itself has a certain degree of corrosion resistance, and the second is the kind of antiseptic layer brushed on top, with these two reasons, the wood does not rot for a thousand years, this can be explained.

The ... Where is the scent of heather coming from?

Maybe the coffin of the tomb owner is made of heather? I couldn't quite figure it out.

"Let's split up and look for the kind of place where there are big gaps between the woods where you can get a person in, that might be the path the craftsmen used to leave for themselves." Sun Laodai said as he held up his torch and looked at us.

A few people separated for the moment, each probably only six or seven metres away from the other, and they could all see each other.

I held the torch up and looked in the southwest corner of the wooden hill.

"Huh?" I rubbed my eyes hard.

I thought I was blurry-eyed because I thought I had just seen a huddled dark figure between the cracks in the wood.

After rubbing my eyes in fixing my eyes.

There was nothing but wood.

After all, I was still young and not very bold, so I was a bit frightened and involuntarily took two steps back.

"Sango, big brother," I called out twice.

The torches only lit up a small area in front of me and it was very dark all around.

I called out twice, but no one answered me.

Swallowing hard, I turned back slowly, holding the torch up.

No one was there.

A mole, Sun Boss, Sun Lao San.

They had all disappeared into thin air!

A cool breeze blew in from nowhere and my pupils grew wider and wider.

My lips trembled as I shouted, "Third Brother! Big brother! Sister Hong!"

Still no one answered, not even an echo in this confined space.

It was dark all around.

The first thought that came to my mind.

Is this a ghostly encounter?

When I was a child, I heard the village elders say that ghosts hit the walls in order to play tricks on people, and that if they ran around inside, they would fall to their death and drown, and spend their lives spinning in circles.

I got scared and a cold sweat broke out on my forehead.

"Yun Feng, what are you doing there?" Suddenly, someone spoke to me from behind...

That familiar voice ..... I wouldn't forget.

It was second brother.

"Second Brother!" I jerked back with my torch raised.

There was nothing behind me, darkness.

Taking two pale steps back, I reached out and pulled out the amulet Yao Yumen had given me and clutched it tightly in my hand.

The amulet from the small Ga Wu box had the residue of my body heat, and I felt some warmth in my hand.

"Yunfeng! I'm here, come and find me," came Sun Lao Er's voice again.

Curled up on the ground, plugging my ears, I leaned against the wooden hill, not daring to breathe out loud.

I looked around fearfully, trying to find the others.

Leaning my back against the wooden hill, that's when.

I don't know who tugged at my shirt from behind.

"Ah!" I exploded with fear and rolled to my feet and ran.

"Snap." I ran and dashed about, feeling like I had hit a lump of flesh.

In the darkness, Sun Laosan's face slowly emerged.

"Yun Feng you're crazy, what are you running around for! It hurts like hell," he breathed backwards, rubbing his hand lightly at his chest.

Torches emerged.

A mole and Boss Sun reappeared in front of me again.

Seeing these guys, I almost didn't cry out, I wiped the cold sweat from my forehead, "Where were you all, why didn't I see you just now."

The Boss Sun gave me a suspicious look, "Fine, Yunfeng, don't scare people, we were looking for the entrance just now too."

I took a deep breath and said, "Big brother .... Just .... I think I saw second brother just now ....."


"Impossible!" Sun Laosan immediately exclaimed, "Yunfeng where did you see that! There's no one else here at all but us, are you blind!"

"No, he's not blurry-eyed ....." A mole blushed a little white as she looked at Sun Lao San and nodded, "I ..... I think I saw Lao Er too."

A person might be seeing things, and now that both a mole and I said that, Sun Lao San's brow furrowed.

"Yes ..... Is it haunted big brother." I plucked up the courage to ask.

A mole heard me say haunted, and his face turned two more shades of white.

Boss Sun carefully surveyed the surroundings, and finally he locked his eyes on those yellow cypress old-faced fungus.

He shook his head and said in a deep voice, "Don't be afraid, it's not a haunting," he pointed to the old yellow cypress faces growing on the wood, "Even if it's haunted, it's still this thing that's haunting."

He looked at me and then at a mole.

"Little Red, Yun Feng, haven't you noticed yet, you two were the first to notice the old yellow cypress faces just now, and you were the ones who were closest and leaned closest."

A mole's brain was faster than mine, she took a look at those things and said incredulously, "Boss, you mean ... What Yunfeng and I saw just now was an illusion? It wasn't real dick, and the culprits were these black mushrooms?"

"That's right, I guess that would be the case," nodded Boss Sun.

"After all, rumour has it that they're used for invoking spirits, so a bit of psychedelic effect should be normal."

