
White Saint

His only wish is to become a doctor to help the people in need. However, God has a different plan. He needs him to go to the other world. Lucky for him, he can become what he wants, a doctor to help the people in need.

LuxVonDeux · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
13 Chs

First Step (1.3)

I shake my head and look at my surroundings. It looks like I'm in the forest. However, I can see a pathway not too far away from me. I decide to walk toward the road and begin to follow it. The first thing I need to do is to find civilization.

As I follow the road, I see a movement coming from my right, and a few seconds later, I see six green creatures coming out from the forest. From the look of it, I have a feeling that those creatures are goblins.

Seeing the incoming enemy, I activated my skill while thinking about something that protects me and something that can defeat the enemy. A second later, my body shone for a few seconds before suddenly the light disappeared.

After the light disappears, I'm on top of a massive warhorse. I also wore silver full plate armor and a white cape that tied to my shoulder. In my hand is a silver sword.

My skill then begins to fill my head without knowledge about which Legendary figure I become. I become the Dragon Slayer Knight. A knight was raised by a witch who later slew after knowing her sinister goal.

Saint George, the Dragon Slayer.

In my hand is Ascalon. The sword that slain the evil dragon. The sword gives me invulnerability, and by reserving that effect, I will have the ability to pierce and cut anything.

"Hark and take heed. I bring with me the path of Salvation, for Thou shalt fear neither enemy nor serpent. Come now! The Blade By Which Evil Force is Slain! Ascalon!"

After invoking the sword's name, I swing down the sword and release a holy beam at the poor goblin. In an instant, all of them are dead, leaving only ashes.

"Oops. I guess I'm getting overboard."

I scratch my neck and decide to continue my journey. I decided to let my skill be activated until I see a civilization.

~15 minutes later~

After fifteen minutes of riding, I can see a massive wall in the distance. When I see the wall, I get off of Bayard, the Phantom War Horse, and scratch its neck.

"Let's meet again some other time, my friend."

I smile a little when Bayard rubs its head against my cheek. After saying goodbye, I deactivated my skill, and suddenly the armor that I wear is gone. However, while the other is gone, Ascalon still stays by my side.

"Look like you are the passive ability that stays, huh? Then I will be in your care, my friend."

I put Ascalon inside my inventory. Oh, speaking of Inventory, I learned that my inventory did not have infinite space. I can only carry One Ton's worth of an item. So yeah, while it is not infinite Inventory, my inventory still has a massive maximum capacity.

Other than money, God also gave me three pairs of clothes for me to wear. A plain shirt and pants but it were enough for me.

Anyway, I walk toward the city where I will search for information. Which kingdom do I arrive in? Which continent do you arrive in? And if there is a way for me to earn some money and maybe a way for me to own land and home.

After walking for another fifteen minutes, I arrive in front of a massive gate. In front of the gate are ten guards who are holding a weapon in their hand. On top of the wall is another group of guards holding a bow in their hand.

"Stop! Please show me your Identification first. If you come here to make the identification, please go to the left."

"I already have it."

"Then please show it to me."

"Here you go."

I decide to hide my inventory by pretending to take out my id from my pocket. The guard checked my id for a few seconds before saying.

"You are ready to go. Don't cause any trouble."

"Thank you."

After saying my thanks, I walk inside the city and see many people walking around the street and many vendors selling their goods. For now, I need to search for a place to stay and then search for a way to earn some money.

I walk to one of the old men near me and say.

"Excuse me, sir."

"Oh? What can I do for you, sonny?"

"Can I ask you where the nearby Inn is?"

"It's no problem, son. The nearby Inn is not too far away from here. Black Boar Inn is one of three Inn in Valur city at the end of the road in front of you. Just follow the road, and when you meet a dead end, you take a right. The inn will be on the right side of the road, three buildings after you turn right."

"I see. Thank you for your help."

"Think nothing of it."

I then follow the road the old man tell me and see the Inn he told me about. In front of the building is a carving of a black boar with the word 'Inn' under it. As I walk inside the building, I see many people eating or having a pleasant conversation with each other.

I walk toward the counter, where I see a woman standing there cleaning the counter. When I arrive in front of the woman, she looks at me with a smile before saying.

"Welcome to the Black Boar Inn. What can I do for you?"

"I want to rent a room."

"Of course! One night will cost you fifty bronze coins. It already includes Breakfast and Dinner. If you only want to rent the room, it will cost you thirty-five bronze coins."

"I will take the room plus the meal, please."

"Great! For how long?"

I take out two silver coins from my 'pocket' and place them on the counter.

"I will stay for four days."

"Okay. Here is your key. Your room is on the third floor. The fourth room in your right."

"Thank you. Also, can I have the meal now?"

"Sadly, you can't. However, you switch your Dinner meal so you can eat now."

"Then I will have today's special, please. No, I'm not switching the meal."

"Great! As for your drink?"

"Hmmm. What do you have?"

"Well, we have water, orange juice, and beer."

"I will take orange juice."

"Please wait a minute. I will bring your food."

While waiting for my food to arrive, I decided to check my stats.


|Name: Michael {Hidden: Michael Davers}|

|Age: 22|

|Title: World Walker|

|Level: 1|

|STR: E (7/100)|

|VIT: E (2/100)|

|AGI: E (5/100)|

|INT: E (1/100)|

|WIS: E (1/100)|

|SP: 6|

What is SP?


|SP or Status Point is the reward the user gets from killing the monster. The stronger the monster is, the bigger the SP the user gets. The user can use the SP to increase the user stats without needing to train their body.|

I see. I got six SP from killing six goblins. Meaning that the goblin is worth one SP each. As for the other stats…. I don't really know how I get those. Maybe from holding Ascalon and wearing Saint George armor? Or is it from when I walk to the city? I don't really have any clue.

Eh, I'm not really complaining.

"Thank you for waiting!"

I snap from my thoughts when the innkeeper comes back to me with a tray of food.

"A beef stew, a piece of bread, a cheese, and two sausages. Please enjoy."

"Thank you."

I couldn't help but wipe a little bit of my saliva. The food looks delicious. As I take a bite of the beef stew, I know that I will not regret coming here.