
White v/s Black Naruto

Chūnin exam, ninja world came to comparison live room. The figure for comparison is none other than Konoha Village's Nine Tails Jinchūriki Uzumaki Naruto. One white and one black! ==================================== Disclaimer:- This fanfiction is not mine. I am merely translating. Update - 2 chapters a day.

SidNaz · Anime et bandes dessinées
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75 Chs

52. It's Impossible To Swallow My Anger, I Can Form An Organization By Myself

Is it possible that this guy is really going to touch Gato?

Everyone in the ninja world looked suspiciously at the screen.

In the ninja world, the status of the ninja is not transcendent.

The so-called detachment is just for those common people.

But when faced with powerful people from all sides, ninjas are at best a tool for them to satisfy their private desires.

Especially the ninjas in the regular ninja village, who are bound by various rules, dare not use violence against these dignitaries at all.

Even if you are angry, hold back.


["Our mission is to protect Mr. Tazuna and complete the construction of the bridge, the rest..."]

[Kakashi is very anxious.]

[If it is the killer sent by Gato, then there is no problem at all.]

[But if you move more cards directly, the problem will be big.]

[At that time, the other party will definitely use their financial resources and power to put pressure on Konoha Village.]

["Naruto, you are still young, you don't understand many things."]

[Hatake Kakashi just wanted to speak out to dissuade, but Uzumaki Naruto responded indifferently: "Everyone knows that if the cancer of Gato is not completely eliminated, the country of Waves will have no future at all."]

["After we leave, Gato will also kill Uncle Tazuna's family and continue to persecute the people of this country."]

["What's more, our task of protecting Uncle Tazuna has not been completed yet."]


[Tazuna was completely moved.]

[Who would have thought that Uzumaki Naruto, who seems to be young, is so affectionate and righteous.]

[Haruno Sakura and Sasuke were also infected by Naruto's rhetoric.]

[All looked at Hatake Kakashi.]

["Boy, have you changed your gender?"]

[Nine Tails asked curiously.]

["What changed? I just want to use Gato's subordinates to experiment with my recent practice results."]

["After this mission, I found that if I want to become stronger, I must have a real battle."]

["Besides, I really hate these boring rules among ninjas."]

["Let's break the chains..."]

Audience: "..."

Just when they were about to be moved to tears, Uzumaki Naruto's slap woke everyone up.

As expected of Uzumaki Naruto in the black frame, his execution style is vigorous and resolute.

Regardless of whether you are a dignitary in the ninja world or not, seeing how fearless he is, I am afraid that if the daimyo comes today, he will have his head twisted.

So handsome!

Stands at the Chūnin exam venue.

Uzumaki Naruto looked at his own back in the black frame obsessively.

It turned out that the really serious self was so attractive.

Not to mention Haruno Sakura, when even Uchiha Sasuke seemed small under his own charm, even Sasuke was deeply influenced by himself.

Not just Uzumaki Naruto.

Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino blushed unconsciously.

Although Naruto's purpose is not to really help Tazuna, but the result of his next actions is to prepare to do something to Gato.

Regardless of whether you are the richest person in the world, no matter how much influence you have on Ninja Villages.

Since you want to affect the progress of my mission, you are a corpse.

This kind of attitude directly hits all the girl's heart.

[Uzumaki Naruto just walked out the door, and saw the densely packed black shadows on the opposite bridge.]

[The leader is a short, middle-aged Mediterranean man wearing sunglasses and leaning on a walking stick.]

["Kill them..."]

["Kill all the ninjas in Konoha Village today."]

["I don't know how ashamed I was when I found out that Zabuza has escaped, what kind of Kirigakure ninja, Demon Ghost, I think they are cowards."]


[The samurai on the opposite side is wearing strange clothes.]

[Samurai, at best, a group of thugs hired from a black market.]


[Kakashi frowned and walked out: "You..."]

["Teacher Kakashi, don't persuade me."]

["The other side is yelling and clamoring to kill us, let me swallow my anger, this is impossible..."]

["Yes, Naruto, we are also here to help you." Haruno Sakura and Sasuke stood beside Uzumaki Naruto on the left and right: "We are a team."]

[At this time, the three of you are showing team cohesion in front of me?]

[Hatake Kakashi was stunned.]

[Quickly said: "The group of black market thugs deal with it casually, but Gato..."]


["When you finish the wave mission, you have to teach me the ninjutsu you used when you rescued Kakashi."]

["I remember it's called Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique."]

[Uchiha Sasuke has a serious expression: "I will help you defeat a few more enemies later."]

[Obviously, Class 7 didn't pay attention to Hatake Kakashi who was sweating buckets.]

[Uzumaki Naruto became impatient when he heard that Sasuke was going to compete with him for the head.]

[This group of thugs is not enough for me to fight, Uchiha Sasuke also kindly ran to help me win favors?]

[He's afraid he wants to fart.]

[As long as you are a little brother with peace of mind, ninjutsu can be taught to you, but the experience during the practice period cannot be given to you.]

["Sasuke ah..."]

[Uzumaki Naruto patted Sasuke on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "I will teach you Shuriken Shadow Clone when I return to Konoha Village, but now you and Sakura wait a little bit, if I can't do it, you can do it later."]

[Sasuke heard the words, naturally he didn't know Naruto's plan, but when he heard that there was ninjutsu to learn, he agreed without thinking.]

["Shadow Clone Technique!"]

[Bang bang bang!]

[The next moment, Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura were stunned on the spot.]

[Tazuna also stared wide-eyed, unable to believe the scene in front of him.]

[Kakashi even has a dead fish eye hanging, and his face become weird.]

[In the face of hundreds of Uzumaki Naruto standing neatly, an inexplicable pressure made everyone silent.]

["Is it more than people?"]

["I can form an organization by myself."]

["Everyone follow me, the guys on the opposite side will not stay."]