
Who's whom? The story of Edward smart

A game of lies and deciet that sends a detective to his worst nightmare. This is the story of Edward Smart. A genius young detective who is moved to a new city. he immediately comes face to face with a great evil master mind who beats Edward at his own game. You are about to read a story where the bad guy wins.

Edgar_Mwila · Action
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16 Chs

A break in the case.

It was very early in the morning. Everyone was just arriving to work but Edward had been there very early. He was still deep in thought, trying to put all the pieces together.

He took a look at the clock and picked up the phone to call Frank. "Frank." He uttered. "Good morning, how are you?" "Am fine sir, how are you?" "Am fine thank you. Am so sorry to disturb you this early in the morning but I need you to get to the office immediately and prepare a search warrant for me so as to permit me to search any suspicious bags ath the train station. When you are done with it, you will meet me at the there." "But sir why, what are you planning to do..?" "Am not so sure myself Frank. For all i know am merely looking for answers. Just do it, see you there." "alright sir."

Edward then cuts the call.

Edward left the police station through the back door as a precautionary measure. He knew Galvin would have half an eye on him and didn't want to be followed. He got to the station a good while before Frank. This gave him chance to speak to the station security officers and tell them what he wanted them to do. By the time Frank arrived Edward had organized everything and taken a seat near the disembarkment.

Frank moved toward him still unsure off what was happening. He sat next to Edward who was motionless with his eyes fixed straight on a corner that faced directly across from the disembarkment. It is the place that the two hobos that were killed the previous day. You could tell from the jars filled with small coins that they spent the greater part of their time asking for money from passerby's. "What are we doing here sir?" "Did you prepare the warrant I asked for?" "yes I have it here." "Good. Hold on to it, if we're lucky it may be of some use." "Used for what exactly?" "Can I ask you a question Frank, of what value is a homeless man that he need be killed? What is it that he has that they don't want him to have? Its not money, its definitely not power, but probably it greater than the both combined." "what? What are you saying sir?" "Am talking about information Frank, insight into the things that they don't want to be revealed?" "You think those two knew something they shouldn't have?" "I don't think, I know?" Edward remarked. He took another look

around the premises and caught something out the corner of his eye.

Edward noticed a man he had see. before. It was the same man who had been following him. Edward now havmd a furious look on his face and looked at Frank with some disdain but quickly got his emotions into check and normalized the look on his face.

The two now sat motionlessly awaiting the train. As the train was about to arrive the two men switched their attention to the disembarkment. As soon as the train doors opened a myriad of people disembarked. "What are we looking for exactly?" "If I knew I would tell you." Edward says to Frank keeping his eyes on the disembarking passengers until one of them in particular catches his attention. He had with him a bag exactly like the one he had seen in Mr Galvin's office. Edward made a signal to the security chief of the station. They took hold of the man and put him in a special room waiting for the detective to take over.

Detective Edward stepped in only a second later. "Have you checked the bag?" He asked the security chief. "No sir. We were waiting for you." " excellent!" He took a seat directly opposite to the suspect and stared straight into his eyes. The suspect was befuddled by Edward strange silence. Everyone in the room wondered why Edward wasn't questioning him. After a near two minute silence the suspect got nervous, he began to sweat from the heat in the room. Edward would eventually break the silence with a loud sigh."Ahhhhhhhhhhh," Edward uttered with some great relief. "So what's in the case?" The suspect already nervous was even more nerve racked by the question. "Uuuhhhh" The suspect was so nervous he could not speak. "Never mind the money! Who's behind all of this? Tell me!" Edward interrupted. "Uhhhhhhh. Ha..How do you know about the money?" Edward ignores his interlocutor's question and says "If you tell me now it will save you a lot of years in jail my friend." "uhhhhh. You have no idea who you are up against, his going to come for me, for all of us." "We can protect you very well, believe me, but we need a name." "Its a rich man in Switzerland. He hired me to deliver this here his name is .....Mr Chris Galvin." He finally said after much hesitation. "Frank, you heard him, get on the move he needs to be arrested as soon as possible." " Yes sir I will go get a warrant and lead a team of offices to apprehended him right now" "Great, you better get going." "And you sir? " "I have to make a call."

Edward said rather sarcastically.

Frank left for the police station with the suspect. As soon as he arrived he got to work on an arrest warrant. He then led a team to Mr Galvin's restaurant.