I had no control over my mouth at the time, and subconsciously blurted out, "So, big brother, do you think it could really be inviting over the ghost of the second brother?"

"What are you talking about?" Sun Lao San slapped me on the back of the head, "Don't talk nonsense! We don't even know if the second brother is dead yet!"

Knowing that I had probably said the wrong thing, I apologised and said I was sorry.

Not bothering with me, Sun Laodao said, "Enough of that nonsense, come with me, I've found something."

He led us to the northwest corner of the wooden hill on the left.

I didn't need him to say I noticed it.

Although the outside layer of wood was the same, looking inside from this angle, inside the yellow intestine topic, there was obviously a little more space.

Compared to the compactness elsewhere, one should barely be able to fit a person in here.

From here, one can drill inside the mountain of wood and get inside the yellow intestine inscription.

A sharp dagger was used to pry open the outermost few cypress logs a little.

Boss Sun turned to look at us.

"All follow me and make a sound in time if you find anything."

"I'll go in first and take a look.

Boss Sun led the way, and the group huddled down and dug in.

Because of the inconvenience, we didn't bring torches when we went in, we had a torch to light up our hands, just like the kind of crawling you do in military training in the field.

There was a lot of dust and cobwebs on these cypress trees with yellow intestines.

As we drilled, Sun, who was leading the way, suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong, boss?" asked a mole.

He turned his head and shone his torch, the light of which shone in my eyes.

Then I heard him say, "Have you noticed that it's getting shorter and shorter and we're going downhill?"

There was wood all around us, and I hadn't been paying attention because I was so nervous, but now that I heard him say that, I looked down and saw that it was true.

The spot we had just climbed over had turned into a small slope.

This discovery left everyone puzzled.

Because according to common sense, the yellow intestines are built on flat ground, and the very centre of the wooden hill is the coffin, but what was this? This was the way to

"Don't think about it, let's get to the head first," Sun left a message and continued to climb in.

The further we climbed in, the more frightened we became.

A moment ago it was a slight incline, but now it was getting steeper and steeper.

Although the Sun brothers had done a lot of work before, this would be the first time they had seen such an anomalous design.

I was at the very end of the group, with a mole in front of me. There was very little space, and the mole was wearing jeans, her buttocks puckered and arched, which distracted me a little.

I reckoned that after about ten minutes of climbing, there was slowly more space ahead again.

"Be careful, watch your head, don't hit the wooden hands," said Sun Boss as he tried to get up.

It was dark inside, and when everyone was out, Boss Sun shone his strong torch around.

His hand with the torch was fixed in mid-air, and when he looked over with the bright light, all of our pupils instantly widened.

There were no coffins, only coffins.

Row after row, I don't know how many coffins there were ...

Some of these coffins were rotten, some had collapsed into a flattened shape, and some were largely intact.

The smell of that heathery fragrance, now very distinct, endured for a long time.

Dozens of coffins were stacked together, with nothing obvious accompanying them on the ground yet, which was completely out of keeping with the funeral system of any dynasty.

San frowned: "Brother, with so many concentrated coffins, could this be a Western Zhou martyrdom pit?"

He had a point in asking this question, for apart from the Shang Dynasty and the early Western Zhou Dynasty, there was no such system of martyrdom from then onwards, unless it was of a voluntary nature, otherwise it was against the regulations of the time to force the living to be buried with them.

Sun Laosan's face was gloomy as he stepped forward to a coffin that had not collapsed too badly, but was just a bit flat.

I gulped and held up my torch, my eyes unblinking as I watched Sun Laosan.

"Boss, give me the crowbar," said Sun Laosan, his face stony as he held out his hand.

"Next," the two worked in tandem as Big Brother tossed the small crowbar over.

With barely a pause, after getting the crowbar Sun Lao San was ready to pry open the coffin.

"Wait for Lao-san first."

"Have you counted, how many coffin nails are there?" Big Brother asked with a frown.

Sun Laosan moved his torch and looked, "Some of the ground is rotted out, I can't be sure, there could be six."

"Six coffin nails?"

"Old San, be careful, don't get too close, if it's six coffin nails it's okay, I'm afraid it's five."

A mole patted his chest and also muttered, "Luckily, it's not five."

I have since learned a little about this saying.

Ancient funeral customs have been evolving, but there are a few points that have not changed much in the past few thousand years. For example, when a coffin is laid in the ground, the coffin nails are sealed to separate the yin and yang.

When a coffin is covered, six nails and seven nails are normal, but if there are six or less, it is not good.

If there are five nails, they are called soul-sealing nails, and if there are four nails, they are called soul-suppressing nails, which, according to traditional culture, are inauspicious for both the dead and the living.

