
White Sea School (WSS)

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GenXPrays · Fantaisie
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Story Notes 1. Scenarios. Main characters. The plot.

Main scenarios for each volume and 1 extended scenario:

• A Sea Kingdom near an Island (Volume 3)

• A City on a Swamp (Volume 2)

• A forest on the Canadian border (Volume 1)

• A neighborhood… in pandemic time (volume 4)

• Anecdotes described in Poems (volume 5)

Main characters: age, roles and relationships with each other

• Prays XHuman, 500 years old, Father. (Canada)

• WhiteSeaSchool, 1,000 years old, Grandpa. (Peru)

• Vallemar, 13 years old, Son. (Protagonist) (Peru. Ancash Region)

• Virtual Family, (9 to 30 years old ...), Family. Narrators.

• Bierny, (30 years old), Pastor and Former Inmate.

The plot:

It is a story based on three generations of defenders of ecology, the environment or its closest habitat.

A Sea Kingdom near an Island (Volume 3) WhiteSeaSchool, 1,000 years old, Grandpa.

Environmental problems arise for generations and with shorter and shorter periods (1,000 years, 500 years and 100 years ...), Marine tributaries from three polluting sources (fishing waste, residential waste, industrial company waste) that affect a Bay and therefore to a city whose beaches suffer erosion, which is why they have lost their beaches and coastal vegetation… Thus, the creator mobilizes the grandfather who lives in the deep sea around the White Island in front of Chimbote

Bay. Volume three tells this story.

A City on a Swamp (Volume 2) Vallemar, 13 years old, Son.

The son, Vallemar, whose genetics preserves the call to preserve the environment, his living environment between a swamp and a river and habitat: the city of Nuevo Chimbote and Chimbote. He meets Nalexa, an environmental engineering student and another character who is a journalist, an ex-inmate, named: Bierny (extended volume: 5), acquires a notable role. Vallemar becomes a first generation Prays (his grandfather) and a second generation at the same time (his father). To deal with contextual problems at his time, such as contamination by oil exploitation near the coast of the Ancash Region, in that region is included the Bay of Chimbote.

A forest on the Canadian border (Volume 1) Prays XHuman, 500 years old, Father.

There is a magical kingdom that is the center of the volumes of this story, in this there is a struggle for survival between four kingdoms, three of them non-human and a fourth human kingdom; this being the one who takes center stage throughout the volumes of this story. There is precisely a metamorphosis among the protagonists of each volume whose origin lies in having eaten animals whose food is based on the crops of a forest cultivated by the Prays, predecessors of the protagonists. The experiential stages describe the flora and fauna of each environment: Linx Rufus and White-tailed Deer… etc

A neighborhood… in pandemic time (volume 4) Ideas

The story itself begins with a girl (v.4) who creates a character (Vallemar) after an extra-family incident. Danay, less than 9 years old, has his 11-year-old sister Vicky support in managing dynamic games (didactic, playful ...) that his father Charly, an ICT expert (30 years old) creates together with his wife Carini, a teacher (30 years) to pass the social confinement in the middle of the Pandemic by covid-19 and covid-20; They are joined by Uriely (11 years old) who likes to paint and draw and illustrate experiences ... that occurred between 2019 and 2021 (and 500 and 1000 years before)

• A Sea Kingdom near an Island (Volume 3)

• A City on a Swamp (Volume 2)

• A forest on the Canadian border (Volume 1)

• A neighborhood… in pandemic time (volume 4)

Volume 5, based on poems, recounts the anecdotes of a former inmate Bierny, who, formerly a pastor, now redirects the pandemic climax of the central protagonist family of the other stories.

Story Notes 1. Scenarios. Main characters. The plot.

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