After all, he had been an earthworker for many years and had seen many coffins, so I don't think he was afraid of them at all.

The crowbar was shoved into the seam of the coffin, and the nail that sealed it had rotted away, so he opened it with a little effort.

"What's inside Lao San?" A mole asked in a whisper.

"Nothing much, there's inches of gold thread and a pile of white chocolate, come and have a look," he beckoned for us to go over and have a look.

We went over and took a look. There were no burial goods in the coffin, just a few scattered dead bones, apart from the two not-so-long gold threads, and the white chocolate he was talking about was these scattered dead bones.

The gold threads were just a little bit, so they certainly could not be the remnants of the golden wisp of jade clothes.

Boss Sun shook his head after looking at it, "Looks like this is in the north, it's good to have one or two teeth left."

"Excuse me, you lift your leg," said Boss Sun, picking up a dead leg bone, which he gave to throw to the head of the coffin.

"Huh? What's this?"

After he moved the bone away and used a small crowbar to pick it up, a large black orb-like mass was revealed.

On closer inspection, it appeared to be a round stone covered in mud, and the surface of this orb was still stained with some seeds that had not decayed away.

"This .... This seems to be a fragrant melon seed, right?" A mole frowned.

"It's really a fragrant melon seed, grass, bad luck, I know what this thing is," Sun Laosan threw away the round stone ball as he kept wiping his hands on his clothes.

"It's a rear orifice bead, in the old days in ancient times it was a torture thing, if the owner of this tomb is really a mustard seed waiter, then he's not a good guy either, fuck that shit."

Boss Sun then pointed to the dead man's bones in the coffin and told us his suspicions.

The slave burial system was actually abolished when the Western Zhou Dynasty was first established, however, the son of the Zhou Dynasty had a large number of vassal kings in remote areas at that time, and some of the vassal regions were still continuing the bad practice of slaughtering living people during the Shang Dynasty.

In those days, unlike now, women did not have a high social status, and women accounted for a very large proportion of the slaughtered people.

This is how he reverted to his guess, San.

It was a very hot day in the summer during the Western Zhou period, three thousand years ago, and the women weavers employed by the family were all off work for a while, sitting together chatting about family matters.

Suddenly, the owner of the house was kind enough to bring in a cart of melons for everyone to eat on this hot summer day, in order to trick the women workers into eating them to relieve the heat.

Unexpectedly, the melons had been drugged with sweat, and everyone fainted after eating them.

At this point, the master brought stone balls and shoved them directly into the back of the workers' mouths. Some of them may have woken up from the pain, but to no avail, they were nailed directly to the coffin lid and died of pain alive inside the coffin.

This kind of slaughter, which caused people to die of pain and misery, actually originated from a custom in the ancient Yue Kingdom.

Not only was the back of the body stuffed with beads, but the mouth had to be sewn with gold thread.

The few remaining gold threads were used to sew up the mouths of the female martyrs.

After all this, there were still a considerable number of women left alive, but because their mouths were sewn shut with gold thread, they were unable to cry out in the coffin and could not open their mouths.

A few days later, they died in the dark.

Tragic in the extreme.

Coming face to face with a dead man from 2,000 years ago, I was a little uncomfortable in my heart.

But the Sun brothers were different. I didn't know what was in their hearts, but I could get a glimpse of it from their expressions.

Sun Laosan looked at the white bones in the coffins and said with a sigh, "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, passing by your place with no intention to offend, I have disturbed you much, I hope you can all reincarnate soon." He arched his hand at the surrounding coffins.

"Be careful, don't touch these coffins, let's walk ahead and see, it's really strange too, how come we can't see that mustard coffin, is it possible that this main tomb coffin has gone up to heaven," said Sun Laosan as he continued to lead the way.

The Sun brothers are used to seeing dead people, they call those bones white chocolate, but I'm different, I'm still scared, after all, there are dead bones everywhere around the rotten coffin.

With my head down, I didn't dare to look around, and I didn't dare to breathe.

After just a few minutes of walking, we saw a small stone monument standing on the ground, with faint writing on it.

He squatted down and used his torch to illuminate it, reaching out with his right hand to wipe the thick layer of floating ash on it.

"What does it say Old Three?" A mole asked.

Sun Laosan shook his head, "It's still in six stacks of seal script, I can't read it at all, but my guess is that what is written in six stacks of seal script should be related to these female martyrs." He twisted his head to look at those coffins behind him, Sun.

Just then, a mole suddenly let out a scream, startling everyone.

Boss Sun was busy shining his torch over, "What a shock, what are you doing, Little Red!"

A mole ran to us in two steps, his face pale.

"There ..... Someone just touched my butt!"

"It was a human hand! Not a bone! I could feel it!" She blushed a few more times as she finished speaking.

Boss Sun shielded a mole behind him, he frowned and followed the direction a mole said and shone his torch over.

"Hand ..... Hand ..... Big brother hands!" I had sharp eyes and was the first to see it.

Where a mole had just stood, there was a coffin behind her, the coffin was open a crack, and there was a dead arm that hadn't finished rotting dangling limply over the side of the coffin.

The arm was highly decomposed, and there were still many flowery white maggots burrowing in and out.

Sun Laosan covered his nose and went over to look at it, and when he did, his face turned ugly.

The corpse in the coffin, judging from the outline and clothes, was a male corpse, and the style of clothes was obviously the current one.

Fixing his eyes on it, the small bronze plate had three words engraved on the front face.

"Support Pot Chen."

Sun Laosan looked over the bronze plate carefully, and he turned to look at Boss Sun.

Boss Sun nodded with a grim look on his face, "It's from the south ...."

From the intermittent conversation between the two of them, I learned a little bit of information.

Of the two northern and southern factions of the tomb raiding faction, the northern faction had jobs such as eye handles, rice sellers, earthworkers, logistics offices and loose earth. In contrast, the southern group of tomb raiders had a different cut. The person in charge of finding tombs there was called a branch pot, or Yuanliang before the Qing dynasty, and the nature of this work was the same as that of our northern faction.

Towards the northern school it was similar.

The Sun brothers also told me about a set of black cuttings that had been passed down from the southern school of tomb raiding in the old days.

"Today I ask Yuanliang (Branch Pot), one river to see the view of two rivers, chopping wood on the mountain and burning fire under the mountain, nothing to do, dare I ask you how many mound doors you have demolished and what is the harvest?"

Then someone replied.

"Two rivers of scenery belong to one river, originally a family, over the mountains and partridges, watching the earth to catch the dragon eleven ways, many times to ascend the temple of treasures, have not returned empty-handed."

After listening to this passage from my elder brother, together with my analysis, I believe that this was a case of two peers in the tomb-robbing business at the time probing each other's reality and testing to see how strong the other was.

After determining the identity of the corpse through the small copper plate, Boss Sun rubbed his chin and guessed, "Lao-san, in my opinion, could this be a blackmailer? Although we don't know this branch pot who might be surnamed Chen, but the word branch pot alone can't be low in status in their gang itself ..."

"Well ... Can't say for sure ..... The group to the south came down before us, we just don't know where they came down from, and now they've lost so many people. Brother, we've got to be careful."

"That's natural," agreed Boss Sun, nodding his head.

The palace was rectangular in shape and there was a lot of space ahead, so we walked on through the burial area.

After walking for less than two minutes, another stone door blocked our way. Unlike the previous stone door, the one in front of us was one size smaller, and on either side of it stood two oddly shaped lapis lazuli sculptures.

I think about how to describe these two stone sculptures ....

"What a fierce tomb-holding beast ..." Sanko held up his torch and shone it around.

The tomb-bearers are strange, mostly imagined out of thin air by the tomb owners during their lifetime, and like the flying sky, are part of the funeral culture heritage, this kind of strange imaginary elephant and evil and ugly, in the past the old antique industry is the most unpopular two things, tomb-bearers and ceramic soul nymphs.

Not to mention the national level bronze heavyweights, these two lapis lazuli tomb-bearers alone were stolen and put into museums, and I guess museums wouldn't dare to put them in their exhibition halls because they might scare children.

"Brother San, look at the eyes of these two stone sculptures!" At this moment, I suddenly noticed a detail, the two green stone tomb beasts eyes are a little big and small, although the difference is not much, but the naked eye can distinguish, the size is not symmetrical.

Sun Laosan's face was stony.

"A cock-eyed tomb-holding beast, great evil, this thing is very unlucky, don't even stare at it, hurry up and leave."

"Go? Where are we going to go, Lao-san? Isn't there a broken door in the way here?" A mole said with a frown.

"It's only a second door in such a big underground palace, no surprise, I'm sure I can open this one, it'll only take a day at most," Sun Lao San said without so much as a fuss.

"Just one day?" A mole said loudly, "Lao-san! Are you in

"Alas, Little Red, you can't say that, we're not Sun Monkey and we don't know how to walk through walls, Lao San is right, rumour has it that the previous generations were able to demolish the 11th Qiu Gate, we're nothing."

A mole gave the Sun brothers a blank stare and she stopped talking.

Looking through the small crack.

The stone door in the way also had a sealing stone, but it was nowhere near the size or weight of the one before it. As the Sun brothers understood it, the door outside was the front door and the one in front of them was the bedroom door.

It was only when they pushed open the bedroom door that they would be able to see the real owner.